WWL Season 2... Back and better than ever Baby!

Let’s go, people. Get hype for 2v2 on Friday! I’m personally excited for this as I should be getting my stick back by then (it broke). Can’t wait to dominate this one and get back into top three.

We only had two people register for tonight’s tournament so it is cancelled.

No worries, looking forward to the next one.

Prolly in part of the Devastation tourney this weekend. When you decide to do a next one, I want in. I’ll try to get some other HDR players that don’t actively read SRK much to get onboard to. We need all the HDR support we can get. I know top notch guys like DGV, EA, Robo…etc are trying to keep the live events alive but we need to keep the online scene alive too.

Alright so again, for tonight’s pool play there were 2 entries and for tomorrow’s tournament there’s been one entry so far.

Next event is this Friday.

I’m working different hours again so I won’t be home evenings during the week so i won’t be able to make most of these :(.

We probably need to ask for people’s emails when they register, so we can send out reminder emails when there’s an event. People just forget to check in for events that often.

That’s a good idea… I have the e-mails collected I could probably put something like that together in the form of a mailing list or something…

Every event is always at 9 PM EST / 6 PM PST right? The WWL regulars probably know this, but when new people sign up for an event on the calendar, they’re not sure what time the event is. They know the date, but not the time. Don’t get me wrong, Silver, Genei, Thelo and others have been doing a good job, but I thought I’d give some suggestions since I’m sorta “new” to the WWL.

Might be a good idea to put the time on the calendar page, or maybe on the “enter username/sign-up” page, but definitely not after users sign up. Even if it’s always the same time, it’s still helpful to know. Cuz some people may just want to know what time the event starts in order to figure out if they’re free at that time.

Another suggestion would be to post a reminder in this thread the day of the event and/or 5 hours before the event starts. I can do that though, and I will if no one else has posted a reminder. Also, people would sign up more if they know their matches are gonna be recorded. I’m trying to get some recording equipment myself too, but it’s not easy if you don’t know what you’re doing.

As always, great job guys. Get hype yo!

5 Sign Ups for today… so no tournament. Next tournament event is July 6… this will give me time to make some changes and hopefully improve this process once more.

Hey Rain, have you ever thought of doing an actual League type thing with the World Warrior, uh, League? Like every week you could match up two of the members, that would be their “schedule” for the week. Those two then would have 7 days to get their match in (2/3, FT5, FT10, whatever). Then next week the schedule changes and you match everyone up to someone else. That might be easier than trying to get everyone together on the same day, which seems to be a problem. Just an idea.

I’ve played in a few online “leagues” like this where you have a week to play your matches. Somehow it never actually works out and you always spend a bunch of time chasing after people, then giving up. Organization is also way harder because nobody is on at the same time. I think having a fixed time where everyone is on is the better solution.

To be honest, I think just reducing the frequency of events, making them more explicitly “standalone” i.e. you don’t need to have played in pool X on Monday to play the tourney on Tuesday, it’s just its own one-time thing, and having email reminders could go a long way.

Yeah… I’m going through all of this questions and I’m going to revamp things. There will be a more detailed announcement on this later this week.

E-Mail reminder would definitely help me IMO. I have a Blackberry so I’d get it instantly.

We should get a tourney going. Is there any interest for this? I’m thinking of running it, but I’d rather it be an official WWL thing. If not, I got no probs running it. I’ll have to use bracket maker tho. Anybody know if Tonamento would work for a quick online tourney? I got myself an account and been trying to figure it out, but I’m not sure how to use it. If I do run it, it would be either on a Friday night or Sunday afternoon. Lemme know if anybody’s interested, or better yet, get Silver Rain, GeneiJin or Thelo to feel guilty enough to do it. LOL joking

We should do it, matches are way better when there is pressure. That is why playing in player matches get boring sometimes

Sorry for lack of updates and additions to the site and the league in general. After the couple of weeks with little to no shows, I kinda lost motivation to do anything and I’m guessing Silver Rain did too (or he probably got too busy with setting up his curriculum for the upcoming school year). Although if anybody wants to run a tournament or start some kind of event and requires some help, I’ll be around.

Yeah, I did get a little down there and then by the time EVO came and gone I was busy writing lesson plans for this year’s courses. Having to read through 7 sets of textbooks isn’t exactly an enjoyable experience. I think this league needs a radical shape up. I’m not sure what that is yet, I’ve racked my brain on this for some time… But the league isn’t gone. If anything, recent events have shown me there’s still a thirst for it so… hopefully we’ll get it figured out.

Well, whatever you end up deciding to do about the league, just make sure to add me to the list of players. I will bring my advanced knowledge of the SF game engine into play and all the players will be amazed, dazzled and confused.

10K Volts Tip of the Day

In the first 10 seconds of the match, do nothing. Just block anything thrown your way and hold your ground. This will confuse your opponent. Then, walk towards them maybe 2 or 3 steps, pause and wait for them to stick out a move, walk up and bite.

You’re welcome.
