Why Is this forum so dead?

I mean , honestly , 3s is nowhere near as good as ST , however thats just opinion. But still , this forum is unbelievably dead , and does not do justice to ST , we need to make it better and even though i’m an unknown noob , i think something needs to be done.

Because there’s only so much you can say about a game after 13 years?

slow laugh

Kyo makes a good point, the game’s old, but we do still come up with stuff here from time to time, like the general revelation that you can control where gief’s SPDs land. :slight_smile:

You can do Cammy’s super in the air.


Vacuum F.A.B + watch dhalsim teleport in the air while he’s getting hit by it! :looney:


its not how much is being said its what is being said. anyone can ramble. 3rd strike is still in its infancy give it time. Its a newer game with younger players.

Ya man I’m with you yo. I love coming in here ever since I found this place but It takes forever to get some talk going. You sound like you love this game as much as I do.

I’m guessing a lot more people want to post here but are afraid to get flamed or ignored since
a lot of the big boys are up in here. Thats how I felt for a lil. Now I just post away.

Same. I just post what I know. I don’t post that much, as I don’t know this game as well as I’d like to, and there’s crap all competition up here. I’m doing what I can, teaching my friends, building sticks for ppl, etc. It’ll come, we’ll build our own scene, get good…and there will probably STILL be people playing ST after all that. :slight_smile:

I love this game.

The game might be old, but that doesn’t mean people know anything! Just take a look at the SFHD thread.:looney::lol::wgrin: Some of the stuff said in that thread makes me laugh.

We have this crappy situation where the really knowledgable people are too humble and/or polite (fatboy, chensor) and the clueless people need to LURK MOAR.

As a corollary someone like Ehonda or CapMaster who is knowledgable and acts like it tends to be mistrusted.

X-Static - that thread really bums me out. I don’t click on it very often but it’s like a trip to the bowels of hell when I do. Pretty handy for putting together a robust ‘ignore’ list, though. (protip - mention parries in the STHD thread and nohoho will never see another one of your posts)

Nohoho, do you plan on playing SFHD online when it comes out? If so, for what system? I’d love the opportunity to face your Blanka, being a user of the green beast myself.

I’ve had that happen to me with Vega, and I was only jumping.

Gief is immune to all damage during that, it’s the worst way to lose in the game, it makes getting ticked for 99% damage by O. Sagat tigershots feel like a blowjob.

i’m not polite usually on these forums im sure you guys learned, but i do give valuable advice on occasion. If you post something interesting ill respond, hey nohoho you working on getting those videos decoded? i bought the evo dvd and its a sad alternative to the real matches that didnt make the finals!

please give me a status report hehe

There is still a lot that needs to be said for this game on here. Specifically, (and if the Shoryuken wiki is any indication), more needs to be said about individual match up strategies. A significant portion of the game revolves around match ups, and I believe that that is something the Super Turbo forum still needs to talk about. I’m not saying the forum doesnt do that already, but I am saying that there are many match ups that have not even been covered as of yet that still need to be.

I’m sure talk will heat back up again someday. Perhaps when tournament season begins or some wacky new Japan tourney videos surface.

X-Static - the only modern system I’ve got is a DS. BUT I do likes me some Blanka mirror action. Is your Location on the level? Uh maybe I’ll pm you.

Graham - I don’t have the files… and I haven’t seen Chris Doyle in a long time. I’ll try to get the ball rolling. Maybe Shag has his cell phone # or something.

SF3TSguy - I’d like to write some more anti-blanka items eventually. UltraDavid didn’t go to NEC (you bum!) I was hoping to discuss Blanka-Zangief with him a bit.

I think talks will pick back up when ST HDremix comes out.

Sorry mang, school > tournies. I don’t know where you live, but if it’s not too far you should come down to the MD/VA/DC C3 tournies we hold once a month. We always get a decent ST turnout.

I saw your post the moment it came out. I really did not want to say anything. But, in all honesty it shows that you are not a regular to this part of the forums other wise you?d understand how the ST forums work?LOL? Not flame intended. There is a lot of activity in these forums, yet it might not show up in “Number of posts per day.”

I check these threads several times a day. I love’em. As I am sure nearly every poster in this thread does.

I think you made an honest observation about the forums. However, one point you are missing in your post is that the ST community is very close. The posting ?fools? come and go, but the true ‘players’ are always here.

I think tons of things/topic can still be discussed. However, I think honestly, the ‘players’ here get tired of the “How does character X beat every character in the game” questions/threads/posts, and the “Character X total better character Y” discussions.

Why is this you ask? As soon as we offer an option or point of view we get the brilliant argument of “OMG! WTF! You fucking @$$! Ur Rtarded! I pnwz dudz on Kailera all the time. I beat my fndz Sim all the time with Fei! Get a life! U suk, I roc. I am t eh bomz!”

Then we offer a counter argument to their brilliant exhibit of intellect, and then we get:
“DUDE! Get a life! It just a game. I don’t really care.”

Then to drive a real point of frustration further, is that this b/s will not last a post or two it will go on for PAGES (the fool will argue with EVERY other poster) and ruin a perfectly good/informative/educational though a slightly inactive thread.

The irony of it all is that if they used the search tool, many of thier questions would have been answered in the several other threads. That coincidently where ruined by the same type of arguing.

It takes a lot of work from posters to write and contribute good/informative/educational posts to a thread. We do not want to sabotage our work, and our community by answering every fools post and getting pulled into these lame arguments. (See SFHD Thread)

So, what you are left with is a forum filled with great posters who all have great information to contribute to the community, but only do so when an intelligent topic/question comes into play.

I would rather have that, than a form of babbling arguing fools who really know nothing about the game. But feel the need to validate them selves by trying to win an illogical argument based of false assumptions over the internet.