Why do you play the character you play with?

I pick Yun because I like seeing pretty combo’s. Genei Jin is too damn cool.

“Is losing with a bad character more fun than winning with a good character?”

If the good character has bad (or boring) character design like Chun Li and that takes the fun out of playing, then yes. At least Q is kewl and you have to use your brain a bit to play him properly. The biggest liability that Chun Li has is that she’s so easy to use that the people who pick her stop thinking… And that makes playing boring to play as, whether you win or not…

That’s also why the Chun Li forum only has like 950 posts. She may be top-tier but she’s also one of the least picked characters (other than in tournament situations) for a reason.

hmmm, I used to be into combos with dudley/necro, then my favorite characters were yang/chun…but recently I have to say I really like yun/twelve because they are generally fast characters…sometimes I’ll play urien because of the technical aspect of that character…but in general, in most games, I like to play a character that is very fast, mobile, and can get around easy…and also, I like characters that are all or nothing, basically high risk, high reward

Chun-li: BACK FIERCE. FIERCE. C.MK. ROUNDHOUSE. wait a sec… kara throw! Yeah definitely isn’t the most invigorating thing to see.

I admit I sometimes have fun doing mixups after the SA2 final kick

Alex. I play almost exclusively as Alex. Why?

I know he’s lower-tier and has some insanely bad matches, especailly against Chun-Li. The reason why I pick Alex is that he is good for my playing style and my ability as a 3s player.

First off, my reaction time is not poor, but I don’t do well with confirming hits. I can easily see whether or not Ken or Chun’s crouching mk hits or not, but the problem is that I can’t seem to stop my hands from completing the super motion even though my brain says so. It’s just too iffy for me. Alex can be effective without hit confirming into super when you are using Boomerang Raid mainly for EX moves.

Second, my jump-in parrying is very good. I rarely miss all the hits of an EX shoryuken, unless it’s online, of course :arazz: . Alex has a jump similar to Dudley. It’s low to the ground, fairly quick, and is important for him to get in.

Last, I just like the guy. I didn’t at first, but I really got into his “personality” after playing the game for a while. Most of his quotes are just golden, his outfits are ridiculous (especially start+HK), and he has what I believe is the coolest fucking super I have ever seen, even though it sucks. That super is Stun-Gun Headbutt. Seriously, what is more bad-ass than flipping through the air several times as you fly at your opponent, then grab them and headbutt them four times in a row? That, in my opinion, is the ultimate definition of America: Fuck yeah. I’d easily rank it in the top ten coolest-looking moves in SF history. Ibuki’s Ex sliding grab is pretty nice too…

Actually Alex is classified as Mid-High. I think he should be considered lower though, because he has no low game at all.

Alex mid-high? Not according to the rankings I read that KSK himself helped write. They had him just above Q, Hugo, and Remy, under Necro and Elena. Mid-lower. I even consider him mid-lower.

His damage isn’t very impressive, he has a tough time getting around good ground game characters, and he has a joke of a low game. I still love him, though.

I think he is no better than Hugo and Q because even though those characters have unfavorable match ups on the best of ten charts (assuming players of equal skill level) at least if you are better than your competition, you can win consistently with them since they are relatively safe compared to Alex and take very little damage.

The only thing that Alex does well is stun; other than that he is more of a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none type of character. To stun, you need offensive pressure. To offensively pressure with a character as slow as Alex is, you need to take big risks and you are not always going to guess right.

Q:Because 40% less damage makes me feel warm inside and C&DB combos do insane damage.

Oro: Because he is short and manuverable, causes tons of stun, builds meter insanely fast, needs one chicken combo to super to end the match for the most part.

In order of favorite:

Urien - Everything about this character is the perfect match for me, character design, personality, moves, quotes, everthing. There is nothing more to be said.

Dudley - His character design is awesome, a boxing gentleman, cool. I love his lines as well “Gutter trash!” “You have no dignity!” AND, the EX Machine Gun blow. A guy who is wearing boxing gloves: essentially items that reduce the impact of the blows, and he doesn’t kick. If he were to remove his boxing gloves and start throwing some kicks…unstoppable.

Ken - Back when I was like 5 years old, I played SF on the Super Nintendo, I always picked Ken because he looked cool and I loved his 360 flipping throw.

Now givin i dont play SF:II very much anymore and havent played it on my super nintendo in forever, I could be second guessing myself but,…

WTF Ken never had a 360 flip throw, Omgwtfbbq

Edit: just after posting this i think i get wha you mean, you must mean his default throw when he rolls backwards and toss them, not the move command.

Hugo: Because the huge ass mofo in the game can capitalize on your mistakes, and force you to go into defense. It’s fun to see turtling Chun’s/Ken’s on wakeup, only to face a Command Throw/Overhead.


Urien; because of anticon27 and because of RX’s performances in the ranbats.

Q becuase hes god-tier, i dont feel like trying for my wins :rofl: