Windsor Thread 2012

Jed what animal is in your display pic?

Also lol at calling janko cocky or an assface.

It’s a rat.

Is it your rat or just a picture you’re using?

Im from London and am a major contributor to the scene. Second, I wasn't telling you who and who you cant associate with, I was suggesting it to you. But if you wanna hang with Uberjohnson, good luck since he hasn’t left his house for 3 years now. I know deep down Brian isn’t a bad guy, it is just fun to troll the troll of Windsor.

Also, “Maybe it’s your horrible breath because your mouth is full of shit.”, this joke is breaching uberjohnson levels of corniness. Also, learn to take it easy on this forum, people shit talk everyone. I have no problem with you and welcome you to come to London. If people shit talk you, just shit talk them back. Non of my smack talk on smash bros is anything personal, I just make fun of the game. I would just watch out for taking things personally and to understand that smash bros is for 8 year old Japanese school girls who like Pikachu.

Maybe you need to grow up.

“Uberjohnson may not be your smartest move when coming into the Canadian SF scene”

Youre making the bad breath jokes buddy and judging peoples character off of what you have heard from other people. And you are telling me to grow up? i.e.) “I’ve heard from some people that hes kind of an ASS FACE.” nice choice of words.

Also I tried to bury the hatchet, where`s the peace.

Sorry your breath is bad. I never judged him. Only let someone know what i have heard. “People” not just one person. As in you. Before you even said this i sent him a message explaining the situation.

This was fun. I’m already enjoying myself

Whether you intended it or not, you still insinuated that he was an assface based on others opinions in your post and being the tolerant person you are would accept him despite his “flaws” in your post.

Second, you could only dream of having minty fresh breath on a fifth of my level. Oral hygiene is something I take more serious than even Street Fighter.


It’s a random rat off of google images.

JANKO OMGZ ur such an assfacezorz! lol all joking aside, Janko is actually an excellent person. I would start playing again gladly my issue with meeting up every week is there really isnt anyone close to my strength in umvc3 or sfxt =[ so I don’t necessarily enjoy killing players who are weaker than me or that just don’t even play the game really. I could still throw down in 4 but i don’t exactly enjoy the mashing aspect of the game so I just quit because superior games came out. I am also very good at 3S now as well so I could throw down in that as well. But that is one of the major reasons why I no longer attend the meetings we used to have.

The only person in Windsor who still mashes in SF4 is UberJ.

Very true Janko! or online idiots which is one of my major pet peeves with the game. I mean with seth I can understand trololololol but still. So just a show of hands in case im wrong o_O but who in the Windsor area other than me actually plays SFXT > UMVC3 > SF3 ? If there was actually anyone well versed in those games I would be much more interested in meeting up. Also I claim meeting if it ever happened again should be at Jankos. Also btw Ru-Fist add me on XBL if you play any of those games xxEvilxxRyuxx is my gamertag.

My main reason for not showing is mainly because of the whole drama bullshit that keeps being brought up everytime I say something. Along with college and work. When a fighter is featured at Video Game Xtreme, I do my best to show up for those and throw down. (Though so far, all they’ve done is SSBB, and there was basically only one “good” player there besides myself, from those who showed)

Hell, I know for a fact, someone is going to bring it up soon after I make this post.

As for online stuff, I’m on PSN at: SaitoKojima

At the moment, I mainly just play 3SOE, UMvC3, and a little bit of SFxT. I say little, because the damn Rolento bug, and I seem to just happen to have the worst luck when it comes to characters. I’d say in a given 15 fights, I normally get around 8-9 Rolento’s that know the bug. So that’s a whole matter of “Do I keep going and not be able to use fireballs with Ryu, and have to only rely on Julia for 90% of the fight? Or do I just send a message that says ‘Fuck you’ in the subject line and just leave while I have the chance?”

Been a little in and out for SSF4AE2012. Part of me wants to get back, part of me just goes “Fuck it” at the same time. Same goes for Tekken 6.

However, I’m gonna be ALL OVER VF5 when it comes.

I want to get more into SkullGirls, but something about it right now just feels kind of unappealing to me. I like Ms. Fortune, but I really dislike the little things here and there that the game lacks compared to other fighters. (proper matchmaking, training mode options, etc.)

On an entirely different note, I’m thinking of purchasing either the MadCatz SFxT PRO stick (the one that isn’t dual-connecting with another) or the new Fighting Edge from HORI. What do you guys think is better? I’ve seen an SFxT PRO at the local EB Games at the mall, so I can either just get it now or wait the month for the new HORI.


inb4 why don’t you just steal a stick.

Part of me thinks I might as well do a damn picture gallery of all the controllers I have, including sticks, just so people can be quiet. :confused:

I’ve only got 3 sticks, and even the third is only at a technical stance of calling it one.

-NUBYTECH SF 15th Anniversary stick (PS2/Xbox)
-KO Fighting Stick HYPERKIN (PS2/PS3)
-MadCatz Tatsunoko VS Capcom Fight Stick (Wii, converter used to play on PS3 and PC)

I once had an old X-Arcade dual-player or whatever they called it, but I gave that to my uncle years ago back when he had his video game shop called Digital Reality Games. Whatever happened to it since then, is not of my importance or business.

I bet money all 3 sticks are stolen ! return those sticks immediately to their proper owners ! trolololololololololololololololololololololol

Yep. I’ve got this big operation-Mafia gig going on where I just snap my fingers while looking at online stores and instantly, a whole bunch of thugs from Sao Paulo go and deliver the item I want. In fifteen seconds or else I eat their ears.

They even bring me the box, instructions, and an online receipt. And they’re so good, that the timestamp on the receipt is twenty days before I even received it.

Yeah, our bad for bringing up you jacking a stick from someone. Sincerest apologies.

I rest my case.

I’m not even going to bother with the details on how the whole drama only occurred because of Darren having a sand-filled vagina and making up accusations up the whazzoo for no reason at all. Or how he wasn’t even there to begin with, meaning he had no place to say anything in the first place. Or how you’re a confirmed retard (some prefer to use the term “troll”, but in actuality, it’s just another way of saying “retard”), who just talks shit but can’t actually do shit.

Once again, it has to be stated, since you’re so unbelievably retarded, that it has to be repeated to you over 8 times before the possibility of it being read properly occurs:

If I really, truly wanted to steal that stick. Why in the world would I go and tell the owner myself that I had it? And then swiftly (when I got word of it all, seeing as I was disconnected from internet for over a week after the “fateful day”), and willingly, give it back as soon as I could? Not to mention, to this day, continue to try and prove my innocence? Even the dumbest of “thieves” wouldn’t go this far. They would, most likely, never say a thing, and refuse to even have the stolen item in the first place, if they were ever to be asked about it.

Now, I’m going to repeat this one more time. Only with bolded text and slightly larger font. I know, it’s hard on your brain, but it’s okay.

If I really, truly wanted to steal that stick. Why in the world would I go and tell the owner myself that I had it? And then swiftly (when I got word of it all, seeing as I was disconnected from internet for over a week after the “fateful day”), and willingly, give it back as soon as I could? Not to mention, to this day, continue to try and prove my innocence? Even the dumbest of “thieves” wouldn’t go this far. They would, most likely, never say a thing, and refuse to even have the stolen item in the first place, if they were ever to be asked about it.

I’ve dealt with thieves in the past, there’s a decent sized problem at the St Clair college where people are trying to steal other people’s decks and cards for MtG and YGO. If I knew who the thieves were, I’d be the first one to report them and get it back. And if you were to ask the victims and others, you’d know that I’m the first one to try and give support and help for them.
I’m going to post-secondary for Law, and going to transfer that for Criminology in the University. Now, why would I go and be passionate for these kind of classes and subjects, and yet be the total opposite of what it stands for?

It’s like you’ve never heard of the possibility that there’s actual decent, honorable human beings in this world.

In other words:

Grow up, and move the fuck on.

They say there’s no girls on the internet? Pfft, you are acting just like one. And I get enough bitching at home from my girlfriend as is.