Why does 3S suck on GGPO?

2df just uses input delay to smooth out the game. I really don’t know why people don’t like 3s on GGPO, cant you just set the input delay to a higher amount to smooth out the game just like 2df does automatically? I’d rather have the option then to be stuck with the delay. 3sOE seems to have all the same options ass ggpo except it doesn’t show ping and you can’t choose ranked games based off the connection.

Your best bet in anything is play in the best connections possible. If you have delay set low you’re going to have to deal with a lot of flickering every time the other guy dashes and ect. It makes it just as hard to react to as if the game had delay.

So then Ponder wasn’t the person that coded OE? He gave someone his code and let them use it in his place? What a nice guy.

im 99% sure he didnt give anything.
sold a license to maybe.

I hope so. However, Ponder could also help on netcode optimizations in a future 3SOE PC release. Besides, GGPO has been a matchmaking netcode
for PC from the beginning.

If you imply heavy input delay, this is false 100%. Your old build and internet connection combo is the issue.
Opponent’s build and connection affect performance, as well.

I wonder how is the netcode for Marvel Origins? It’s the original GGPO but better? So, they will try to implement it on the futur patch for OE? A lot of people said it’s a great netcode, right?

It’s sucks because it’s free and illegal. Be legit, and buy Iron Galaxy’s fantastic *Online Edition *to experience this wonderful game the way it’s meant to be :tup:

It was PSN Edition only…:tdown:

That’s a factor, but as far as I’m aware, it’s also to do with the nature of CPS3 emulation itself and the difficultly of dealing with the encryption used in it.

Oh and 3soe is a pile of dogshit. I bought an xbox for that piece of shit.

The thing is; JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure runs perfectly on GGPO. It could be because of the varying frame rate of 3S though.

If only Damdai didn’t fuck with 3S on Supercade and added shit loads of input delay.

Ggpo most certainnly plays better than oe. Then again i havent played oe on a good connection. Ggpo ran similarly when i did though. Also ggpo properly buffers input.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a good connection on OE. Even the best connections dropped inputs like crazy.

ponder said a while ago 3s is rough with ggpo because of how stuff is organized, structured, whatever.
i think it was something to the effect of the inputs being lumped in with everything else. and there being no way to single it out. so each time you do something, it’s sending the entire gamestate which includes a ton of stuff not needed and a ton of redundant stuff.

which leads to latency having a much larger and more immediate impact compared to the cps2 games, which are either organized differently or by virtue of being games built for weaker hardware, are pushing less information at each step (so maybe less info to be lost over the network).

From what I’ve read, it’s because unlike CPS2, CPS3 games used varying encryption methods. It would seem capcom had difficulty deciding on the best encryption for data protection.

First this

Then this

you guys all should be grateful to be able to play online. yes its frustrating at times and not as fun/good as offline but its better than playing only CPU and training mode.

Yoouve never played a well aged arcade cab.

Necro in particular is a pretty sick ass match up.

Are you kidding me?

yuuki has probably played on more cabs than any of us

I don’t know what you’re saying. I wasn’t saying yuuki doesn’t know…it was a kind of snide remark if anything?


dander: like the decisions that beat [the game designer’s] first placed decisions [are] overriden [in] memory
tebbo: 'wtf is with dander’
tebbo: hhahahah
tebbo: and i was like i dunno
dander: the ffa ai would own
tebbo: and then i read it and was like 'i think he was sort of making a joke’
dander: where as the ai from dons place is ass
tebbo: lol
tebbo: maybe its just set?
tebbo: hahaa i just told him you said that
dander: I dunno that it is or isn’t but this is how it seems to me
tebbo: and he said he wouldnt be surprised if it did learn
dander: I’m not saying I’m the guy to go to for these kinds of questions but it does feel that way

Tebbo said you’re just referring to the CPU getting stronger after playing it for awhile? I took your remark entirely differently. gotta work on your wording lol