I know I’m taking a risk to open up a can of worms here, but I wanted to discuss the woman’s performance at Evo. More over I went to look up some youtube videos of their matches.(I missed it to get a few extra winks from staying up so late watching money matches) In the comments someone was calling out how it’s BS that women aren’t equal so that they have to have a womans bracket tourney.
Now I’m not sure if that person was aware the women were allowed to compete in the main tournament, or any game tournament they wanted. The way I saw it women had an extra event at the same game to win MORE money. That seems like a win to me if I was a lady, but I’m not going to speak for them.
After watching the videos, and listening to Sherry’s commentary during the vids(I believe it was her anyway) I came to the conclusion that the gap between male players and female players is still very big. The gap between Japanese and USA players is getting tighter and tighter and I’d say very close to even, but the overall performance of the women in SSF4 based off Evo was meh. The exception def. was Kayane to me, because she seems to hold the same mentality as top male players in playing. Very composed, thinking as she plays, and great on execution.
Another thing worth pointing out was that Mike Ross was more or less constantly coaching Sherry.(Again sorry if that wasn’t her, or if that wasn’t what was going on) It did seem like Mike was behind her in her matches giving out words of wisdom, but you didn’t see the other ladies being watched over. It’s rare to see males offering tips to each other during tournies either, but yes it does happen. It just seems to me in order to treat the women equally, then they need to stand on their own two feet.
Oh and the almost cat fight is just a poor spotlight on girls in the scene. The commentary during the matches was also…maybe 1 notch above Adam Sesslers and even that is a stretch. The constant screw ups, lack of knowledge, and “Oh no’s” was just face palm worthy.
No disrespect to the ladies who went out to Evo to compete and I hope more make it out next year to step their game up. For me I don’t care about your sex, race, sexual orientation, etc when I play against you. I treat everyone like they are going to play as well as Daigo and adjust accordingly.
What do you guys think about women having their own pool? How do you think they stacked up against male players? Try not to flame, although without reading over what I typed I’m sure I may have set myself up for it.