Why Is this forum so dead?

fatboy is right. Couldn’t have been said better.

I do check this forum every day, sometimes every few hours. He’s right that in the everything ST thread, it can get tiring having to read through endless blabber of people making ridiculous statements. After a while of seeing nothing but that, people’s will to read will weaken.

I’ll also cosign fatboy on this. I’m actually pleasantly surprised that a lot of the drivel in the STHD thread hasn’t spilled into here. I too check this area almost every day and I like the quality over quantity of posts here :tup:

I still love ST over 3s…I’m going to get the Dreamcast version sometime in 2008

I’ve started getting back into this game -so I’ve found everything that’s already here so far quite helpful. If there’s more I’m sure people will get around to posting int in the future.

To end all debates just get the Yoga Fire Book, american info is always flawed in some form.

Isn’t the Yoga Hyper book an AE book, or is the ST info reliable for ST. I was going to grab it at Evo, but Veteru snagged it from me before I got a chance to get it.

It seems more like YOUR info is flawed… Before you try to come in and “End all debates,” you should at least know what you are talking about.

I am normally not a person to throw mud and am not trying to flame. However, you just single handily undermined all your creditability with one post.

People here would love to here what you have to say… even if it is wrong… as long as you present yourself in an intellgent manner.

However, you critize our efforts, and then give/provide the best example of the issues you critize (misinformation) yourself…

I don’t get it?:sweat:

Thats a very good question. I would like to know this as well.

Regardless though, you should definitely get it. I got it for the hitboxes alone, but for all the extra stuff they pack in there, it was worth the $60 I paid for it. They even have a page about the Youtube video with Daigo caught sleeping on a park table :rofl:

Sorry Saisyu, but you do lose credibility when you incorrectly reference the book. I do see where you are going with the American info is flawed in some form statement, but I dont think that was the best way to articulate it. Nevertheless, even with the Yoga Book Hyper at one’s disposal, I dont think this will end all debates simply because although it is an invaluable source for information, it doesnt have all the kinds of nuisances that can be possibly covered in the game. That is why this forum exists. We find information, we communicate information, we test the information, and we repeat the process ad infinitum. Sometimes were right, sometimes we are dead wrong and get owned with words for it by people who know better (and hilarity and embarrassment ensue). But thats just SRK.

I think once SF2HD comes out the interest in SF2 will resurface, however there r to many good and newer games on the martket and SF2 has already been outplayed.

If you think that this forum is dead then just check out Mortal Kombat Online or The Realm of MK :rofl:

His credibility was destroyed when he made a post saying you can’t dp through meaties in the SF4 forums.

Just goes to show you that even though there isn’t a ton of activity in this forum, it is needed. Badly…

Yup i leech off of the information of the SF veterans here. Honestly though, this SSF2T thread is much better than the tekkenzaibatsu character threads (since the ttt days) where a lot and i do mean a lot of spam and dogmatic dialogue ensues.

Let this be my moment of appreciation to the guys who know what they are talking about in this ST community. I am sure you had a great influence in the SF scene in your area.