Why we don't play new games? - GGXX is the new SF2

I can get into any of them, I think. Especially if there’s local competition. I’m just usually into one at a time. Or rather, one fighting game, and one PC game. Currently, it’s 3rd Strike and Team Fortress 2. Who knows what it’ll be in a couple months?

I plan to give GG a fair chance at some point.

And people wonder why I don’t say much on this site.

Here is the breakdown. If you post or frequent these forums then you are apart of one or more of these groups:

a)plays only the sf series or just one game of the series (vs series counts)

b)plays GGXX, MB, or AH

c)plays 3D fighters

d) All of the above

The problem is, most of srk does not belong to group D so trying to convince them to play another game is trying to convince me to play madden (im sorry, its just not happening). Do they have a bias, yes. Does it seem unreasonable, yes. But they want to create that feeling they had when they first went against someone and won, or when they found out that playing such and such game was just so fun. No one wants to take a gamble and play something only to find out that they hate it or even worse playing a game JUST BECAUSE ITS POPULAR. People want to be themselves, and if that means being homophobic and not playing a “loli” fighter, then let them, its their lost. You can never get someone to be different than who they are. Just quit crying about nobody playing your or someone elses game and just live.

Oh, if you don’t think I’m OG and New Skool, check the sig.

You make awesome points and I agree with you, but what’s a “loli fighter”?

When people say “loli fighter” they’re talking about the current trend of new (Japanese) fighting games that are composed mainly of characters which are YOUNG females with an overt anime style.

Kinda like how if 3rd Strike was made today, it would kinda look something like THIS:


EFZ (Eternal Fighter Zero), IaMP (Immaterial and Missing Power). Games like those. Hell, they (i dont know who “they” are) say Arcana Heart is a “loli” fighter.

I never want to see that picture again. :wasted:

I don’t know about that. I don’t buy new fighting games because most of them are done with a gameplay style that I don’t much enjoy. The emphasis is on flashy graphics, fast gameplay, and convoluted combos. I buy new versions of old games because they’re the only ones that have the feel that I look for in a game.

I figure Capcom’s at least getting part of the message: people are still digging the old stuff. Rather than make new games that capitalize on people’s fondness for the classic gameplay, they just repackage the old games and sell them again. I can’t say I blame them much. It’s by far the more attractive option from a business standpoint, especially these days.

Did I misunderstand you?

yeah, everyone has there own reason i guess. I much prefer games with loops or hype combos. Or like cvs2’s K/A groove where full bar means anyones game.

Old stuff is cool and teaches you the fundamentals for basics in fighting games. I love the og sf2’s the alphas etc etc because it taught me the fundamentals of spacing/zoning/the strategic value of the fireball etc. New stuff is cool because of the freedom that it allows you (compared to OG games) and the subsystems (when done properly - which is part of the reason why I enjoy Arcana so much - the homing cancel subsystem lets you fly at times, literally. it’s fun.) I’ll never understand why people can’t appreciate both style of fighters on this site. :sad:

Wait, GG isn’t the new SF? Well I’ll be! Seems to me new fighting games from Japan are following the trend set by GG rather than SF now, so I don’t see why it’s not. It’s hardly a bad thing…old skoolers can still play old skool games and they’re still great games.

First of, we are still having fun playing the older games(MVC2, 3rd strike, etc). Great games like those have equally great reply value.

As for your second statement, GG is NOT the “new” SFII.

cause guilty gear is boring, SNK for life

Hell no GG is the new SFII, not even remotely close. As for animation, i think Melty Blood is better animated.

Don’t mind me. I just can’t get with the times. Plus, I can’t deal with too much execution-heavy shit, so I have to compensate for it by attempting to think my way through.


yeah man old school is right!

lotta crazy ass combos doesn’t make you a good fighter

being able to read an opponent,good strategy,mix-ups,timing

is what a real fighting game is about not how many hit combos you can do

im not dissing all marvel, gg, arcana, melty blood
im just saying what i think about 2d fighting games

GG is not the new SF2

and i think it’s far from SF2

GG is not as popular as SF2 was back in the day

but GG is a great looking game tho

guilty gear at its highest level is all of this and more taken to its logical extreme. and many people can’t deal with that much mental management, thus taking to simpler games.

I remember Mortal Kombat fans back in the day saying the same about MK, when the SF fans dissed their game.

MIRA is the new MI2.