[note: Skullheart is going to be down for a while (possibly through the end of the IGG campaign) and I know some of you are having a heart attack about the current Bounty race, so it’s up here temporarily so you have a place to panic. I’m missing a few things: some of the claimed bounties are actually completed, and I don’t have any of the reference art or templates for currently open bounties like MVKM’s six sided symbol stick for instance, so please post those up if you have them. I’ll make sure all new bounties posted here get carried back over to SH. The most important thing is that the money is into IGG by the end of the campaign, everything else we can find a way to work out once SH is back on its feet.]
You want some art like this?
You want a sculpture like this?
You want a stick like these?
Q: Okay, what the hell are Bounties?
Bounties are simple: You post a task-any task-with a $$$ reward, and if someone completes it, the reward is you donating that $$$ to the Indiegogo Campaign here: http://igg.me/at/skullgirls-dlc
Q. Any task?**
Any task: Fighting game lessons, artwork, proofread an essay, help me with a webpage, get creative!
Make the bounty posts in this thread. Be very clear what you want someone else to do, and be very clear how much money you plan on offering. If you have a bounty hunter in mind you want handling the bounty, @ message them in the post so they know they have first crack at it. I’ve included a list of hunters at the end of this post with links to their work.
Q: Sweet, so how do I claim a bounty someone’s posted?
Quote the bounty post, and say that you’re taking it in this thread. The person holding the bounty has the right to refuse, but I will consider the bounty as claimed by you unless the bounty-holder actually makes a post expressing their refusal. Contact the bounty-holder by PM after you’ve made a claim.
Q: Okay, so someone completed my Bounty. What now?**
A: If the person claiming your bounty has met your terms, then you donate the promised money to the indiegogo campaign. Take a screenshot of your donation receipt and post it in this thread (including the name you donated under and the amount the total was raised to. Your payment must be made AFTER you post the bounty. No old contributions will be accepted.), saying that your bounty has been met, along with the name you donated under if possible.
I will be keeping track of bounties in this thread to the best of my ability until the donation drive ends. I will be logging open bounties, claimed bounties, a shitlist(please don’t make me actually have to do this), completed bounties, total money raised for the indiegogo campaign from bounties, the top bounty hunters by total value of the bounties they have completed, and the top bounty posters by total value of the bounties they have funded.
Q. But How much should I offer?**
Offer whatever you feel comfortable with. If it’s too low and you can’t find someone you like you can always increase your offer. The higher your offer the more people will go crazy for it. But, you’re pretty much guaranteed to find someone in the following bounty ranges:
$5-10: Simple line drawing or doodle.
$30-50: Detailed drawing, or how to play skullgirls lesson(perfect for those buying the $30 tier).
$75-100: simple stick art fitting your layout
$100-250: elaborate stick art
$300 and up: pretty much all the hunters in the thread will compete for your bounty. Feel to solicit drafts and choose your favorite to do your bidding as Maru has done. Remember the more you offer the hungrier they will be.
Sample List of Hunters Hungry for your Bounty (click for their work.)
Watermystic277, Verdant Brave, Speh(warning: very nsfw)
Find more great work at the art forum
Fan Artists: PM me if you want to be listed here
The deadline to post and pay a bounty is, obviously, the end of the Indiegogo campaign.
All bounties must be claimed with an accepted WIP by March 31st at 11:59 pm EST. All bounties must be completed by May 1st 11:59 EST or you forfeit your place in the standings and your right to the prizes you’ve earned.
Bounty rules
No violation of forum rules, the law, or asking for anything hateful, harassing, or demeaning will be tolerated. So, asking things like “$9000 to get me Mariel’s phone number” is not allowed and will probably be an insta-perma-ban depending on how the mods are feeling.
Similarly, if you’re just playing around or you don’t pay up when someone fairly meets your terms, expect to get shitlisted. The reverse is true too: if you offer to meet a bounty and it’s found that you’re having a joke at everyone’s expense, don’t expect you can get away with a repeat performance. The mods and the CEO himself Sir Ravidrath are watching this thread carefully.
If I suspect anyone is gaming the system in anyway, I reserve the right to disqualify them from the competition and make them ineligible for the prizes described below.