Win a Foe Hammer: Official (temporary) Skullheat Bounty Thread

You could always pass a bounty or two to other people ;D winkwinknudge**nudge
Hahaha just try not to push yourself too hard and much luck to you!

Sure if someone wills it,so far all i’m making are the thing’s that have been listed out so far but if someone wanted a miss fortune then sure i’d up for making her or if they didn’t want to wait long i could just make her head and you could just have a little miss fortune head paper weight thingy.

That is SUCH a cute idea. Fortune heads. They’ll be like the Touhou yukkuri’s. :>

Nope nope nope! Sorry to hog all the bounties, but I wasn’t joking about the trying hard thing. I’m going finish aaall of them~! __

Will edit in a few to add more SkullBaccano ideas. (It’s going to be a long few, haha. Don’t F5 yet.)

Oh my god I need more money so I can just hire madman to sculpt cool things.
@phonographic F5 F5 F5 F5

Seriously, somebody needs to donate to get @madman009 to make a robo-fortune. I just want to see it…and then they need to donate an equal amount for @phonographic to do a poster of her. BOUNTY THREAD HYPE!

Bounty thread hype! We even survived the Great Skullheart Purge. Remember the fallen.

I would really like a Robo-Fortune head, but I’m so spent ATM

I totally lied. It wasn’t “in a few” nor did I edit the post. :I It turns out I wasn’t creative as I thought, so one of them looks super weird. I think the first one might be the best now… These two are kinda of supposed to be based off of some movie posters.

So what if Isaac and Isaac met?


Scenario 2: They have a double take.

Isaac and Miria were supposed to wear their modern day clothes. But their modern day clothes turned out to be… well… This.


Scenario 3: They team up and rule the of streets of New Meridian.

I can’t figure out who the cameo character should be! Also, all the people lining the bottom (there are only two right now) are supposed to be cowering in fear.

Made an account around here just to warn you guys that I’m done with MisteriousJ’s Bounty. I shouldn’t have come to check it before the IndieGoGo was over… oh well…

It’s really awesome, good job! Put an extra $50 there as a bonus, because I’d like to ask for a slight different version regarding size later…
(also, some extra money so I could get the international version of the newly-priced $106 tier… Technically my other Bounty was also $1008)

Now I’m officially spent. Go away.

:’) Okay. goes away

Anyway, thanks for all your hard work! __

And this goes to everyone: I’m thinking of starting an art thread when Skullheart gets back up to keep track of all the bounties. I got a lot on my plate right now, and I fully intend to finish every single one of them! >:D However, next week is kinda hellish for me when it comes to school assignments, so there’s going to be some delays. When it happens, I’ll update the art thread with progress reports to keep ya guys posted.

I’m also considering a surprise of sorts when this is all over for everyone who participated in the bounty, but I’m gonna need to think about how possible it is.

Sorry for the delayed response. I like the glass one a lot, can’t wait to see it finished!

Standings updated. Let me know if I got anything wrong.

@phonographic hahaha those are great. I’m a fan of ‘Men in Vests’. I have to say though, I like the first one the best. I don’t know how but you pretty much nailed exactly what I was picturing when I posted the bounty. I’m going to give speh the opportunity to show off his work, as I think he was interested, but unless there’s a huge upset, this Bounty is all yours!

Also, Billybones and everyone else, here is my receipt for this Bounty, and the stick art bounty. I will explain the extra $100 when the time comes ^^

I am throwing up joy. :I

Gimme a second, I need to pick myself off the floor. I’ll think of more normal verbs to use later.

The vomit of bliss
Unending for Skullgirls
Eight fifty k, please

Since no one else has said it here yet: WOOHOOO!
Hey, maybe this bounty hunting made the difference. :slight_smile:

So it looks like madman has 2 more figures to make before he gets to everything else. Great job everyone! We’ll see if there were any last minute bounties people didn’t get around to posting in the last few minutes and what we’re doing for the post fund financing and the last $20k. But, that can all wait till morning/next tuesday.

Wait… next Tuesday? What happens next Tuesday?

The same thing that happens every Tuesday…When we try to take over the world! >:D

And YAAAAYYYYYY! We did it guys C:

Man, I don’t like spamming up this board too much, but THAT definitely warrants a post. Can’t stop laughing.

Since rewards won’t be ready for a while (except the pins I guess,) skullheart is still down, and thisis going on would it be possible to keep this contest going for the next 2 weeks, or until we get the stage and story for the last character?