‘this is the hyper combo’
I really started playing him because I thought he said in the game was hilarious. After using him a few more times I discovered I really liked his play style. He works out great with my other two team mates. Also it is fun to use his taunt mid-combo. You can cancel it into katana-rama. Which does nothing, but is super fun anyways.
“This is the Hyper combo” cracks me up best in the whole game love nailing peeps with it, I also like him cause he can fight up close or be bastard at keep away its all up to you, + his Walk forward or backward never ceases to amuse me.
Good range of projectiles, good damage output, good walk speed, zones well, hit confirms all day and doesn’t need assists as much as others to play at his best outside of extra screen coverage. I honestly wanted to avoid playing him at first out of hype aversion (whether he actually was that popular of a character or not) but I eventually gave him a spin and quickly warmed to him. Also I suppose he makes me chuckle every now and then.
Why I play Deadpool
Every move he has, from specials to normals are negative on block. Aside from that, not one move he has can be considered safe.
Ever wander why it takes so much to start combos with Deadpool? It’s because his normals aren’t good for this, epically against rushdowns, and even more so against Weskers. While playing as Deadpool, you get no respect, as if he had the attack speed of thor, he get’s rushed down.Why? Because as far as most other characters are concerned they have nothing to fear from mashing against him.
Let me put it a different way. Deadpool has nothing he excels in so well that makes other characters have something to fear.
His advantages:
Low damage
No moves with invulnerable start up
No hyper with invulnerable start up
Low health
A teleport that punishes him
nothing safe on block
no range on normals
No safe moves at all
I can’t count the number of times i’ve been hit out of a teleport.
I mean, he has nothing really going for him, and yet his moves work against him.
Do you guys know that if your opponent is in a corner and you want to teleport behind them, you can’t? WHY??
Another little fun fact is, once over half the cast has at least 1 meter of hyper it’s completely unsafe to play deadpool as a keepaway.
And speaking of his keep away, many of the mvc3 cast nulls the fact that he’s supposed to be a zoner. Wesker is almost like a counter character for him. aside from anyone with a teleport like Dante
His lvl three is his counter. Why? Aside from being funny, it’s useless. It’s situational at best.
When I look at other characters, with their lvl threes, ammy,trish,Wolverine,Wesker Zero, Magneto. I think to myself, “I wish I can combo into MY lvl three” you know? a reward for having three bars with Deadpool.
Most of the time, I find myself winning by timeout with Deadpool if my opponent doesn’t kill him off. I mean I zone and run away all freaking game, and I barely killed one and a half characters. Mean while if they had managed to get up close, They could have easily beaten me. In fights against characters that are good at closing distance, and utterly avoiding Deadpools zoning, I’ve normally managed to get about 13% of their healthbar while they got my hole character.
I’m a great zoner(not the best) but it seems like for the damage he does,combined with the speed of his bullets and the recovery of the move, it’s not that much to deal with. Fighting Deadpool is annoying and not much else.
And the whole time I’m frantically inputting for guns, jumping, tigerknees and all this, while I face a Wesker who at the moment is :f::hp:(knocking me out of trigger happy, into hitstun) and teleporting at me and comboing me to death.All from two button presses. He kills someone who doesn’t have a chance.
I looked for his best qualities and all I found were average damaging attacks that are punished at every turn. If he didn’t have his OTG Katanarama, it would basically be the same as playing Cap Am. Without the projectile eating hyper,or the one that’s invol on startup.
It makes no since why they did this to him. Such a badass in the comic, and so lamed out in this game
Back to why I still play Deadpool
Honestly I’m glad I picked him up, playing this character made me learn this game in the best way possible Trial and Error. I didn’t start off with a character with anything super powerful about him, meaning I was force to learn why things worked and didn’t work, it made me work hard to win a match. The same can be said of anyone who plays low tiers. Matches are never handed to you, it’s never as easy as having this ace in the hole to fall back on, you have your flawed character and you learn everything you can about your matchups. And i think I’m ready to move on to a more complex character because I played Deadpool, C.Viper.
To all those who play low tiers I salute you! And sorry about the salty post. Needed to get that off my chest:sweat:
But aside from all this, I think Deadpool can be made a better character if he had a Buff. It’s between Damage and Health. I pick Damage
THIS especially the teleport and quick work aggravate opponent like hulk u change side and they have to chase you again
stupidcadet is on point little doggy
I play Deadpool because I really like his character (and I collect all things Deadpool).
I just wish his failed teleport doesn’t come out as soon as every 3rd attempt
Hes a pretty good rushdown character. He also goes well with Viewtiful Joe, gameplay wise and personality wise.
Why are people saying swag. I know it must be a slang of some sort. I must be getting old.
Anyway, I play Deadpool from OTG capability, unblockable setups, general mayhem and hilarity, and most of all
…his launcher is a shoryuken. Who can argue with a character who imitates Michael Jackson and Ryu all at the same time?
I’ve been a Deadpool fan since Ultimate Alliance. When I first heard about this game, my wish list was B.B.Hood/Viewtiful Joe/Deadpool. Even now, Deadpool’s still one of my mains. Nothing more badass than moonwalking away from someone’s failed combo.
Thank you Rob Liefield!
This: [media=youtube]mq_jlEwJe8E&feature=related[/media]
This: [media=youtube]dABXYRRg5c8&feature=related[/media]
Deadpool has pretty much everything you’d want in a character. Fullscreen hitconfirm super, OTG capabilities everywhere, huge damage (albeit character specific), a teleport, an overhead that doubles as an AA, unblockable setups, sets up DHCs, a high damage move that doesn’t touch hitstun, great team cohesion… The only thing he lacks is above average life.
Hell I’ve found instant overheads with him that lead to full combo.
I was looking for a Cable to fill my old spot on team Roe, I found something that’s more capable in other areas.
It’s also nice pulling off one of his big combos and getting the crowd oohing behind you.
I’ve been playing him since day one, and he’s still generally better than my same team only with Magnus instead of him, and my Magneto’s no slouch! Go figure.
Him being funny is a nice touch.
This, is a hyper combo bitches.
Love his speed and hyper combos.
Because he gives me unblockable pipe setups with Haggar
And trolling with guns
I play Deadpool because I’ve been a fan of his first titled comic. Deadpools got personality for days and MVC3 has done an EXCELLENT job capturing and staying true to the real him.
I agree, he’s swagged out. A moonwalking, dual gun and katana wielding, special ops ninja ASSASSIN! Sign my ass up!!!
I play Deadpool because I love trolling the hell out of opponents who have no clue how to handle “Pineapple Surprise”.
Wow. I find it funny how I think only 2 people (maybe) in everything I just read had a “practical” reason for using Deadpool, everyone else is in it for the swag.
his AA assist keeps away dive kick spamming fucktards.
I like most of his combos. plus its kind of challenge to win with weaker characters. I could just mash everything in with akuma but choose not to.
I play Deadpool mostly because I’ve loved the character ever since I read my first Deadpool-comic. My playstyle is also pretty defensive and his keepaway fits that. As of late I’ve had some fun trying to find some setups and other stuff for him and I don’t think I’d be able to do that with some other, overused characters. His OTG assist is a nice bonus for my team, Hulk really needs it.