Worst Movie You Ever Saw?

Nah. I don’t jerk off and i never watched that movie.

I don’t normally recommend watching crappy movies, but I suggest watching the Thankskilling movies. It’s so bad, it is like an art masterpiece.


Donnie Darko. I watched this movie 3 times because friend kept telling me it had hidden depth. It doesn’t. It’s just a stupid movie that thinks it has hidden depth.

street fighter 4 ultra movies

those movies are really shitty :wasted:

Anything Asian that’s been adapted by Hollywood for white people.

The Village: My gawd what a trainwreck

Mortal Kombat Annihilation: Animality anyone? -_-


This piece of shit was played on a UK channel that constantly plays shit movies. It was played after 12 so I just assumed there would be sex in it. There was none. I sat with my dick in my hand for a good two hours as fuck all happened.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Heavy Rain

After Earth

my worst movie of all time gets updated each summer so its kinda a mute point to list. IM3 could be up there for for how heart breaking it was to see them trash the franchise.

Manos: The Hands of Fate

Never heard of it so I checked it out

At first I was dismayed it wasnt porn but actually reading up on this shit it sounds kinda amazing xD

Rename this thread Cinematic Disasterpieces.

Anywho, anybody ever see OK Connery:

The amazing story of James Bond…s brother, played by Sean Connery’s real fucking brother. Named Mr Connery.

Just watch the MST3K guys riff on it via Youtube.

Not sure we a separate thread was necessary, but for me worst film I’ve ever seen is Wrong Turn or Dream Catcher.

lol… knew this one wouldn’t not come up. My sister-in-law was in that, and her ex-husband was the one who directed it.

I think my wife still has the old promo t-shirt from when it was originally going to be titled “Number 2, Part 1”

The Murderer of Childhoods in Japan & America…


An X-way tie between every movie Michael Bay has ever made.

Honorable mentions to Char’s Counterattack and Artificial Intelligence.

They totally can be. Big difference between fantasy and reality.

Manos: The Hands of Fate was shot in my city. If you need to know why its bad, this is the town that tore down its city hall to make a baseball stadium for a triple A team. They named its triple A team…The Chihuahuas.

If The Room is the worst movie you’ve ever seen, you’re a bad movie scrub.

Its not the worst but Scarface is definitely up there for me. That film was an over-hyped pile of garbage.