Would you turn x-factor off if you had the option?

Yes because he could of used Rekohha again, which would have equaled a dead Mags. But its blatantly clear to see he got overconfident and got blown up.

If I were calling the shots, the damage boost would go away, and I’d probably try the minimum damage scaling at 40%. The anti chip, and rapid cancel features are honestly very welcome in this game, and the speed boost allows many characters to actually play without their best friend assist, and enable X-factor only combos, which would be required to make the most of the mechanic without the damage boost.

I don’t understand how the fuck anyone is using X-Factor’s status as a comeback mechanic to support it. That’s why it’s so stupid. The possibility of getting your shit wrecked is what would motivate you to play your team well, to the best of your ability. Don’t defend a power-up that rewards players for losing and punishes the guy who’s winning.

Also damn, dem 4 bar combos are so scary. Who’d have thought you could kill Wesker using 4 bars? I can clearly see how Viper shuts down Dark Wesker now, thanks for enlightning me.

well the video was to show TOD combos and that was viper without assist and xfactor.

but hes not! uh. i guess i don’t have a problem with him. he’s more scary with assists imo. i faced SCARY weskers that don’t place him as anchor because of how hard it is to get in. but eh.



Fuck that.

No I would not turn off X factor if I had the option. Is it a decent come back mechanic? Not necessarily (not that I could come up with a universally loved one), but at this point in the game it is what it is with X factor.

Seriously if you are relying on XF3, you are relying on losing 2 characters on a steady basis. That is my only problem with xfactor, it is teaching people horrible tactics for future vs games. It is generally at that point I run out the timer, no need rewarding someone for getting happy birthday’d.

So Viper guarantee you to win against a dummy Dark Wesker, time to main her. Yeah, I can kill him with one Super Skrull mixup, but he will be
non-stop rushing me.

The point I was trying to make ( which I failed) is that characters that can kill a character off with one meter, whatever, is more scarier than a character in XFCL3 (unless you pheonix).

What I see most of the time? People calling assist poorly getting the killed. Why would you call an assist out in the open knowing Spencer can just Bionic Arm XFC and you character is dead.

But the way I deal with characters with XFC3 waiting is just cross/mix-up in the corner and immediately xfc and kill off the character.

But eh. I’m done. Hopefully I can go to GU.

I dunno if they left everything the same cept the damage toned to level 1 xf to all levels ill be ok with it. Like I don’t know anyone who feels satisfied when beating someone with level 3 xfactor. J don’t even feel proud of myself winning like that

He definitely deserved to lose that match.

The hilarious amount of time they give you for lvl 3 is the problem.

level 3 leaves you with plenty of time to easily kill one character unless you royally fuck up and then easily mixup the next two as they jump in (and don’t even try to act like entry-mixups aren’t a HUGE part of this game as it is). It’s stupid. There’s no reason to give a damage, speed (which both make those entry mixups SO MUCH more effective) AND a time boost.

X-Factor redone

  1. there would be no speed/damage bonus.

  2. it would knock your opponent away from you(whether if you’re being comboed or blocking an attack) and leave both of you in a neutral state(so no attacks/combos afterward). the blast can be blocked and punished if used incorrectly.

  3. it would negate chip damage. no red health recovery.

  4. it would give the ability to do a super snapback. a super snapback is a move i made up that if it hits that character is locked out of competition until the other characters are dead. like for instance, using it on a team wesker/vergil/doom with wesker on point. hit wesker with it and he can’t be tagged in or used as an assist until the other two are dead. it can only be used on two opponent characters each match. so you can lock out any two of those three characters. if that happens, they will come out based on their order in the rotation and only after another teammate has died. it takes one hyper bar to activate. it can also hit assist.

  5. it would last 15 seconds

  6. it can only be used if you’ve lost at least one teammate.

  7. only the character that activated it is affected.

this way it’s NOT used EVERY SINGLE MATCH and you still have to do the real work yourself. no more Altered Beast(a sega genesis game) mode. super snap backs can potentially put you on even ground with your opponent, taking away their options(it’s one onone now bitch).

Abso-fucking-lutely. Someone really should start a petition on Cap Unity for this. I’m sick of the lack of options in Capcom fighters.

Yeah, showing a video with 4 bars being used starting with 5 bars is obviously a good way to show that a character can kill with one meter.

Also, if your corner mixup gets blocked, you’re gonna eat a XF Canceled 1 frame command grab, lose a character and get put into a bunch of 50/50 mixups in a rox. But what do those guys at NEC who got bodied by Wesker know? They shoulda picked Viper for a free win like Marlinpie. Oh wait…

There’s 2 things wrong with XF

  1. Duration
  2. Strength Boost of almost 200% + minimum scaling of 40% (? I think this is it now)
    -This is the biggest culprit of bullshit. They give you a speed boost that opens up new combos but the strength boost + minimum scaling overshadows that benefit and makes it so you will kill in a magic series (half true).

The idea and philosophy behind XF is fine, it’s just the execution that makes it too good.

I thought hypothetical topics like this got locked.

The only thing “wrong” with X-Factor, imo, is the damage bonus. There should be none, or very little. The speed increase, the cancel, the lack of chip, the regen - all that is more than enough to aid comebacks against 2 characters and actually make X-Factor interesting - but there’s little reason to explore X-Factor fully because the damage bonus is so damned egregious. You want XF to reward genius, not just brute strength. The other elements provide a player tools to actually devine, design and deliberately implement their own comeback template (or however else they choose to use it as a resource). As is, the damage boost is so powerful, which effects the psychology of both players so much, that the activator can go berserk and be rewarded - and I mean quite literally berserk. A mindless frenzy of mashing and guessing on incoming characters can lead to a comeback, which shouldn’t be rewarded in any *game, period. *

*Again, someone should start a petition. It’s unlikely that Capcom will consider tweaking it, so those that don’t want it in their game should have the option to turn it off. Making threads on SRK is a waste of fucking time. *

The idea and philosophy is to reward players with strength as they gradually lose a match… in a game that’s decided by players losing matches. That’s not fine at all; it makes no sense.

The philosophy was definitely inspired by the 1v3 hopelessness from MvC2. Wanting to not make the match end before it actually ended is admirable but XF is beyond effective at doing this and problematic in the eyes of many.

No. XF is what makes marvel 3 and if something is in the game by all means use it. dont like the game? simple. dont play it.

so many people out there trying to limit the things you can do in games for the purpose of what?
fun? fairness? honor? respect? because you dont like it?

so if a player deliberately limits themselves and they lose to someone who plays the game to its maximum potential, they should not be complaining or posting on SRK about it.

so many people in the FGC are whiners and complainers. Learn to accept that the game was created in the developers image. If you dont agree with it, go play another game. why torture yourself playing a game with mechanics you dont like.