BTW if he has a handgun why does he use a bow and arrow?
He had a cool sword, and I can answer that by asking why does hawkeye use a bow?
Reason 1: At day 2 while playing Viper I wanted a character with good normals and a friend was already using Zero.
Reason 2: I don’t have training mode I needed a character that could supplement my play while letting me focus on my primary character’s game while still being able to destroy enemies with little to no effort.
Just liked the Character as soon as i saw his spotlight, loved his combos.
He has a sword, Gun, shield, and most of all have a group of moves that make him versatile. To add to why i really play and like him is bec of his counters, which we have yet to use effectively and constantly…
I originally picked up Taskmaster because I saw someone at a local gathering playing him, and I thought he had a pretty cool move-set. When I went into training mode, the character just clicked.
Also, I found his new comic series. Awesome.
Wanted to play him since the reveal trailer. I liked the way he looked and his moves.
When i heard “Shield skills” - “Just like cap”
That got my attention, i googled him and i have been using him since day 1
J. :h: and st. . I’m probably playing the wrong game for this, but I’d rather stuff a move than block it.
My friend said “I think you should use Taskmaster” and I said “okay”, without knowing anything about him at all. :tup:
So I was all, “Sigh. I really like… I really like Spencer. He’s an excellent character, I love everything about him. But I just don’t have anyone else I want to play.” And Sytha said, “You know… You should play Taskmaster. He’d fit you.” I didn’t really like what I had seen of Taskmaster… But I gave it a shot. And yeah! He did fit me. Sytha later told me I should be playing Amaterasu, which is something he probably regrets, because in his own words “oh my god fuck the dog how can you play this bullshit character.”
I’d been looking for the closest thing to MvC2 Spiral (not including Arthur, bleh), and had pretty much given up on it. Then stumbled across a vid of HonzoGonzo playing Task+Doom (missiles). Since then I’ve been in for a world of Taskmaster.
If you want a Spiral Sentinel trap for Marvel 3 Viper/Dante/Ammy is probably the closest you’ll get, its block string just like Spiral/Sent’s will loop into itself unless they push block the right things at the right times if you intend to escape, however with the right execution the amount of damage before it’s physically possible to escape I think is like 600K and 2 meters or something around that. Higher execution to do it than the Spiral trap though.
Taskmaster however does massive chip off tiny exchanges and even more massive damage on hit, he may not be Spiral but he’s an amazing unique character.
How is that team like spiral sent?
Chrisis, what’s the sequence? I would never figure a Viper pointed team to be Spiral-ish lol I cant really see myself playing Viper anyway. To execution heavy for me : /
TheDarkPhx, are you asking me or Chrisis?
@DarkPhoenix: It’s akin to team Duc thanks to what types of block strings it does and gauge use/lack there of.
@Guile: There are a few, the primary good ones start from blocked string into Dante dash up seismo X 4-8 depending on execution, they regain the ability to push block your point character, Medium TK feint into crouch B + Ammaterasu, seismo x 4-8 cancel last into full screen Viper ball on last ice shot (Builds more than enough meter) repeat. Chip damage on a seismo is 24,000 If you hit everything at the best/fastest speed you kill Phoenix on block with that before they have the chance to get out at the gap. If your execution and reactions are better you can do block strings outside of assists negating pushblock by doing Viper’s built in pushblock negation with L/M TK feints timed correctly.
Viper’s much harder to do it with than Spiral but can land half of that every time they get near the ground providing the execution to do so. It’s closest to the 63214HP, 66 5hp+Sent, timed 5lp, 5lp, 5lp, 5lp (none of which actually coming out) repeat Spiral Sent trap. Though you need to think more based on positioning and have higher execution, one of the few things that’s not scrub mode in this game. D:
If you have perfect execution and decent reactions every time Viper makes a character block in the corner they die. But everyone’s distracted by the fact that she has really fun rush down tools or that her chip to death isn’t easy to execute to actually use her as such.
If they don’t pushblock correctly Viper can mindlessly spam Seismos when they’re cornered until they die, also works on assists.
2 things I know about Viper: 1. She’s awesome 2. I’ll NEVER be able to play her on my widdle controwwer. Interesting to note, though, thanks Chrisis!
I think controllers are hard to play Marvel on in general, I can’t imagine how hard Viper shiz must be on it X_X
However synergizing her with teams is really hard. Most good characters have their own OTG and thus don’t need seismo, and only characters with decent lows and pressure can utilize burn kick well. Fierce TK assist is only for combos since it has set hit stun, Her DHCs out are good for everyone, but Taskmaster honestly has the best synergy with 99% of the cast in every/any situation.
How are you doing Legion Arrow?
Which is that, the arrow super? I have 2 buttons macro’d for “super.” Boo and hiss if you want, but its just practical on pad (in particular SF4 ultras that need 3 presses). I did 2 button presses in marvel 2 no prob, but if I can macro, why not? All the other pad hardships, migth as well have some advantage. And for Legion Arrow in partic, I have to use M+H for the MH one since I only have 2 “super” buttons.