It’s far far more than “just a few people being pricks”. Do you read the stream chats during a tournament? Many of the people I see posting there are some of the lowest kinds of scum I’ve seen on the internet. You will also see a ton of these kind of people posting comments on youtube or other similar sites and you’ll definitely run into a ton of them while playing online. There’s MANY of them.
I’m not saying it isn’t like this in other genres…I expect it to be just as worse there, though I don’t follow those other scenes too much. I think the reality is that the gaming community in general, especially in North America, needs to grow up and possibly learn from the way other countries conduct themselves, such as Japan. They have a completely different approach to this.
lol misogyny in video games isn’t exclusive to fighting games. streams of every game have some real weird virgins saying shit in chat. and also lol at the fgc being racist… hahahahahah.
Please don’t confuse every jackass with a keyboard and internet connection with people who actually show up to offline gatherings and tournaments. Situations that require real social interaction do a fairly decent job of weeding out those types. Yeah there’s always people like the Coalition of Fake Niggas, but at the same time most people I know from the FGC see them as the pathetic joke they really are.
The misogyny is bad and needs to be squashed. Harassing players until they get to the point of crying or wanting to quit is a problem too. Those are just two problems in our community.
Fighting games foster a competitive attitude though. They take study and practice. To be good at them you have to think two steps ahead of your opponent and force them to do what you want. These are all positive things which we should promote… so fighting games are good
Hahah, “Smallwood?” I think that says it all. :lol:
Nah, but seriously. You know what’s REALLY bad for gaming? Achievements. Anyone who likes that ish, needs to GTF off my lawn and quit trying to turn my vidya gamez into a jr. high report card.
The thing is, in order to be good at fighting games, you have to have a thick skin. You have to be able to take a loss, shake it off, and come back swinging. If someone can’t even take being trash talked, how are they gonna take getting double-perfected by someone? By quitting the game altogether?
Achievements are fine. It’s the same as trying to one coin some game except now there’s a little box that says you did it. And it’s there to put the idea in your head. Done right that is. Most achievements in games are grinds which is really bad. Why do I care if I get 500,000 coins? Show me how I combo’d the boss to death in 15 seconds faster than Jimmy’s 15 minutes. Need for speed is good for this.
Achievements are fine. Achievement whores are the problem.
I look at achievements as challenges for when I’m bored… “oh look, nobody’s online worth playing in 3S? I’m going to troll the CPU with Sean’s taunt and get that trophy”
What sucks is they change people’s behaviors. I THINK a few papers about this have been published but I never really looked into them. If you want I can look around for them later
You mean like encourages rage quitting to get that 10 streak trophy? Or gives people the satisfaction of mindlessly doing shit like killing 50k pedestrians?
I don’t exactly remember. Like I said, I didn’t look too much into them… but I don’t think that’s it :P. People rage quit when they lose matches in pretty much anything. LoL, FIFA, basketball, and everything else. Apparently people get angry enough to break controls and get into fights. It’s all kind of hysterical
If you look on, you’ll find that the trophy guides sometimes encourage RQ’ing… LOL
I look on there because in the case of MvC3, I was one trophy from getting that platinum, so I looked for advice on it… I don’t even remember which one it was… lol
Every now and then too, I’m like - “Wait, I got 299/300 of this thing? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE LAST ONE?” (Blast shards in InFamous, and I think that number is wrong… But I do recall being 1 away from all of them. More of self-satisfaction than anything else, and I think that comes from playing JRPGs and being a completionist)
SEE, Completing JRPGs has been around forever now… There’s your cause… Trophies are fine. It’s the same shit.
I think I remember hearing that the Turok that came out on 360 had an achievement for team killing. The thing is later the developers finally just remembered that THIS WAS A FUCKING DUMB IDEA. They just scrapped the achievement after hearing and learning that people will sell their souls for gamer points, and will also act like assholes even without any incentives.