WWF No Mercy for the N64

The APA match wasn’t so bad. Just make sure they didn’t get you to the back and keep throwing them out of the ring. Is was a total grind though

Stun is tricky in this game. Different strikes allow you to recover from stun at different points despite their animations. On top of that, the more damage your character takes, the smaller your reversal window becomes. When it shrinks to a certain point the computer allows you to randomly reverse out of stun, and in some cases it resets.

Using X-Pac and spamming taunts until you have special is a pretty straight forward method. Although to give fair warning if you haven’t done any damage with any strong or weak grabs you won’t be able to pin your opponent, even if you get his special off 3 times in a row. You may want to just hit your opponent with the special twice(3 times if you’re fast enough) then taunt to special again, and repeat. That will work on a novice. Problem is a novice will just copy you and do the same thing. With 2 X-Pacs taunting each other, it comes down to who has the most technical skill.

Against a seasoned vet it won’t work. The key to being good at No Mercy is knowing how to use the ropes and the turnbuckle to your advantage. If you play Def Jam Vendetta you can get a pretty straight forward idea on how to do rope combos, although a copy of No Mercy should be easy enough to come by. Throwing your opponent into the ropes and doing combos is a lot more effective than slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Although if you’re confident in your reflexes that may work.

6 Seconds of Magic, aka Rumina Sato’s Flying Armbar. Watch closely, it happens so fast you might miss the tap out.


Despite what it says on GameFAQs it’s actually not the strongest arm submission. Almost all of the arm specials are hella strong.

Actually I prefer to get them to the back. Throwing them into the wall does a lot of damage, and keeps them down for longer than throwing them out of the ring does early on in the match. First time they offered protection I agreed. Didn’t know it would cost me the money I was saving for the Cobra Clutch…

They always seemed to get double teams on me in the back. Not enough room to move I guess (until the parking lot). So throwing one out killed a good amount of special, and let me work the other one. Then switch

I think No Mercy’s game engine has more depth to it, and the CAW mode is a lot better. I definitely prefer No Mercy over W2K


I must of had my shit down pat then since I used Stone Cold to get everyone thru Survival. Threw out all dem pieces of trash out of the ring. WHAT?


I remember WWF attitude for the PS1, the gameplay engine itself was terrible but me and my brother had so much fun playing the coop tournament mode with our custom characters, we’d do our team attacks off the top rope when the opponent was on the floor, I think those moves had a x3 multiplier in damage (x4 if you had the crowd on your side) it’d do 50% lol

Do not speak that name in this thread.

I preferred WCW/NWO Revenge, but god, old wrestling games kicked ass… I loved playing the hell out of those wrestling games mang.

Nice thread! I used to play these games very seriously when they were released and almost always return them every year or so. I never got to play anyone who was serious about competing outside of my friends in like 9th grade when World Tour was released.

Anyway, When WCW/nWo World Tour was out my friend had a magazine that had interesting data on the game such as who bled easily and their weak points. The only thing I remember was that the magazine claimed Norton bled VERY easily. From experience I’d say Macho Man did as well (so many matches started off with my doing Hogan’s lariat and Macho being bloody 2 seconds from the bell). Does anyone recall this article or information?

I always preferred the WCW ones over the WWF but No Mercy was always my least fav (yes, it has the best options for a match) but it is so slow for 4 way matches and sometimes the game gives you a wide camera shot if your opponent has a valet/manager. The WCW ones had Japanese wrestlers and/or move sets (YUJI NAGATA and ULTIMO DRAGON!!!)

Just trying to keep this thread alive.

Fire Pro Wrestling.

No mercy growing up was what all the big kids in my neighborhood played I never really pike it As much because it was complicated to play and hard to get pass by but until I gave it a shot I didn’t even know how I manage to play so well xpac was the only character I recognized at the time cuz I never really watched wrestling :slight_smile: great ge though.

Just wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone in this thread!

I just came back from Maffew’s No Mercy tournament at Magfest, which had a full 32-man bracket and was bigger than SF4 there. Despite not having played the game in like 10 years, I came in 2nd with X-Pac! I somehow managed to beat someone (an Undertaker) who was 10x better than me at the fundamentals, but lost in the finals to an Austin who just kept countering all my offense on reaction. Still did better than I expected, and it was well worth the day spent there!

I feel like X-Pac doesn’t necessarily belong in a tier of his own - his crappy strikes make it hard for me to get anything going on people who counter well. Austin does much better in that regard and also has the sleeper, so that matchup seems like it could be fairly even. X-Pac’s matchups vs. superheavyweights are what keep him at #1, I think. X-Pac/Austin/Andre for top 3 imo.

I have a question, how exactly does Benoit rank in this game. I used to watch playthroughs with people doing speed runs with Benoit because he had the highest stats of any wrestler in the game

WWF No Mercy was a game me and my brother used to play very competitively. Pretty much gave me my first taste of actual competitive play. Had I known there would have been a competitive scene for it, I would have been all up in there.

Also, to people who say THQ dropped the ball on later games, THQ doesn’t really have anything to do with the development of those games or the current WWE games. They’re just a publisher. Syn Sophia [ or Aki Corporation as they were known back in the day] developed the N64 wrestling games like WCW Vs NWO World Tour, WCW/NWO Revenge, Wrestlemania 2k, and WWF No Mercy. They later went on to do the Def Jam games [Vendetta, Fight for NY, and that PSP game]. Yukes is the one developing the current WWE games. Or should I say were given how THQ just filed for bankruptcy not too long ago.

seeing WWE wrestlefest get released, I was actually hoping this game would get rereleased. But I was pretty sure it would get the usual treatment [injecting the current whack ass “PG era” “superstars” into the game, censoring unneccesary stuff, cutting out wrestlers, etc]. Not sure if I wanna see that. Though it would be nice to have the game in some shape.

-back on topic-

Which of the “Bigs” is the best. I thought guys like Andre The Giant had the potential to be broken

I used to code hack these games with game shark. There was a pretty cool community back then, the collective knowledge of which could answer any technical question you could conceive of.

I never played it competitively though because I hated how the end result looked nothing like a wrestling match.

X-Pac is literally the only character that makes it possible to beat someone with better fundamentals than yourself. Although it’s surprising you beat an Undertaker, because he’s got waaay better Irish Whip combos than X-Pac, and his big boot has weird properties. Normally, when a player spams submissions, they build meter slowly because they’re using the same move. When someone does an Irish whip combo on them, they lose most of their attitude, and the player who used variety has a big lead on meter. Submission spam makes it hard to comeback from behind, unless it’s X-Pac who can build meter easier. Although he’s not without his weaknesses. As you mentioned he has poor strong strikes, and he has a problem against characters with really good Irish whip combos.

Top 3…hmm. I’d put HBK over both Austin and Andre. Mick Foley/Mankind over Andre.

I always thought using the Irish whip combos made the matches look a lot more like an actual wrestling match.

Stats aren’t as important as the moves themselves. Benoit has pretty good high flying moves and grapples, but his basic strikes are about average, which puts him at a disadvantage against someone like Jericho or Bradshaw who have really good strikes.

Honestly, if I remember correctly Bradshaw has pretty shitty stamina. I am not sure how much of a advantage his strikes would put him at over someone like Benoit.

Any videos of high level play for this game?

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/4218/DavDz">DavDz</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>
Honestly, if I remember correctly Bradshaw has pretty shitty stamina. I am not sure how much of a advantage his strikes would put him at over someone like Benoit.<br>
Any videos of high level play for this game?</div>

Move Synergy >>> Parameters<br><br>Benoit’s synergy is bad.  His strong grabs and specials target the head, but his weak grabs target the body and arms.  That means all the damage Benoit does early match, goes to waste when he gets to special.  If Benoit Pins his opponent, then it’s fine. The problem is his slow strikes are easy to reverse and hard to combo with, making it hard to pressure people when he’s on special.  Having high parameters and powerful grabs doesn’t help when you can’t use them.  <br><br>The Bradshaw hammer is one of the best strikes in the game.  It’s very fast, and combos absurdly well.  Despite not being a submission character, Bradshaw has all the tools he needs to get a body submission , since he has weak grabs and strong grabs that target the body.  He can also target the head, and possibly K.O. when he’s on special.  Even though his specials aren’t as strong as Benoit, the fact that his weak grapples help set them up makes them more effective.<br><br>Overall Bradshaw > Benoit.<br><br>As for high level play, I haven’t seen any on youtube.  Most people are just fooling around.  I don’t really see anyone taking advantage of the mechanics of the game much, because it’s so easy to enjoy on a rudimentary level.<br>


I have a few questions. First, what exactly are Irish Whip combos? I probably know the answer to that but I’ll ask anyway. Secondly, what went into making this list? I’m intrigued by some of your choices. Lastly, what is this No Mercy “competitive scene”? I seriously would want to go to one of those things with my Chris Jericho.

dat high lv stl vpw2 matches.