Why doesn't CVS2 have lasting power?

Because nigga’s can’t stop ridin’ dumb fighters, and they don’t like smart games in the Capcom community. Which explains why CVS2 and Alpha 3 are underrated. Outside ST, the top capcom games for big tourneys are either dumb or mediocore. . .get that marvel shit outta here.

you know what i just remembered that bugged the shit out of me.
whoever did the cvs2 evo2k7 play by play sucked. but i can’t blame him.
i mean its hard to pinpoint roll cancelled moves and the matches sounded good at first but slowly but surely every move done was RC’d according to the announcer eventually i was like
"alright motherfucker i know this is finals and shit but there is NO WAY combofiend can rollcancel ken’s fireball in k-groove!:annoy:"



…because it sucks.

end thread.


I just wokeup, went downstairs to see cvs2 finals n hear that shit he was so loud.

I’m torn between picking the best grooves for my people: Kyo/Akuma/Sagat. And there isn’t Robert/K’/THE REAL KOF Kyo/Andy/Genjuro and various other SNK characters and no Guy/Adon/Fei-Long from SFA and no Ibuki/Yang/Makoto from 3S. That’s why the game died for me. 6 damn grooves to pick from and almost always conflicts with some character on your team. Hence why I play A3 and KOF XI. A3 has the cast of SF that I like and KOF has the team battle that I like.

CVS2 is good in it’s own right. I still have my copy.

And Sakura’s bullshit custom combo: Shoushoushoushoushou[guard break]shoushoushoushoushou. Pure bullshit.

unfortunetly I got a lot of neg rep for stating my opinon, deleted post.

CvS2 is the most balanced game currently out there that I know that doesn’t get any love anymore by the host’s of EVO I guess since its a high chance of not being there next year.

cvs2 gets tons of play here in norcal.

Who knows? There is a lot of factors that determine which games are popular in which regions. The local arcade here has Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, Tekken 5: DR, Tekken Tag, VF4, CVS1, CVS2, and an assortment of Soul Caliburs. You see a lot of scrubs on the Soul Caliburs, and other than that, T5 and CvS2 are the only games that really get played. It’s weird.

Since I have no interest in Tekken 5, CvS2 is my main game because that’s where I have to go to get competition. I learned to love it, and I don’t mind at all. It’s a fun game with a great assortment of characters. I competed in CvS2 at Michigan’s Mayn Event tourney earlier this year, and I’ll probably do it again next year.

Not really. A-groove is the most abusive groove. S-groove is the only groove that outright sucks. P can be a strong groove if you really learn it, but you’re in for an uphill fight. Most players either opt for the better-rounded grooves (C, K, N) or the most abusive groove (A, as mentioned).

P is solid if you have the right characters (R2 Cammy is ridic) but is literally countered by A groove and K groove isn’t much easier to fight against. P groove’s guard meter goes down faster than other grooves and you have no defensive maneuvers while you are in block stun so GGPO when A groove gets activated or you get K rushed to death. The fact that you only have one long meter doesn’t help.

Because it’s boring as hell.

The only thing I don’t like about CVS2 is A Groove.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this since CvS2 does seem to be about to drop off the major radar screen, and I’ve been playing other non-Marvel games lately…

  • matches take too long. any fighting game longer than 2-3 minutes tends to drag if you have to keep playing / watching it / waiting for it over time. for example, i really like VF5, but it seems like half my time is spent in load screens/taunts/replays - those matches should be longer, CvS2 should be shorter
  • way too complicated for noobs. roll cancel, parry, k groove make playing against experts more painful than in most other games.
  • too much distance, not enough rush-down. not that that cross-screen footsy dance isn’t fun, but it’s not going to be fun to watch for most for too long. i think contact-based fighters have a playability edge
  • not enough fun stuff. dumb stuff like ring outs or juggles after the match or taunts that give you a power-up? those are cool.

Don’t get me wrong, I like CVS2, I just think the above factors are to me what limits it as far as popularity.

  1. no loli appeal

  2. tough learning curve for newcomers

  3. online netcode sucks

  4. there hasn’t been a whole lot of recent discoveries to help keep it fresh.

  5. so many other games to try out, cvs2 kinda gets put to the backburner.

I don’t get why people whine so much about A-Groove…there is ALWAYS going to be a strat or a combo or any implement that is superior to others. Just man up and don’t get hit by them. I mean, by that same logic would you all hate MVC2 because of ROM? Yes, eventually people mess up and get hit by large damage combos…its a factor in the game. When someone combos a super and it does high-damage its not really much of a difference. Yeah, certain A-groove combos are stronger…just deal with it.

I just think effort scares people.

i think the biggest reason why its a turn off because the easiest and most braindead characters to use, K-CBS gets raped by A groove. i remember back then when the game first came out, everyone thought it was the easiest game to play (one button characters, etc). then roll cancelling has been discovered and the rest is history.


Daigo didnt parry it

qtf. imo C-groove is what people should really be whining about.

It’s not that it’s strong (although that certainly augments it), it’s that I just don’t like the style of play it brings about.

By the same token, I don’t like a SAIII crazy Yun. But I’m not going to stop playing the game because of it. I mean, you may notice that I put: “The only thing I don’t like …”

Random neg. rep
Btw, I wouldnt have a team in my sig, if i didnt like the game.