Why doesn't CVS2 have lasting power?

Well CVS2 has its challenges just like any other game. It just depends on what you find to be tolerable or what you enjoy out of the game despite is shortcomings (much like any other game). I still see people “waiting” in 3s also–defensive gameplay rears its head in any fighting game that has any sort of “balance” to it. If you have decent comp to play with consistently CVS2 can still be fun. Yeah, it has its issue, but what SF game doesn’t (honestly)?

Personally this is something that turns me off about it. You can spend a whole round wearing someone down with good footsies, mind games etc. only for them to get one hit confirm/lucky guess into super and that’s at least 50% of your bar gone, against K and A it can be as much as 90%. The game just seems to favor landing supers way too much.

If you come from 3s it is :sad:

That’s really not true.

Sure, K gets way too many supers, but players that just break out random supers are easy to beat.

You’re not losing 90% on any combo in the game (at least not anything practical. I’ve got a stupid combo with A-Athena, but it involves landing a full screen jab fireball…).

I think CvS2 rewards superior play much more than other games that get played (3S…).

“Lucky” supers just don’t happen much in CvS2. To get hit, you have to fuck up. Simple as that.

Fucking Third Strike generation…

Honestly, it annoys me that players that started on 3S (on Daigo’s dick) are dominating the scene now. They can’t even do links!

All Records Are Made To Be Broken!!!

I Know That You’ll…be…baaack!!!

I don’t know how you can say this game doesn’t have staying power. It was released in July 2001 (I believe) and still draws large numbers at major events. I always found it very rookie friendly with a variety of characters and styles to choose from. The more advanced mechanics can take time to learn but that can be said for any game. The only downside I’ve seen to this game over the years is that it’s very popular in pockets in North America but the general populace that once played it regularly have migrated to 3S.

I love that you’ll be back quote. Announcer says it so awkward. Like he’s stumbling on what to say.

CvS2 got 48 people at NCR this past weekend, more than any other game. :tup:

I feel the game is one of the purist of its kind. Well ballanced, i’ve seen so many different characters do crazy damage. You’ll think one character is a low tier and then somebody will beat you with that character. Its unpredictable, very strategy oriented, and very spectacular looking. Dramatic/Finest KO’s just light the screen up in drama. I’ve seen some super exciting matches!

i really hope its featured at evo this year, i will definitely go to play.

Yeah…I posted in the topic just to give them props for holding the game down like that. Good to see people just buckling down and playing what they like to play.

Yeah…there definitely is waiting in 3S but it’s kinda negated by the fact that the matches just don’t last as long. I’ve only watched a few 3S fights that have lasted longer than 4 minutes. An average 3rd Strike match is like a bit more than a minute long. Like a good paced fight where both players are aggressive. Even Chun vs. Chun fights…it’s rare that they last longer than 3 minutes. A regularly paced CVS2 match easily goes on 4+ minutes and a well played game between both players easily goes to 5 or 6 plus minutes. CVS2 is technically best 3 out of 5 rounds so that doesn’t help either. If both players have 3 characters that can play rather well defensively…it’s tough to watch unless you really like the game. Any game is tough to watch if you don’t like it but IMO CVS2 is especially tough to watch if it’s just not your game. Hell…it’s tough to watch if you do like it. I’d rather be playing the game. The long and multiple loading times don’t help any either.

“Boring to watch” is the best explanation.

JChensor had some good stuff on his blog about this. (jchensor.blogspot.com, the first post right now)

Watching Buktooth play Hibiki/Morrigan/Iori is fun, as is watching Combofiend (?) play Rolento etc, but watching everyone else play Blanka, Sagat, Cammy, Vega etc gets real old real fast.

Not only because characters like Morrigan and Rolento are less used and therefore more novel but also because their game is much more active overall. If you watch Buk play he is always doing something and there is a lot of variety in his game.

I live in VA, capcom vs snk 2 seems to get the most play wherever I can find it. The problem is, not many places have it. I think alpha 3 died because CvS2 is seen as an upgraded version of alpha. It contains a lot of similar elements and the three -ISM’s.

Anywho, among my group we play all five pretty evenly (ST, A3, CvS2, MvC2, 3s). But most people I meet tend to favor MvC2 the most, 3s second, and CvS2 third. I really enjoy CvS 2 (hell so much I’m building a Naomi cab for it), but it does seem it’s starting to fade.

I don’t know how people can say it’s boring because you always see the same characters when 3S is always full of Yun, Chun, Ken, and MvC2 is always Mag, Storm, Sent.

very easy to why it doesn’t have a large influx of new players.

the game is difficult to get good at, and rewards things that scrubs don’t like to do or aren’t good at or doing like doing.

read:patience, footsies, difficult execution, defense, anti airs.

you don’t get very much instant gratification with cvs2 at all.

also its a pretty long game, and usually the first 2 characters don’t matter as much (but people are at least using different characters for their first 2 because of the team format).

another reason why cvs2 isn’t as appealing to new players is that it is much easier to break an opponents defense in other games, (this has a lot to do with stronger anti airs in general for multiple characters, and throws not being as powerful offensively (but still very useful because of rc))


the reason cvs2 has a large variety of characters is because its a team game, and the ratio system.

look at r2’s. sagat…blanka…bison sometimes?

Yeah…CVS2 does have that variety of characters but gets counterracted by the fact that the game is generally slower paced than other fighters and top level play consists of R2 Blanka or Sagat coming and doing their top tierness that everyone always expects. Neither character is particularly rushdown oriented and C and A grooves don’t really ever give them the need to be. Both characters are a nightmare when they turtle up good. Neither of those characters have anything particularly flashy either. Blanka has cool RC shit that’s fun to use but if you’re just watching the fight it just looks like all of his specials gain insane priority. Sagat…stupid good pokes and he doesn’t even need RC much. R2 A Bison can be fun to watch just cuz you know he’s gonna rape the life bar once he gets in but…it’s not like 3S where he can literally just push buttons to scare people into getting hit so that doesn’t even happen as often. You really have to get set up right to get hurt by A Bison whereas Genei Jin is pretty free and happens more often.

People want action when they’re forced to watch games and generally CVS2 is a game where the action builds up more than it actually happens. Chun is the random factor of 3S that tends to slow the game down a good bit but take Chun out of the picture and majority of the cast plays rather offensively. There’s no reason to wait Yun out when he doesn’t have meter cuz once he does it’s rape time and Ken’s rush is too good. Mak, Urien, Yang and Duds are all strongest when played offensively and a good bit of the cast even under them are rather offensive.

Really…it all comes down to what your definition of fun is. The more you understand the game of CVS2…the more fun it is to watch (as well as play). If you don’t play it much or have barely watched footage of it…it’s not going to be interesting. 3S has its dull moments but generally things happen more often and quicker than in CVS2. 3S matches go by pretty quick majority of the time and things can always go back and forth due to the randomness of it. Marvel…5 year old kids can have fun watching Marvel. It’s just nuts.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed the CvS2 cab at JamesGames when I was there this past August. Everything came out smooth as butter.

But yeah, you just have to have hella patience to play this game. You can rush, but you can also get countered for trying to rush. It’s a really patient game. I don’t mind the pokes or anything, a lot of games out there are poke oriented. You’re basically fishing for a hit. And yes, execution does matter a lot in this game.

The game does seem to be getting a lot more play in Japan(from what I’ve heard) due to people playing K-groove now. A-groove is on a slow decline(maybe faster than before?), so people are discovering more anti-A strats. And as mentioned before: time. It’s a long ass game. One game is like, 7-9 minutes, tops.

I wish people would play more A3. But at this point, it’s a casual game. Crouch Cancel infinites were one of the things that drew people away. =/

CvS2 matches go from 2.5 -> 5 minutes tops.

Most matches are around the 3:30 mark.

Only Justin v. Steve matches go any longer than 5 minutes, but who actually watches those?

HAHA, yeah. Well, I was more or less referring to tourney sets. 2/3 does stretch past the 5 minute mark. SOMETIMES. Still a fun game to watch.

I wanna play again. :sad:

I dunno bout that i was at evoworlds this year and cvs2 was the most exciting game to watch especially wong vs ortiz.

Hmmm…to me they usually feel more like 4 to 5 minutes. I guess with the editing in videos it can feel that long. A good bit of the CVS2 matches I’ve watched…I’ll look at the end of the video and see that I was watching one fight vid for 4+ minutes.

Justin vs. Steve stops time. You can’t calculate a time frame for their matches.