Dude, did you even watch the second match where Nuki’s Akuma totally wrecks Ricky’s Vega?
the funny thing is, the one that truly doesn’t know how to attack is bodler
there’s definitely a mix up going on in nukis rushdown, it’s just more subtle than the straight forward mid/low/throw mix up
i could close this thread, but i think its making people a lot happier having it around
I feel it’s no longer in our generosity to try and get this scrub to think outside the vagueness of his claims.
We’ve tried our best to reason w/ you.
None the less as a last attempt:
I recommend posting a vid of you doing your tactic against someone reasonably decent.
Thank you, Buk. You are truly a benevolant dictator. :lol:
I was promised lulz by coming into this thread. I have not been disapointed.
<3 Buk, no homo.
I loled when I read this, literally.
Yeah, please do bodler. Help us to see “the next level”.
And yeah, please leave the thread open, it’s my source of daily jokes.
officially my favorite thread. it’s been an honor to contribute to it’s greatness.
you guys think of me as the wrong way…you think the only thing im saying is that evrybody should poke - trow…thats not what im saying man. Im just saying that people who plays shouldnt rely on one type of attack, the poke trow thing is just one and i repeat one option.
its not like when i play all i do is hit and trow? i will do when the time is right, when i know and feel the oponent is just gonna stand there down blocking. and if i dont feel like hes gonna be down blocking? then i swicht into something else, simple as that. but there is people out there who, wtv happens will do the same thing over and over.
Jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes.
Hey guys.
Bodler, man there are only 2 types of attacks in the game…
things that hit, and throws right?
They say here that top players tech throw a lot more than not 'cause throws are easy enough to spot when you’re that experienced enough, and with Akuma the risk vs reward AGAINST top players he simply can’t do that until he feels his opponent’s brain has turned to mush, if ever.
Been a while since I’ve seen the mans vids, but he uses all sorts of mixups, more than what you’ve stated in this entire thread.
He uses empty low jump c.lks, throws in low j.hks, has air fireball mixups (tiger kneed in N groove IIRC, hard to do), a constant barrage of attacks which both whittles down your guard bar and keeps whatever stun dealt with the constant barrage so he has a stronger chance of landin his untechable Raging Demon, which he has a book of setups for hard wired into his brain through practice.
So when you think about it, for Akuma especially there are more than 2 types of attacks in the game…
hi hits, low hits, counter hits, guard crush strings (all leading to Akuma style damage) throws, tech throws,
and of course his signature move that’s uniquely his:
The game is more than just a tech throw here and there after a constant barrage of attacks hoping to fool your opponent because they’re smart enough to block. It’s about sensing whether or not the flow of the match is in your hands or not, and making it so if it isn’t.
You keep comparing Diego to this guy, but Diego’s character selections demand a different play style from what you’re expecting of N-Akuma.
Been a while since I’ve played, so my skill and “technique” are probably in the pits right now but hell I’ll ride over to wherever you’re at and own you if I feel the match is mine.
Is it bad that I laughed?
tr00f. Subscribed.
You know, that’s advice that I can actually relate to. One of the most consistent criticisms I get from the better players in my area is that I stick to one strategy no matter what, and it makes me very predictable. It’s something I’ve been trying to improve on for a while. If the title of this thread was “Why Seas of Cheese has problems,” you would have just made a valid point. However, the title of this thread is “Why Nuki has problems.” Accusing someone who regularly beasts guys like Ricky Ortiz and Kindevu of such scrubbery is absolutely ludicrous.
It’s official, I’m no longer the worst poster on SRK. Dammit…
no, i think we get it. ohnuki is a good player. you criticized his play. your criticism is not credible because you are not known as a good player. and your criticism is basically stating that he doesn’t mix up his play. that is the jist of it. i think we get that perfectly fine.
like buk said, he is mixing up his play, it’s just subtle. your rushdown is nowhere near as good as his. your basically criticizing him because when YOU try doing the same shit, it doesn’t work. you’re not nuki.
don’t take my post as if i’m tryin to flame you.
i agree 100 percent on all you just said here. i know all these things that you mentioned that nuki does, all them mixups. And before i talk, i mention again, nuk is a very very good player. Its just that when i see nuki play, compared to alot of other good players, and with my own experience…that when i see nuki plays ( offensivly ) he uses nothing more but skill, all the pokes and mixups, this is what im talking about, all he does to attack, evrything you see him do againt his oponents to crush them. i just feel like, he doesnt try to sense if the oponent is going to do this or that, but that he just uses his great skill to just try to destroy his oponents. and thats why i say that its the only thing he does wich is linear, and somebody who watchs nuki play alot and maybe face him, might be able to find a way to beat his akuma if he chosses the right character and does the right strategy. for evry thing there is a counter, and i think that if u find a counter to nukis gameplay, there is nothing he will be able to do about it because his gameplay is linear ( and im not saying it sucks, its very good ). breifly i think he just plays evry character the same way he knows how to play his akuma, and that might be bad.
and again , yes he has alot of skill, but evrything has a counter, and its easy to find a counter to somebody who has a linear play style,and until somebody finds it and faces it nukis akuma will always be dominating, but when he will find this person who will counter his playstyle, i just think their will be nothing he can do because he always play that same one way againts evry single character.
and when i compare him to daigo, i know daigo uses other types of characters that might use an other playstyle, but i just feel like when daigo plays, nomatter what types of tacktics u use he can do something about, not that he wins all the time but hes that good.
and if there is really really really no way to be none linear with akuma, then i personnaly will never use him in tournaments, unless if i get really really really skilled with his attacks, just like nuki is, but i still wont use because i will be sacrificing one thing for an other. A characters wich i think that can ahndle any situation, and that u dont have to have as much skill as nukis akuma, but just enough and enought of experienc with good players and characters, is Geese.
…I don’t see how, but ok.
Man, he’s limiting their options.
If he stops his unrelenting assault and leaves a gap for more than a 6/60th of a second (IIRC), the hair on the back of the necks of the caliber of folks he plays goes up because there’s a gap in which throws (and hence tech throws) are possible, also possible is the chance to 2 frame jab / dp your way out of there, the safer of the two being the 2 frame jab, and all this for naught because this could be just the mere opening he needs to score his counter hit.
All this and more in a mere second or two.
You say based on your own experience and all, but you say the man should be doing things like fakes and stuff so he can throw. He DOES throw, he just doesn’t do it often, but when he does it’s when he’s totally demolished the mindset of the person he’s playin against.
You do that by convincing them that blockin is the only way to stay alive, and with Akuma the only way to do that is to continuously attack.
There are only so many ways to do that though and there are gaps in the pattern, but he knows what those gaps are, and quite possibly so do opponents of his caliber.
Thing is frame advantage and all that limit the windows of opportunity so much that mere mortals like myself can’t keep up.
Otherwise he lands a demon setup or does 2 shorts into super.