Why do you play Taskmaster?

Balance without too many gimmicks, his Hypers are boring but they get the job done, safe in most situations. he has decent rushdown and defensive moves. Add on a good support team and Taskmaster can usually take down the entire cast.

Taskmaster is also a good anti-Sentinel and Pheonix character. He has some holes in his arsenal but I think thats where a good team comes in.

Pretty much this, too. He’s solid by himself and even one good assist makes him a whole lot better. He’s got some interesting pressure strings, too, though I only reliably do one of them – need to get in the habit of more projectiles.

As an aside: I ran into a team that was running Task earlier, and I’m pretty sure the XBL tag was Shonuff-related. Was that you? (I run Tron Task Phoenix, Tron in blue/orange and Task in orange, usually swapping Tron back at around 30% health because meter building.)

I popped open the trailer: “Woah! It’s Skeletor!” Then he says: “You are the ass-kick-ee, I am the ass-kicker.” And I was sold.

well, with Spidey & Doom… I didn’t really have a good anchor. people brought up Taskmaster’s name, I went to the lab, & I’m glad I gave him a shot because he has saved me many times in fights

Well I picked him up at first cause in MVC3 a friend and I were laughing at his appearance and kept him because, his shield skill move has insane priority and can easily go into awesome combos, plus he has counters galore

Needed someone to DHC well into Dormammu. So, he turned out to be my guy. High health and can hold his own against some of the elite.

Shield skills>>>>>

Most touches are Corner to Corners

DHCs never fail

Orange Creamsicle costume

Reversal Super

Sting Master is too epic… especially when you land 2 or 3 in one combo

High health

Doesn’t get “lamed out” easily

Perfect teammate to Spencer

j.C and st.B are godlike normals

Projectile counter

One of my favorite comic book characters

If I could use 2 or 3 taskmasters on my team I would. This character is too solid and has synergy with itself :frowning:

Best Counter in the Game!

lmao I’m the same way actually. I remember when his trailer came out I watched it like 8 times in a row because I thought he was awesome and his phrases were hype.

I’ve been playing him since vanilla and I just really like him. I like characters that are versatile, he has good specials and hypers, high health, and good damage both with keepaway and rushdown.

He’s well versed in a zoning and rush down. Plus when my friend told me about how he is in the comics, he became one of my top favorites in Marvel just because he coulda been a hero but decided not to.

When I first saw this guy, I knew he was going to be a main for me. And now he’s my best character, and I never give up all day with him online. Probably due to his versatility and usefulness as an anchor. Full Meter, Unused X-Factor Taskmaster is really scary.

Hits you with a Legion Arrow, X-Factor, go into Legion Arrow again.

Shield Skills.

I fight with him because I knew from the trailer he was gonna be on one of my main teams with Ryu and/or Deadpool. But back in March at the tail end of a ranked match I found a MUCH BETTER reason to play with him as he is anti-Doom. Try Charging Star against Foot Dive; it’ll make Doom look SO LOW TIER!

You might want to go in the lab with this tactic first (and do expand upon it, bnbs, tacs, dhcs, and the like because I had no meter and unfortunately he didn’t have enough health when I discovered this) so you can have “Nice Timing!” when you run into somebody who likes doing that all day.

I love having no mixups

Because he’s Steve Blum and does everything you do, only better. I just clicked with him day one.

Chrisis recommended him. :smiley:

I wanted the aim of Hawkeye with the shield skill/blow through people style of Cap. + some I could run teleport mixups w/ for Dr. Strange.

  • and I wanted a character who could keep you away but not be fearful of your getting close

Shield Skill OS! Yes.

Strange/Task/Doom (vs. certain aggressive folks I’m gonna start Task on point)

Didn’t play him in vanilla, but i started watching a friend in my local scene play him and i liked that he has a bunch of very useful options. I play Cap/Task/Doom, he’s a wicked pressure assist for me with the Horizontal arrows and an awesome secondary character with doom missles. Not to mention he’s awesome in the comics.