[quote=“BillyBones, post:14, topic:159630”]
I’m here I’m here I’m here! oAo Yes, I am still interested in that.
Also, here is my draft for @Carnyth 's Bounty (at last!):
[quote=“BillyBones, post:14, topic:159630”]
I’m here I’m here I’m here! oAo Yes, I am still interested in that.
Also, here is my draft for @Carnyth 's Bounty (at last!):
Has this been taken? If not I’ll be more than happy to do it, I do artwork for sticks. And do I just post up here with the finished product/preview, or do I have to message somebody? I’m a little confused, haha.
Here’s a progress report on Fox Pocket’s Homudoka!
I’d say it’s about 40% done. I gotta do highlights, more extra colour, the feathers and a couple other finishing touches. Most of the time is spent on deciding the final colours anyway. This may take another day or two.
Also, I got the extraction down for the Revengeance thing too. I’ll post ideas shortly through edit.
@.Cobra, I’m also gunning for it, but poster hasn’t responded yet. I’ve tried messaging him as well, but I got nothin’. Perhaps just get some ideas up and post them, then maybe he’ll see it when/if he drops by.
EDIT: Alright, I’m back with a revengeance, haha. [oh god]
Here are some concepts! Also, I just realized that you put this up for a TE, and I ended up using the HRAP template. So… just… uhm… imagine. :I
Something a little more basic. Shows both of them. I basically do some flourishes for the left hand side.
And here’s some broken glass. Don’t worry, things’ll look more “reflective” later on. And maybe I’ll reorganize Raiden and Bladewolf a little, so the blank spaces in the middle are less noticeable. :I
Welp! These are my ideas.
Alrighty, I’ll do that. Thanks.
New Bounty: $400 for super secret sculpture(s?) I messaged Madman about.
Hi all, found out about this thread from BillyBones posting in the skullgirls livestream (thanks!). I was getting worried about skullheart being down past the end of the campaign, so I went ahead and made my $160 donation:
I looove your previews phono, will talk to you in more in PM about them. I’d like you to complete the bounty!
Sorry man, it’s taken but thank you for the offer!
I loved the big band wallpaper on your facebook. You might check in with Carnyth to see if any of his stuff is still available or would work with your style. If not, hopefully more bounties will come in as word spreads that the thread is back up.
Haha, thank you very much! I was so excited to see that Big Band was funded, that I really wanted to make something for him.
And thanks for the heads-up, just sent a message to Carnyth to see if it’s available. If it is, then I’ll take it and get to work on it asap.
Also, for anyone on the fence, Zferolie from skullheart has been pooling together donations to buy angel tiers and save people money. Jump in, save money, and help everyone else out: Angel Tier Pooling Drive.
@BillyBones has already said he will accept people posting bounties on the amount they contribute to Zferolie’s fund.
The Ms. Fortune Noir drawing is finished and uploaded!
BEEP BOOP MEOW, madman, are you going to do robo-fortune?
shhhh! Do you want our sculptures to take ANOTHER month??
I’m still waiting on a revised sketch from Speh. I talked to him on AIM but haven’t seen him on here
True, but then more bounty posters get rewards!
I’m still waiting on a revised sketch from Speh. I talked to him on AIM but haven’t seen him on here
Ah okay! You have so many choices now, how in the world are you going to choose? XD And don’t forget to donate the money if you haven’t already! oAo
And on the side note, to everyone, Can you guys believe we are at a little more than $740K??? That’s insaaaaaane!
Also, who are your top 3 picks for the 3rd DLC?
Mine are Umbrella, Roxie and Black Dahlia.
I donated last night, so all of my bounties will be claimable. I wish I could pick everyone, I kinda wish I did some smaller Bounties so more people could claim them, but I wanted to get everyone fired up!
So excited for $750,000 to happen. Hoping they’ll open more patron saint tiers to help get to $825k
My votes are for:
heh, but actually
Annie, Roxie, (Isaac or Beowulf)
@Carnyth show off your receipt when you get a chance (you can PM it to me if you’d rather do it that way.) All I have on speh is his contact information from his DA and his sefuart.net site (nsfw).
Also, does anyone know how to reach @citrustang? I wanted to make sure his contribution got in already.
Also, Hood57 just paid his bounty so we might need an emergency contact for phonographic…
Also, does anyone know how to reach @citrustang? I wanted to make sure his contribution got in already.
I was worried about that a little so I Ctrl-F’d the recent funders earlier and got lucky and found citrustang’s $206 contribution. I guess we’ll just have to wait until skullheart’s back up to get his official receipt.
@Carnyth show off your receipt when you get a chance (you can PM it to me if you’d rather do it that way.) All I have on speh is his contact information from his DA and his sefuart.net site (nsfw).
Also, does anyone know how to reach @citrustang? I wanted to make sure his contribution got in already.
Also, Hood57 just paid his bounty so we might need an emergency contact for phonographic…
EDIT: Also, Venus fo shos. But I can’t decide between Umbrella, Feng and Aeon. Seriously, I want the whole Double family in on the fun. __