I will post all the videos of the matches I recorded yesterday in the WWL. Sorry SilverRain for not getting my results to you yesterday. It was a brutal day for my Sim. Last week it was all Honda while yesterday it was Vega, Blanka, Cammy and Thelo’s Honda was the icing on the cake. So much fun. :crybaby:
Well, only Sweet Poison, pncntigger, and myself actually showed up for the tourney. Nice.
We ended up dropping the tourney (because what, 3-man tourney?) and just playing some casuals instead.
Hey no problem. I got a couple messages this morning telling me about it… Oh well, I can take a punch or two to the face I suppose.
I showed, but I dropped because I couldn’t connect to most of the players.
No problem. Thanks for the update.
WWL pool 04/26/10
Is there pool play tonight? I would like to set myself on fire and lunge at people with my hard, muscular body. If not, is anyone going to be playing tonight where I can do the above?
- Pete
No, no pool play tonight. Our next event is going to be a tournament on Friday May 7. We’ll have signups ready shortly.
Sorry for the late update, but sign ups to tomorrow’s (Friday, May 7) tournament are posted on the site.
On such short notice, if the signups aren’t there by tomorrow morning we might move it back one week for ease of use.
can’t wait to participate…
Well, we ARE going to push this tournament back one week, signups were a little sparse due to the short notice I think. Everyone who signed up though should feel free to be on at the regular time to get in some great casuals tonight, keep your game fresh.
I know many of us have fed our more traitorous instincts over the last couple days, its okay to play with the new shiny toy, but let’s all remember where our bread is buttered.
lol I actually am enjoying SSFIV. I think they got alot right which is what kept me from playing SFIV. Could there been more improvements? Sure but HDR isnt perfect either. No game is really. Anyhow I am playing both. I have been getting my rear handed to me in HDR to the point I was ready to stop playing the game. It is taking me a while to get back into it and then I see the WWL is postponed. Thanks Silver. You probably just saved me from getting destroyed but really thanks.
You’re not the only one. I’m learning to use a stick and then trying to go back to HDR… training mode has not been kind to me… But that’s alright. It’ll all come with practice.
I will say the common denominator for both HDR and SSFIV is I am getting my rear kicked in both.:woot:
I’d really like to get in on this, but my ability to be able make it every week would be spotty, at best
I’m down for casuals tonight, I was going to sign up for the tourney as well.
Crap, how long has it been? Ah well, if anyone doesnt mind next week, I’d like to spectate.
Don’t forget, tournament on Friday the 14th, signups must be in by Thursday midnight! See you all there! (GO to the website and signup TODAY!)
Hi all!
I’m relatively new to Super Turbo in any form (I played a good bit of console Hyper Fighting in my youth, but my friends got tired of the updates), and I am hoping to find a group of regular players rather than fishing for random player matches. To that end, how often is fresh meat allowed into the league?
Note: that isn’t hyperbole – I have quite a few fighting game bad habits.
You can signup on the website anytime. You can go to www.worldwarriorsleague.com Great way to find some names to look for and find good competition that will not treat you like a total idiot, especially if you’re willing to take criticism. Welcome aboard.