Urien, DUDLEY, MAKOTO,Ryu (sa3) & YUN, 'couse they are FUN!!..=)
It took me a while to settle on Q, but it happened. I play SF because it’s a good intellectual workout, good practice for the kinds of things I do in school and will do once I get into the working world, so I need a character that makes me think and requires me to out-think other people if I’m to win. That’s not to say that I only play low tier characters, but in 3S the characters that require the most thought are not, for the most part, top/high tier. I didn’t start playing Q because he was challenging, I started on him because I felt comfortable with him. When I got to a decent level and realized that Q is kind of a crappy character, though, I almost quit him and 3S in general. I kept on keepin on with him because that was also around the same time when I realized what I wanted my career to be and that SF could be great practice for it, and it’s worked out just fine so far.
I also play some Hugo. And some Twelve. Aaand I mess around with Denjin Ryu, Sean, and Oro.
A long while ago I was at a friends house and they were playing some SF3:third strike. I had played ken in SFA3, but had never touched 3S. They all played some and I picked up Yang and learned dive kicks and liked that. I asked my friends if yang or yun were any good and my friends told me they sucked (obviously not knowing any better).
Eventually, I picked up a copy of third strike for myself and started playing Yang SAIII (because it reminded me of v-ism). I was searching online for Yang combos and came accross some Yun vs Ken movie. The Yun player got schooled, but I did get to see some nice GJ combos and decided to give him a try. I did more research (i.e. got off gamefaqs and came here).
Around that time, a lot of people were putting chun lee as the best player and yun as number 2 and I was pleased with that. I started playing with friends some new to the game and some more experienced and would get taunted with “pick a real super” etc. As I have gotten better, people now complain about GJ. I’ve liked the degree of execution required for yun and the challenge. Maybe you all disagree with me, but I think he is a hard character to be a scrub with.
It has taken a while, but I am finally able to land GJ combos. I think to a group of more casual 3rd strike players there is nothing flashier and more rewarding than landing a full GJ on someone.
I can pretty much use any character decently. When I first started off in 3S, I used SAII Ryu due to name recognition. Over the years I’ve experimented with all the characters and my “favourite” character often changes, but the characters that DO stay with me over time are Urien and Q.
Urien: I’ve always taken a liking to this particular character because he never gets boring. Sometimes 3S can feel a little mechanical and repetitive at times with all the known strats and combos that have become somewhat cliche. Playing a good Urien is all about innovation, especially with all the endless possibilities that the Aegis Reflector can provide.
Q: I decided to use Q because he is definitely a thinking character as UltraDavid had previously pointed out and is really worth learning. Despite being seen as a lower tier character, he has some very postitve points like strength, defense advantage, very good Super Art options etc. and if used properly, Q is definitely a worthy character that is often overlooked.
my first character was RYU SA2!!!..=)
Started with dudley because he’s just so fun to do combos with, moved on to Q because I couldn’t do those combos. Picked up oro because one of our other players started necro, and if he was picking a freak, I was picking one to mock him. Just started on a stick and I’m back to duds because I’m having trouble doing chicken combos, but I can do dart shot> super consistantly. Planning to move to Yun once I can do stuff consistantly.
I messed around with pretty much everyone besides Necro, Twelve, Sean, Elena, and Remy.
Hugo turned out as my favorite character, because I like to play patiently/ turtle, and I like grapple characters, so I play gigas, sit back and let them fuck up and kill themselves.
I also like to play Ibuki for when I’m sick of turtling because she has a lot of rushdown options that are relatively safe.
i chose urien because he wears a thong and has a superiority complex
remy. back when I was playing capcom vs snk2 I would use guile since my friends allways thought of him as a weak player (with only having 2 moves and all) well anyways I beast with remy and guile and now my friends know better than judging a character by the number of moves.
yeah & Remy has a cooler design than Guile, but he is french which kinda sux
Remy is emo. He’s not cool. He hates to be called “cool”.
I chose to play as Yang because when I started, I thought he looked a lot like Trowa from Gundam Wing. I found that he was really fun to play with so I decided to stick with him. I play as Akuma as well because I never played with him in other Street Fighter games so I decided to give him a chance with 3S.
Looks like I’m the first person to post Ibuki as THE character that I play with. As in the character I take to tournaments n shit. Why? She was technically always my favorite SF3 character, although I never really got into SF3 until 3rd Strike. I love ninjas in 2d fighters and I like characters that are in your face and are all about just swaying the momentum of the fight in your favor. The only thing Ibuki really has going against her is the lack of defense and that’s probably what makes her most fun to use. When you get a good strong game going with her…it’s near impossible to stop her. When you watch match vids of top Ibuki players sometimes she’ll just make the opponent look like they had no idea what they’re doing. She has great pokes and a lot of safe rushdown options like mentioned earlier. The only thing that weighs against her again…is her lack of defense (and her steep learning curve).
Defense is an obvious problem since if you do make a mistake…you’re gonna get hurt…or raped. The other problem is just that people know she’s not a character that’s very easy to pick up and play. She doesn’t have a lot of things that require real strict timing (like Makoto SA2, charge partitioning, etc.) but she has a lot of different mix ups and character/state specific combos that take a long while to memorize.
Kasumi Suzaku (SA1) is obviously her best super because Ibuki relies heavily on EX to do damage (EX dp for wake up, EX kunais for zoning and EX qcb K for combos). It’s also one of the safest supers in the game and is a good way to finish off a match. Since the super is basically a projectile, if you use it at the right time the opponent has no choice but to parry the super. Even if they do so you’re usually still safe which makes it a great super to use to pressure people. Tiger Knee’d SA1 is great after making the opponent think it’s safe to throw a low poke. When they do, you jump right over their head and hit them with kunais and can take away up to a 1/4th of their life bar on the spot with the extra 25 percent damage increase from being in a crouching position. To use her effectively you really have to know a lot of different things and most of all…you have to be able to do all of these things while minimizing the damage you take as much as possible.
Of course this is made easier by the fact that she has some of the best pokes in the game and pretty much the majority of her normals/specials are safe on block but when you’re always trying to sway the momentum of the match in your favor in a very rapid pace, there is chance for error. Especially when you’re deciding on which mix up to use next that’s pretty much enough time for the opponent to figure out a good time to throw something at you to punish with. You have to be on your toes and always be thinking one step ahead of your opponent and for me…that’s what makes Ibuki especially fun to use. I like watching Makoto players cuz she’s played in a pretty similar way (except without the low defense) and requires a lot of knowledge to use effectively.
As a SF2 addict there were only 3 charas appealing to me.
Ryu is way too boring in 3s.
Chun is cool,almost cooler as she was in sf2 but i’m not that much of a turtle.
Ken suits my style of play perfectly.
I’m not saying the “new” cast is crap but they dont have that sf-feeling.
But whatever 3s is such a great game.
me and yang are one in the same… if i see something he sees and and punishes it. if he wins we win if he loses we lose. if you whiff we punish. i played makoto for a long time and i really just am not happy with her play style but yangs style is kind of like mine in real life. sit back and let shit happen. so thats why i play yang
For me, Ryu is actually more fun to play in 3S than Ken. Ken is a solid character and all but…Ryu has the kara throws, and the fun corner combos, Denjin, and all that good shit (he even gets a new special move). This, btw is coming from someone who pretty much has always preferred Ken in SF games. Ken is just a very versatile yet very straight-forward character. Outside of kara SRK he doesn’t have anything that makes you go “wow”. Mainly cuz everyone already knows that SA3 Ken is more solid than a fucking boulder. To impress people with Ken you basically have to be a hit confirming demon and pull kara SRK’s like the back of your hand.
Yeah, I like Yang too. I just have no idea what the fuck I’m doing with him and I never really cared for using the twins since my brother used to regularly play both of them. If I were to use one it’d definitely be Yang just cuz EX Mantis is too fun. I’m not a big fan of custom combo shit so Genei Yun wouldn’t be for me. I like to mess with people’s minds and Genei Jin isn’t so much a mind fuck as it is just…you’re fucked. :lol: Plus, block low is probably the best answer to a lot of Genei shit since he only has so much time to mix you up with it any ways after activate. Of course he can always combo into it which makes things just peachy.
I play Alex because I don’t lose.
You mean blatent stereotypes? :wgrin:
lol exactly.