Why nuki has problems

please don’t talk about geese… just don’t. you don’t even understand how to talk about a character you supposedly know how to play, so maybe you should stay on topic. keep talking about your experience in the game, and what you think about nuki and his play style. give us some more insights into the inner workings of your mind and those hot strats. keep us entertained!

and you have to know that you’re just being a douche bag at this point right? not only are you a scrub laughing stock joke, but you can’t even fade away quietly like a good newb would. admit that you’re wrong. you’ll feel better about yourself.

only a douche bag would love to listen to a douche bag, only a scrub laughing joke would only listen to a scrub laughing joke. dint you hear what ur mama said, if u aint got something nice to say keep your filled with nakoruru shit mouth shut you fuckin randomhooker.:rofl:

ok so your telling me now that nomatter what…an akuma has to play this one way even tho hes matched up againts an unusal character and etc to be effective or he wont really go nowhere?

weak. go play someone on the forums in person so i can get some humor out of it.

fondler, you’re a little bitch who talks shit and won’t back it up. put your money up or keep your mouth closed. i will drive to ft. myers and record the match, then put it up for everyone to see your allegedly great skill and upper level faggotry.

best of 3 for $100. so now you can either play a “scrub” and show everyone how good you are or you can shut the fuck up and just stay quiet for the rest of your life. so what’s it gonna be fondler? you ready to put up or shut up? surprise me. :rofl:

I didn’t get the joke, what’s a fondler?

people that “fondle”. randomsuper is random like that :confused:

there wont be any money match. IF there is,bodler will get OCVed at least once…considering rick beats him more.

loll, i dint know randomhookers could get so pissed for nothing. im a little bitch haha look at who is getting pissed for no reason at all. you is a bitch cos you wouldn even have the guts to create such a tread even if it was true.

if u wanna fight me just come to fort myers and play me forget about your little 100 dollars you poor peace of shit just beat out of 3s. LOL and i know your not gonna come, your just trying to sound all tough and gangsta hahahaha you crack me up i swear man :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: randomhooker lol i can find you on the street randonhooker :rofl:

well, i never talked about getting violent so save that shit for someone who cares. i’ll take your money anytime. that’s worth driving for. fighting or talking about fighting online is for e thugs and scrubs just like you. and from what i can tell by your lame response, i guess the answer is no to us getting a money match.

and i’m not pissed. i never was. even if i was harsh for you, that’s too bad. welcome to the internet. welcome to srk. welcome to real life. i just wanna take your money. if you ever go to a tourney and want to play a match or two for money, please let me know. see me then and you can get the chance to prove you’re as good as you say you are. unless of course you aren’t willing to bet it?

Great topic. :tup:

I mean seriously guys, Nuki’s not that good, right?!

randomsuper…if im such a scrub that makes no sens, why would you wanna even play a scrub? and you say your not pissed, most of your posts are sounds mad and violent. welcome to srk and real life? what do you mean reali life…you mean real life as getting a money match or all the bullshit up in here…i dont see whats so major here. and this is all childish here…ooh out of nowhere u wanna play me for 100 dollars? whats 100 dollars gonna do? and even if u win or lose? whats that gonna do?in cvs2 at a certain level anything can happen and sometimes at a certain level even if this or that loses it doesnt mean their better all the time. its still a game man. and one of us is gonna win a 100 dollars wow whats that gonna do pay your retirement? this is all childish man i got better things to do in life then worry about some dude on srk ( WOOWW ) who wants to play me for 100 dollars man…if yall really wana see me play well wait till i record my matchs ill have some good players coming over my house ill record my stuff just for you randomsuper soo now ur life is gonna be a bit better to know how good i am ok?
this is all ridiculous

In a final attempt for you to prove the worthiness of your tactic.

With this statement you just dismissed your entire argument.

Considering your last statement, why does this matter anymore?

Only because you can’t accept logical arguments to your claims. Instead you hide behind your unmeasurable statements.

whatever guy. i guess i’ll just wait to see some of your vids then before i say anything else. though let me tell you something honestly about vids, and that’s that they don’t really show how good you are. they might show what you can do technically, but that’s about it. i know for a fact that i’m way better than the few vids of me playing have made me out to be, and i think i proved that at evo east playing against some very decent people and winning a lot of the time. who are you going to be playing against?

i dont know right now im in fort myers and in fort myers theres not alot of competition, i wish i iwas in texas to film me playin in planet zero arcade ( they got mad players out there ) but right now the only player i can play is rick, ill ask him to bring people ( and please guys, i dont know from where you guys put out that rick is not good…he is really really good, and about him beating me, that was when i played him for the first time and that my techniques in cvs2 wasnt right, now we are even, we did a best out of 3 a few days ago and i won 3 out of 2, he is extremely good, i know because i play him often in my house ). if you guys judge rick due to some vids of anything of the sort, then you are all wrong, cos he must be way better then those vids, the same way random said he is way better then his vids. the same way im not saying nuki is bad, i know hes really good, but i just wanted clarify some thoughts that i had about his gameplay, maybe due to the fact that i dont use akuma very much.

STOP IT ! :rofl: you are killing me over here :rofl:

like I said before, rick is average at best. not “extremly good”. seriously just shut the fuck up and take a walk already. you are automatically considered a scrub if rick is beating you more. you have got to be the most retarded poster on SRK…unless you are just randomly trolling…you suck at that too.

That’s not even possible :sweat:

oh well you guys can talk crap on me all you its not like i care…even if i really was a scrub like you guys say…i still wouldnt care cos i got better things in life to do then convince some random people that im good at a damn game. i see both videos showing rick playing on youtube, he loses on both. but that doesnt show how really good he is…if thats what u guys are judging him on then ur truly mistaking, i should be the one telling you how good he is cos ive been playing him recently. and snaaake i know the reason why you talk like that is because uve beat him in an xbox live match that u randomly recorded that doesnt mean a thing man. and im the most retarded poster? look at all ur post on this tread you look like a 12 yeard old pissed of emo bitch. go suck on your mamas titties to get some milk to grow up fagget.


“pissed off” about what…exactly ?? I dont think ANYONE is “pissed off” here. everyone is shitting on you and I am simply joining the bandwagon. YOU are the stupid emo bitch crying about random nothing. like I said, you are the most retarded poster on SRK. here is your new avater !

Bodler, I apologize for my earlier post accusing you of pissing everyone off. SNAAAAKE is right, everyone here is too busy laughing at you to be angry. And because of you, I’m no longer the scrubbiest poster on the CVS2 Akuma thread. Thanks! :rofl:

you think i care if evryone is laughing? honestly you guys are childish man. you make me think of my primary school stupid friends. like cvs2 and srk was the most important thing in life. this is why people like you guys dont go nowhere. if my presence makes you feel good about yourselves then let it be, this only proves you guys are losers wich only prides comes from playing a damn video game. i got better things to do then worry about some people laughing at me in a damn forum about a video a game lol