I will try to hop in some time in the future.
Hey everyone, I just want to say thank you to everyone who’s participated so far. Please remember, we have pool play coming up this Monday April 19, if you can make it, please try to do so. It’ll be a great time!
Hey every1. sign me up
I am SO ready to take out Jin.
Hey everyone.
Website update! I just completed my most recent interview with our current points leader, GJ. So please give that a read! Lots of good stuff in there. Before you go to take down his Rog, give him a big thank you for basically being the hands of the WWL’s webpage.
Also, on top of the page, you’ll notice a link to the donation for Chris Hu and his family. Yeah, he’s a SF4 guy, but he’s a GOOD guy, and as fighting gamers I think we can all do a little something to rally around someone who really brings the hype. So please consider giving to someone who has provided alot of extra joy to alot of fighting game players.
I second that. Balrog is going down.
Pfft. If I had a connection where Im at, I’d be the reigning champ, bitches.
Quick reminder that pool play starts in 20 minutes!
I wish I had a pool.
bah always workin weekdays…u guys really should do some stuff on weekends! ahaha…
Had a great time, despite me losing every match. Looking forward to the next event!
Anyone feel free to send an invite my way (MasterTenor is the GT) if I’m wasting time on Mega Man 10 etc.
To whom do we send our spreadsheets to? I couldn’t find an email address on the WWL website.
Yes, please remember to send those sheets when you’re done! It makes in infintely easier to keep track of who wins and loses this way. Seriously, when everyone turns it in, it saves me at least an hour of having to go through individual stuff and piece it together. With that said, we had some people who didn’t turn in their stuff, so their records were treated as 0-0-0. Now we had some drops so some of you guys are still going into tonight’s tourney. GJ and Immortal have told me they won’t be able to make it tonight so here’s the list of competitors
TheloTheGreat = 10-0-1 (I’m counting the non-connection you had as a 1 round loss, it didn’t matter, you still won) - 31 pool points (+7 Points for Pool, +3 for 30 Pool Points = +10 league points) 1 seed
GoldenArch88 = 9-1-1 - 28 pool points (+5 points for 2nd place, +2 for 28 pts = +7 league points) 2 seed
GeneiJin87 = 8-3-0 - 24 Pool Points (+3 points for 3rd place, +2 for 24 pts = +5 league points) [Not participating Tuesday]
ImmortalBMW = 7-2-2 - 23 Pool Points (+1 Point for 4th place, broken on tie, +2 for 23 pts = +3 league points) [Not participating Tuesday]
pncntigger = 7-2-2 - 23 Pool Points (Lost heads up to Immortal, +2 for 23 pts = +2 league points) 3 seed
MasterTenor = 2-8-1 - 7 Pool Points (Turned in info, +1 league point) 4 seed
Foolish Hermit = Played but did not return match information / Matches Voided 8 seed
Sweet Poison = Played but did not return match information / Matches Voided 6 seed
CWheezy22 = Played but did not return match information / Matches Voided 7 seed
BlueTallCans = Played in place of drop, but did not return match information / Matches Voided 5 seed
Cronotose = No show / No Reason (LEAGUE WARNING)
Kacom = No show / No Reason (LEAGUE WARNING)
Lilsmokemonster = No show / No Reason (LEAGUE WARNING)
This is really weird that the NA WWL is full of Hondas, whereas my Euro XBL matches have been full of DeeJays! - and no Hondas so far at all that I am aware of.
Huh, I thought PlanetRV played on the Euro side, he’s definitely a Honda player.
He does and he is… but he isn’t playing right now, as he doesn’t have a joystick atm (at least, not a fully functioning one). But you’re right there are a fair few Euro Honda players, and a bunch of good ones too! (Corbulo and CalmDownMonkey both on my XBL FL and I met both at a UK tournament - Super Vs Battle. CalmDown was in my pool in fact, and finished 3rd at SVB 2009 with Honda (oh yeh, but I beat him - http://agoners.wordpress.com/2009/09/17/technical-ko/ ) … however none of these guys are active and participating in my events right now. I wish they were!
Why is Jin avoiding me? First he didn’t use Boxer last night, now this?
I can’t handle you being better than me so now I have to go into isolation to hone my skills and execution… :badboy:
Last night was fun though, and while a lot of people were left wondering why I didn’t use Balrog, let me just clear the air before I leave. I’m going on vacation with my girlfriend to celebrate her graduating of university (god damn it I still have a year left) so I won’t be around the Xbox for a while. I was really just trying to play for fun last night with my other characters I frequent, wasn’t really expecting any top placements but somehow it happened anyway? I don’t know, probably just luck I guess haha.
Anyways, since I won’t be in town, Thelo will be updating and maintaining the site so don’t blame me if things go out of place… just kidding. I’m pretty confident that Thelo can handle it, he is a game programmer after all. Please direct WWL questions to Silver Rain 007 or Thelo while I’m away.
Oh and for those on my friends list that see me come on during this week, it’s not me. So please don’t take it the wrong way if I don’t accept your invite to game or party, thanks.
Good luck to everyone tonight.
Just updated the WWL website with yesterday’s results, here are the eight guys who get to enter the tourney tonight:
- TheloTheGreat
- GoldenArch88
- pncntigger
- MasterTenor
- BlueTallCans
- Sweet Poison
- CWheezy22
- Foolish Hermit
As always, please report to the chat room 30 minutes prior to the tourney’s start time (9 PM EDT/6 PM PDT). Brackets will be updated live at the Tonamento page. Good luck to everyone tonight!