Would you turn x-factor off if you had the option?

along with a upgrade on health and nerfing of hard KDs it would be good to go.

This game needs Pandora Mode.

Yup would absolutely remove it. Honestly its a crutch and really its a spectator’s comeback mechanic.

X-Factor is actually a really cool system, except for the damage buff. It serves so many purposes outside of just being a ‘comeback’ mechanic and enhances the metagame a lot. It’s sad that the damage buff kind of ruins it’s good parts like, x-factor exclusive combos, guard cancel, making an unsafe move safe, etc…

With that said I was watching a Vanilla video a couple of weeks ago and it’s a lot less ridiculous though still lame.

Like for example, I have a really cool mixup with my team that involves me burning x-factor so I can negate advance guard, but I’ll never actually do it because it’s not guaranteed. If it were used for more mixup pressure it’d be a lot cooler. Instead it’s a game saving crutch.

One of the few people that would pop it seemingly out of nowhere just to continue to apply pressure was Pr Rog. You can see him do it a lot during EVO in vanilla, not so much this game.

You can turn it off by agreeing to not activate it.

Or play other games that don’t have XF. When you play this game you’re agreeing to play with XF.
It’s obvious in general why they put XF in this game and it’s because Capcom knew the game was too hard to come back in if you weren’t a top top tier player and lost two people. The comebacks you had to do to run back with one person against 3 characters in MVC2 was absurd and it was quite amazing to see people like J.Wong run it back on 3 characters. Often enough though players even at the highest level of play would just hold forward on the stick when they lost two people (especially if they were left with captain commando or psylocke with lower health).

The only thing Capcom really did wrong with XF was make it too good. If they followed SFIV’s model and made it more tame like the ultras it wouldn’t be so bad. Still too many characters that can take down your whole team in XF3 with XF time to spare.



Meter building on whiffs+Cyclone Kick xx Optic Blast= serious skills

No, but it needs to be fixed. What I would do is lower the speed and damage increase on all three level for every character by half. Have it negate only half chip damage instead of all. Also give it a combo burst mechanic when you first activate it, maybe.

Why not just play mvc2?

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I’d just cut out XF2 and XF3 altogether. I want a resource that you have to manage intelligently, not a crutch.

fun mechanic, just dont like xf3 because its too random for me

keep it


Do you guys think Ryry here deserve to lose due to a level 3 X Factor?

I knew when I saw this thread pop up that it would become either a massive flame war or an intelligent debate about the mechanic of X-factor as a whole. So far, the strings of “No,” have been expected and amusing at best.

Stay free, current generation of players. Should probably learn games without come back mechanics.

once again: casual fighter.

I prefer to think of comeback mechanics as:

“You lost because you were winning and got sloppy with overconfidence

comeback mechanics effect both players. Yes you are winning, doesn’t mean you should get comfortable just yet. In concept such systems are good because they keep both players on their toes. Practically? It will annoy players who believe they have a right to go on cruise control once they have a lead.

X factor is a bad comeback mechanic though, and I do dislike it, but if I had the option to turn it off I probably wouldn’t unless that were tournament standard and ‘proper’, which we all know would not be the case.

I really don’t see what the problem is. If the opponent has only one character they lose so much because of not having assists to back up whatever their plan is being it rush down or keep away. If you get opened up then that’s you fault for not properly blocking or whatever it is that got you hit. And wesker with level 3 xfc is a joke! He can’t teleport safely without assist and has to continually close the gap between the opponent who can just pushblock for days (his command grab is not a problem since i’m jumping in the air most of the time) or zone him. I’m really more scared of losing a character to people who hit hard. I’m looking at you Capt. doing 900k with one bar. jeez.

tl:dr stop complaining and level up. there has been plenty of people that SHUTDOWN level 3 xfc without even using it.


this is what you should be really scared. touch of death combos.

I don’t think X-Factor should be turned off, no. As it stands, a lot of the game is kind of balanced around the way x factor works. The ease of a “happy birthday” for one, would end the match for good at a fairly high rate in seconds. Good luck making that comeback. We no longer have any good get the fuck off me assists to alleviate some of those problems, but as it stands, reaction supering someones assist then DHCing to kill 2 characters is way too easy to do, and the only way to balance that problem right now, is a x factored out anchor.

There are a few specific characters x factors that could stand being nerfed a little, or perhaps an overhaul to the system in general. X-Factor itself, is kind of Capcom’s lazy way of assuring every character has something good they can do. Consider it the universal broken mechanic every character has to stay viable. Overall, the game would have to be rebalanced from the ground up to accommodate an x-factorless game, and at that point you might as well just play MvC4 whenever it comes out and hope it doesnt have this mechanic.

In that case, he definitely choked and made a few bad mistakes in a row; seems well deserved to me.

Both players stand on the same ground, and choices determine the result. If you blew all your meter and x-factor to get them down to 1 character in 2 combos and then your characters get destroyed in turn because they still have their meter and x-factor, then maybe it was a mistake to use x-factor so early? Maybe there’s better ways to deal with the 3rd character etc. etc.

its part of the game, deal with it