Why doesn't CVS2 have lasting power?

hahaha. funny how you bring up american football when real football (aka soccer) is the biggest sport everywhere ELSE in the world yet somehow most people on the american continent don’t know shit about it.

I’d argue how 3s is to cvs2 as american football is to soccer. But I don’t really feel like it.

CvS2 is too hard if you don’t play often.
CvS2 didn’t have a daigo moment
CvS2 is pretty much stagnant all over the country except for the WC (<3 WC cvs)



go back to ST hater

if people are stick of seeing C/A/K-Are in tournaments it can be arranged. where you have 2 tournaments of CvS2 the team to win in the 1st tourney, none of the char’s can be used in the 2nd tourney, or something along those lines, no groove restriction of course. it could bring out characters usually not seen in tourney’s as often to show up. but thats just an opinion.

Well in my case, I was actually a pretty big fan of CVS2 untill I played 3s for the first time. Although CVS2 is still a quiality game, I started to dslike how poke oriented it was and how defensive the gameplay would become at times. From a visual standpoint, I wasnt really impressed with the animation and I felt that the alpha characters disrupted the graphical consistency of the game. The game is still good though, and it can be quite exciting to watch at high level.

CvS2 has character variety.

Look at Iyo, AO, Kisshi, Buk, Combo (especially his old A-Groove team), Gunter (A-Gief!), Kurosu, Desora, etc… the list can really go on and on.

Plenty of characters are usable in CvS2. Players are just lazy, and if they don’t have somebody in their immediate circle that they can jack for tactics, they can’t be bothered.

I really just think CvS2’s relative lack of popularity (again… that’s suspect too. NCR results… CvS2 is currently only behind 3S and ST for FRXI sign-ups, meaning it’s ahead of Marvel, MB, AH, GGAC, etc) just really speaks on the community as a whole.

When link combos are considered to be a technical burden in the SF community, there’s a problem.

cvs2 has lasting power, look how long the game has stayed alive. ppl arent questioning the staying power of cvs2 until recently, which is a testament to the games longetivity.

as to why its dying? well its boring for 1, and the scrubs cant hang anymore like they used to. average scrub gets turned off by rc elec, a groove madness i guess so the game might seem stale to them. its gotten boring to me as of late which is why i switched main games - since i want to play something fresh.

to reinforce azrael’s statement, cvs2 is on the downturn in japan too. when i was in tokyo this summer, its a lot harder to find casuals than it used to be. Sure the top players are still playing, and the main supporters are still there (like Gunter for instance, I played him @ Mikado in the fall before I went back) but a lot of the casual players (in Japan) moved onto other games like melty, ggxx, and arcana, and tekken. There are still tourneys for it, but it’s mostly the diehard players that are still playing. Threes (just like here) refuses to die out though, lol, same for ST for kinda obvious reasons that were listed earlier in the thread.

I already stated before that the character variety is only due to the team system in cvs2. If you want to say people who use all mid tier teams, it’s very comparable to how many top Japanese players use mid and low tiers in 3s. Look at who else is on the team in the vast majority of cvs2 teams. C xxx, xxx/blanka, sagat. K xxx/Cammy/Sagat, A xxx/Blanka/Bison. Of course people are going to be more willing to use random characters in a game like cvs2, the team system is conducive to it.

RC made it not fun. You can’t really use N-groove rushdown (I think even Buk and Valle gave up).

buk stopped rushing with n groove? are you living under a rock?

Yeah… entirely untrue.

Buk still rushes in.

RC doesn’t just automatically stop rushing. Mindless RC loses for free to anybody with a brain.

N-Groove is still very viable. People just stopped using it because initially it lost for free to stuff like RC Honda. Well, once people figured out how to fight RC, N-Groove became viable again, in theory… people just didn’t go back to it.

People are starting now (I am…).

Still, there’s Buk, Togawa, Nuki, etc. that still use N and rush.

Yeah K rog is actually legit fun. I like him

But CvS2 got boring for me when it seemed like people started to fall off and general interest fell. Also nobody was really innovating stuff.
That and, on a general viewer level, its boring. I felt like I was watching more cvs2 than actually playing it.

Its not a bad game its just eh these days unless i start playing around with some random K or N team.

in conclusion, there is more character variety.:wasted:. I honestly believe Cvs2 not having staying power has nothing to do with tiers and characters, if that’s what staying power is based on, MvC2 and 3S would’ve been gone a long time ago. CvS2 probably has the most variety out of all 3. CvS2 needs a Daigo moment

in conclusion:

its a long, boring game

The whole character variety thing is an illusion, yes, play one throwaway character to build meter for your top tiers when they come in and actually win the game for you. Most cvs2 matches come down to r2 vs r2, and most cvs2 players r2’s are one of three characters.

The fact that everyone can afford 1 non top tier ‘throwaway’ character in a team of 3 characters shows that it’s not as heavily tier based as other games

What did buk use at Evo?

Same team he always uses.

N Iori/Morrigan or Chun-Li/Hibiki2

with some orders switched up, pretty much always those 4 characters though.

the characters are not throwaway characters per se. There are many viable batteries in CvS2. Guile, Vega Honda
etc. There’s are many things to consider for each character in terms of placement like how well they perform without meter and how they will fare against other characters that the opponent will likely be placed to start. Sagat, Blanka and Bison are almost always last on their team because they do great damage and stand great damage. Because you can’t choose 3 blankas in 1 team, you have to make sure, the team is well balanced. This makes the game fun (for me…:confused:)

as for the game being boring, i suppose people who aren’t familiar with the game will find it to be boring because it is heavily footsie based and meter dictates the flow.