Worst Movie You Ever Saw?

I still can’t understand Splice… Not that the concept, premise or story was too convoluted… I was just sitting in the theater wondering "why?"
And to A Serbian Film… I can barely get through that wiki page w/o vomitting. What is wrong with you people… Newborn porn… wtf.
I guess my tolerance for violence and indecency isn’t high enough… But I’m happy where it is.

Ice Age 2012

So bad its good

Cannibal holocaust. That movie was vile as fuck and the director has to be fucked up for ever having that sense of creativity to produce something that disturbing.

What’s with you guys shitting on good movies now?

*Divergent opinions on movies that have had mixed opinions are not that surprising. One mans trash is another mans treasure, art breeds conversation and similar idioms apply. But I’m seriously interested in your extended opinion on ASF and why you think it’s a good film. You remind me of my friend I keep telling to go to film school but he shyly declines because he’s not confident it would lead to making stable money. *

Vampire’s Suck, god damnit, that movie was god awful.


Boring movie trailers.

Wild Wild Wet is the only movie I ever walked out of.

Ghost in a Teeny Bikini. It was much less entertaining than it sounds.

Splice was one of the most astoundingly terrible films I’ve ever seen

Manos the hands of fate is actually the worst thing ive ever seen, absolutely unwatchable. Ive tried it twice, could only watch it all the way through with the MST 3000 commentary.

Kazaam, where Shaq is a rapping genie, thats a bad i dont mind.

Not one mention of Catwoman? Batman and Robin?

The Black Ninja is great.

Low budget so bad they are good films include such classics as Shark Attack 3(been trying to get yall to watch that for YEARS) and the Carnosaur series.

Batman and Robin was offensively bad. They had to know how terrible it was, and they knew it was going to make a kajillion dollars anyway.

Thanks for the fortune, everybody! To receive the kick to the balls we’ve prepared for you, the line starts over here. The current wait is estimated to be five hours.

Cannibal Holocaust is more relevant today than ever! But def an endurance test

That movie was too fuckin fucked up. I’m not talking about corny or shitty production but being fucked up. The whole killing of live animals (Sea Turtles) for props and the rest of the content was just sadistically fucked up. Oddly, i did find the rape scene in the end a bit hot but it was still fucked up.

Yo Dawg…

I guess I have to ask: do you jerk off to I Spit on Your Grave?

Chris G Wins UMvC3. Worst movie ever. Seems like whenever I turn on my computer the movie just starts playing.

“Rape scene” and “hot” are two phrases that should never be a part of the same thought.

Also, I am terribly shocked that no one here. Absolutely no one mentioned Samurai Cop.


This is the best bad Buddy Cop/Action/Martial Arts movie you could possibly imagine. Every single thing they did was wrong. The dialog is bad. The sound is bad. The dubbing is bad. The lighting is bad. The music is bad. The effects are bad. The kung fu is bad. The acting is bad. The plot makes zero sense. The only thing that was done right was probably the nudity in the many soft core scenes shoe horned into this thing.

But you know what? This is still the most entertaining piece of shit I have ever seen. Makes Troll 2 look like Citizen Kane.