Wierd Glitch I found in MvC2: Commando's AA hits twice in a combo for 2x the damage?

you broke marvel

I think I’ve noticed this while doing combos with Sent/IM-B, but since IM hits multiple times anyway I figured it was just my imagination that he was doing more hits when I’d HSF during his AA sometimes…

Other weird Commando stuff, I’ve gone through a horizontal typhoon called by storm as an assist when I had one bar and did a THC. Dunno if anyone else has done this before.

I’m pretty sure this works with Tron-Y too. I’ve managed to at some times do insane damage with Cable AHVB/Tron-Y (~100 pts off of 1 meter)… I think this might finally explain it. Ouch. =\

The real question is how much money is mike ross and nsj gonna put in dipset’s bank account???

Agreed, sooner or later somebody is going to figure out how to capitalize on this and make Sent/Cap even more powerful than they already are.

fucking wonderful… =D


As if I didnt have enough problems with Santhrax and Scrub :sweat:

MSP players unite!!! Kill Captain Commando!!! Snap that mothafuka in and rape him before he can glitch combo us to death- oh what am I saying? its no use. im done. i’ll be by ur local marvel machine crying… :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

Thanx KaiSingrz, my life is ruined… :crybaby:

On a serious note, thanx KaiSingrz. You just opened a door for all kinds of crazy shit. By the time we done with this game, everybody characters gonna look like that pink glitched ryu from the Meikyousisui 10. Magneto gonna have a inescapable hypergrav and storm will be able to link 3 hail storms cable style. :sad: kinda sad actually…

Megaman 1 pause glitch lives on!!! Has anyone been able to do this on PS2 version?


Elec Beam + Select Button = Unstoppable

how do you think i feel? i’ve been anti whore (commando) my whole marvel life. i was the last guy i’d expect to discover something like this. :xeye: :xeye: :xeye:
on a serious note however, if this does get taken to a consistent level, i’d expect team row and santhrax to benefit the most from it.

Another update: some guys on the gamefaqs thread just confirmed that this works with Sentinel Rocket Punch assist and psy AA, meaning my original theory was wrong. this’ll probably work with ANY attack assist… Fuck Santhrax and scrub. Just about any team can benefit from this. Which reminds me, anyone wanna try this shit with Glitched jugg?

I just tested this combo with Sent/Storm/Cap and it works.

You can launch, lk, mk, fast fly, lk, mk, Commando Assist hits, Air Super (Hard Drive), Commando Assist hits again, DHC to Haill Storm.

From the little test run I did. The glitch seems to work with any assist that hits once.

I thought supers only speed up the assist especially for RP. So rocketpunch hits TWICE??? :wow:

and this works for dc?

My test was run on the DC version.

it’s not working for me, and im using dc… :confused:

And im trying what kaisingrz did with strider…

Try the PS2 version thats the only time I have seen it done.

kai just cured that cancer that was killing marvel

I can’t get it to work on the dc at all. I tried Kai’s combo and some others, and I even tried timing the assist hit as close to the super flash as possible. It doesn’t seem to work.

SAM: I think you’re mistaking the first hit from hard drive as a 2nd assist hit.

Hrm, Preppy mentioned this maybe working with tron? I think I’ve seen something similar but wrote it off as, the last hit of tron actually comboing, rather than uncomboing. Like, the super freeze freezes the opponent but tron is still like…getting ready, so basically the lag that the opponent would have originally had to block is taken up by the super freeze.
We really don’t know shit about this game, shit liek that thing Kuan said too. I swear I can’t even REMEMBER how many times really weird stuff has happenend in marvel and people just kinda go “damn…oh well lets play” cuz we all play for like 94901839081234098 hours at a time anyway. Especially early on in the life of the game.
Like for instance, watching that vid of Justin vs Blaziniflo where he perfects him in finals of Team tourney, Justin crosses under an incoming sentinel (super jump airdash d/f, short short). I watched this replay a bunch of times, and what happens is, Blaziniflo mustve been mashing capcom before he got hit, so capcom comes out, his sprite pushes Magneto forward(like Japanese players using gief whiff assist in their combo vids), which is normal, but he fucking pushes magneto THROUGH sentinel. What the fuck kinda bullshit is that.
fuck marvel…

I <3 marvel.