The way I remember it, the closest guy to the “Main character” of Tekken is Jin. Have I just missed a lot in terms of Tekken storyline, or is Kazuya just a better character?
Kazuya was the main guy for Tekken 1, I guess. He also has more iconic moves than Jin, IMO. EWGF, Hell Sweep, and the Mishima 5-hit combo are more recognizable than Laser Scraper.
He’s like the Terry Bogard of the Tekken series before Kyo(Jin) and the others came along.
Take a look at the box art on your copy of Tekken 6.
Look who’s in the center.
Although Lars seemed to be the protagonist in T6.
Main character in 1 and 2, Jin stole his moveset in 3 before getting his own in 4 when Kazuya popped back up.
Kazuya is the most recognizable face in the series, besides Nina (Who is in the game, I personally don’t like her). It’s not really that hard to figure out if you spend two minutes looking this shit up on Wikipedia.
He was the main guy for the first 2 games.
Tekken has almost always revolved around Kazuya, it is only as of recent that Jin has tried to take his place. Jin was originally supposed to replace Kazuya with T3 but Namco changed their mind after that by effectively making Jin a new character in T4 and up
Kaz, along with his fucked bio and bloodline, is the star of the series. When Namco tried to replace him with a younger clone, there was a fan backlash (iirc) which led to his crazy return in T4.
What about Heihachi? Man that dude NEVER dies (can’t say the same for his voice actor though :sad:)
He needs to be in so I can pimp slap Akuma/Gouken repeatedly. Heihachi was my favorite of the Mishimas to play and is kind of a shoe-in as a character.
"Heihachi Mishima… IS DEAD!"
appears seconds later alive
The proof of Heihachi just proves that while SF has fireballs, the Tekken characters can take a 100+ ton explosion head on and survive. Who needs plasma when you can survive virtually anything? But anyway, thinking like Ono for a second. I think he liked Kazuya’s red eye and chest scar. I believe it is that simple why he was in the first teaser.
What I don’t get is why Capcom didn’t fucking give Ryu his Joudan kick in SF4.
He gets it in TvC and his SF4 model gets it in TxC, I mean fuck it looks awesome and fits perfectly with the character.
Maybe because he didn’t need another way to combo into U1.
Zing! lol
tekken 1
most similar character standing throughout teh tekken series, similar to ryus in sf.
dragon punch
Because Jin sucks.
^No, but he’s hella overrated.
The real question is, why isn’t Kuma on the box?
bear swipes for days!