Why do you Play Deadpool?

What’s not to like? Deadpool is my most used character in MvC3.

Very fast
Good damage when you know the combos
Combo able anti crouch
Very good anti air
Combo able slide kick
Many angles to use projectiles
Easy to link supers
Priority attacks with the katana

I play deadpool cause I found his character to be amusing as hell. THAT and his normals aren’t as bad as people might say they are. Your opponent’s blocking, you say? Why, just end the blockstring with Trigger Happy + M and there!
Overall, he’s not THE greatest character, but certainly not the worst. CHIMICHANGAS!!!

I play Deadpool because of his keepaway, his loop, and Cuttin’ Time DHC trick Thor. I absolutely hate the character; fourth wall breaks are a gimmick that amateur writers employ when they lack the creativity to come up with a decent joke, in my opinion. And doesn’t Nolan North have enough roles to fill these days? Anyway, I’ll kick Deadpool from my team and have Phoenix Wright/Thor/MODOK once SuperMvC3 comes out and they inevitably remove DHC trick.

Deadpool has always been one of my favorites from Marvel and I jumped at the chance to use him. Sure, it takes a lot of extra work to do as much damage as other characters’ BnB’s, but I could care less. He’s fun to play and his OTG assist paves the way for longer combo strings with most of the characters I use.

If anything, I hope they give him a little bit more damage in UMvC3. Happy Happy Trigger doesn’t do anywhere near as much damage for a super that involves getting shot 40 times. And while I love that Counter-Super, it’s not worth the three bars to do it. Either give it more counter properties, increase it’s damage or reduce it to a level one.

Fantastic zoning. His Trigger Happy and Teleport are a notoriously infuriating combination that can control space against even the most challenging of opponents.

Nothing generates saltiness faster than “PINEAPPLE SURPRISE!” The rage-mail it attracts is highly amusing.

He has always been one of my favourite Marvel characters. His zoning game is really great so i usually spend most of my time shoot guns and grenade from full screen against character who rely more on getting in. I think his overall offense game could been a bit better.

His taunt is really cool too. Even though it’s very unlikely in high-level play, I use the taunt to kill just for troll.

Good zoning options and DHC definitely helps.

Favorite character ever.

Because he is my #1 favorite Marvel character.

I play Deadpool because he’s the ultimate troll character. He blankets the screen with projectiles while yelling stuff like “STINGS, DON’T IT?!” in an annoying voice, can include his taunt in BnBs, and though his level 3 isn’t very good from a practical standpoint nothing beats the trollish win factor of pulling it off and then teabagging or moonwalking while Deadpool sings “This is the Hyper Combo!” All my friends hate him and I happily feed off their salt.

I play him because he is very versatile in his playing style for whatever I need at the time, plus he’s super fun! :slight_smile:

Only his forward walk?

Just recently I decided to stop tier-whoring and play my favourite characters and Deadpool has always been my favourite Marvel character so I had to put him in my team. He is extremely funny and bad-*ss looking.

Other than loving him ever since he was running around with Typhoid Mary in the comics, he’s one of the fastest characters in the game. One dash & Whisper in the Wind beats out Doom’s Missiles. Plus the latter move runs low, going under most beams. Also, he’s so hard to gameplan for. And I don’t mean that like he’s hard to beat, I mean you don’t know what t expect from him. He can zone with his guns, mix-up with teleports and Mad Wheel, or rushdown with Whisper in the Wind. He doesn’t excel in any aspect, but he’s well trained in all three.

Also, as rare as it happens, who DOESN’T love smacking someone with your Health Bar for being stupid enough to go for a Physical Hyper?

Also again, Best Ground Throw Animation in the game, hands down.

I just realized, I haven’t replied to this topic!
Deadpool has always been a favorite of mine, though I really don’t follow comics too much. The few off chances that I do read an issue for whatever reason, I’m always amazed how competent he is, despite how outlandish his ideas or his surroundings are.

In game, he fits my style so very well. I hate having a character so dedicated to only one facet of fighting. While Deadpool is usually heavy in keepaway or at least, a zoning battle, he can more or less also handle the up and close. He was also of course, the token ‘ninja’ (but better) until Strider Hiryu took the scene.

All in all, I think the character is underrated, does have potential that may be a little harder to squeeze but above all else, his play-style and overall character are extremely fun.

He’s so funny and sad at the same time. He jokes a lot but only because he’s got cancer…

Also annoying as hell to play against, I always play with a variety of characters, then pick the ones that make me the most angry.

Because he is simply deadpoolicous.

I can play keep away & rushdown @ the same time.

My reason is simple. He’s been my favorite comic character since I got the 1st issue of his mini series in like 94.

I main Deadpool because he is my best character in the game. His personality and gimmick is just icing on the cake. I love how deadly he can be, and his overall playstyle and fluidity of his normals make him so comfortable to play. Plus, all the rage i get for hitconfirming Happy-Happy Trigger makes me lol all the time