Would you like to see ST/HDR at EVO 2011?

In a logical way yes the questions are equivalent, but in terms of connotation they aren’t.

Case Closed:smile:

You cannot. If you’re using the XBL/PS3 version, that’s in classic ST mode only, and even there, the game automatically gives you the option after you choose a character.

I’ll play either there is no difference to me between them as far as what I prefer. HDR is a little more for me right now cause it’s newer and there are still new things to explore but I enjoy them both just the same. If either version ends up on the main stage I’ll be happy =D That said I’ll even play the side stuff just cause I don’t get a chance to play off line other than at tourneys these days and I’m an old arcade junky and I need my fix :wink:

Leave it to this man to make the most brutally honest, but also the most truthful and pertinent post in this thread so far.

Keep on trollin’, bro! You’re pretty good at it.

I want ST. HDR is fun and all, but it’s not ST.

some form of SF2 at evo please!

are u blind? ur really one to talk

Super Turbo!

I’m with him on this one. That guy is definitely a troll.

actually, since you’ve already been trolling me in other threads, if I see you insulting me one more time I’m going to have you reported. Thanks.

And this thread is dead.


I really hate to break it to everyone but ST hasn’t been at EVO since 2003.

Except a awesome team tourney back in 2005.

Time to move on.

It’s sad that last year was the last SF2 showing at EVO : (
HDR really gave us a good run. It was good to play a more balanced SF2, and get to hear the top players whine when low tier characters place in top 8 because of the game becoming more balanced.

Actually, getting hear the top player whine about that was extremely disheartening. It was depressing and even made me lose respect for certain players.
Who cares if someone can play as good as you now? Beat them anyway. That’s what I used to hear pros say.

I’m pro am, so what do I know?

Suuuuuure, this is why people keep voting !! LMFAO !

LOL, actually 99% of HDR players will play either and support SF2, it’s the ST only trolls that have caused a split and killed SF2 at EVO.

Despite my preference for ST over HDR, I have tons of respect for the HDR players. Most of the ones I know have been more than willing to play ST and participate in tournaments for it (in which they place very high). So in the words of both DGV, Snake Eyez, BlueMary69, and EAMegaman… “I’m down to play either as long as there’s a tournament.”

As for Evolution, as the name implies, the existence of more and more competitive games has moved (or evolved) our most prized tournament to multiple disciplines rather than just Street Fighter. Realistically, we’d need a lot more than just 100-200 votes to compete with the current Main Stage games.

Either way I hope one of the two games gets some love as at least a side-tournament at EVO.


Seriously, EVO looked at all the ST trolls, and said “OK, if HDR isn’t good…then SF2 is dead.” That’s the only thing complaining about HDR did. No self respecting “biggest tournament of the year” is going to have an official ST arcade cab tournament. Nor are they going to continue to have the updated, more balanced version of the game that some very vocal big name players trash.

Congrats on killing SF2.
SF2 should always be at EVO, it’s the fighter that started the whole craze, and its matches go so fast that it’s a “Well why not? We’ve got time!” no brainer.

No one group “killed” SF2, quit spewing bullshit. SF2 is off the roster because there isn’t any time for it and it is not a money maker. Just bring the games you want to play and play them.

I tried explaining…

Some folks don’t listen or want to listen. I voted to ‘support’ but again, some reality folks just don’t want to face. This does not go toward outside tournaments at other venues (ie Final Round, SB, So/Nor cal, etc.).

So… the important question here is, Koop are you going to Evo?