Why do people like Tyler Perry films?

Taking IQ tests wasn’t the norm when we were in high school. She scored damn near perfect on the SATs. Was very knowledgeable when we originally met at freedom theater (during our middle school years).
There is more to the genius story that I won’t post. She was also my roommate for about a year.
I hate TP for the record.

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Wow, you knew one white person that likes Tyler Perry. Clearly, that means ALL “white people love Tyler”, right? Bullshit.

The guy makes 99% of his money from blacks, the vast majority of them women, and pretending otherwise is some crazy revisionism.

It may shock you to know that something you consider to be a pandering cliche was added by Perry, and was not in the original play.


This doesn’t explain all of the black people who dislike Tyler Perry. Nor does it account for people being more kind to his movies because they don’t want to be labeled as racist, or be told that the movie “isn’t for” them. If his movies featured white people, do you actually think the reviews would be better, or worse?

And if these movies featured white people, do you think the black audiences would like them as much? Because I am 100% sure that Perry has had success with these movies and plays because of the black casts.

Actually I was commenting on the gent point of “being like England” and “making films about everyone”

I’m more interested in why black people create the most mind-numbingly stupid trending topics on twitter.

You’re a fucking moron. You write something stupid (“White people love Tyler Perry!”), naming a single anecdotal example as your “evidence”. When called out, you backpedal so damn hard I’m amazed you haven’t tripped.

Pretty sure Tyler Perry isn’t making a fortune in Hollywood because he’s so damn popular among those white women. The screenings for his pictures feature a 99% black audience.

I think you’re underestimating his fanbase a little bit. I don’t think just having black folks as a fanbase can earn you a net worth of 400 MILLON DOLLARS and have five of your films premier number one at the box office. Yes, he has a large base of black fans who will see anything he’s in/produced/directed, but there has to be some kind of crossover appeal for him to pull in that kind of money.

And as RockB said, I’d be willing to bet the majority of that appeal is the fact that his films pander to the psychological fantasies of the modern American woman–be they black, white, or purple with polka-dots.

Five of his films have grossed 418 million… and they cost less than 10 mil to make… wow.

I see what you’re saying, and have considered it before. However, I think you’re overlooking the size and power of a niche audience. Taking your figures, five of TP’s films grossed $418 million; that’s an average of just under $84 million per picture.

Assuming average ticket prices of $9 and that people only see a Tyler Perry movie once (although it’s probably more than that), we’re talking roughly 9 million people that watch each movie. Now, the number of blacks in the US is about 13%, which, out of 300 million total population, is 39 million.

So even if his films only appeal to blacks, his current audience per picture is less than 25% of the black population in US. So while I agree that nearly a quarter is a COLOSSAL level of appeal to a specific demographic, it’s very likely that the overwhelming majority of his fans are still black.

Whenever I see people in the movie theater walking out of a screening of a TP film, they’re always black. And every person I know that has mentioned owning or watching a TP film was black, too. Yeah, there might be some little old white lady in Maine that likes his movies too, but most of his fans are black.

If you want to be more specific, his main demographic is black, Christian, church-going women.

Thinking that the overwhelming majority of TP’s money comes from black folks is as silly as thinking the same about Lil’ Wayne, 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Kanye etc. They may be more “iconic” among the average black person, buuuut that’s not who’s buying the music. Russel Simmons has constantly said since the mid 90’s that the majority of people who buy rap are white, and it’s the same thing with Tyler Perry movies. Going by the math above this post 1/8 black people would have to go see every Tyler Perry movie, and I refuse to believe that if for no other reason than bootlegging. 1 in 8 people doing anything is a fuckton.

Rappers make 90% of their money from white audiences. That’s no secret. Everyone has always known that.

But you’re comparing apples and oranges here. Just because something is true about rap music, why does that suddenly make it true about Tyler Perry movies?

No it isn’t. How do you go from rap music to movies? By your logic, because most professional basketball players are black, that means most rock guitarists are black, too?

I totally agree. But 1 in 8 is the total percentage of the entire US population that watches a huge blockbuster like The Avengers, and actually smaller than the percentage that watched Avatar or The Dark Knight.

If you want another example, look at the absurd box office money that Fireproof or Courageousmade, despite having no advertisement (unlike TP movies), and a far more limited theatrical run than TP pictures. They’re both amateurs film made by a small Evangelical Christian group with no famous actors and no one outside of Southern Evangelical Christians in the South watched it. They ended up grossing $33 million and $34 million at the box office, which is close to the lower end of what TP pictures make. (“The Family that Prays” made $37 million, for instance)

Don’t underestimate the power of a properly motivated niche fanbase.

1/8 does not mean 1 in 8. It normally means one-eighth. Just so you know.

Since those “are for black people too it must be the same” ROFL

Because people are stupid.

This makes zero sense

You realize that this hurts your position as opposed to helping it right? You’re saying that Tyler Perry movies amongst black people have a higher penetration than some of the most successful movies of all time amongst all of Americans.

As does your argument “if it’s true about rap music, it’s true about Tyler Perry movies!”. That’s the whole point.

No, I said that they have less penetration among blacks than Avatar or The Dark Knight do for the entire US population, since more than 1 in every 8 Americans watched the latter two films. But yes, among blacks, TP’s movies are as popular as “The Avengers” is among all people living in the US.

Looking at the actual numbers, that’s a very reasonable statement.

Lets talk about something thats probably more frightening than the fact that Tyler Perry is so successful…


Lol. Thats the shit that blows my mind.

You know the answer to that.



Who do we have in the black community with acting substance that hasnt done a TP movie?


Our last hopes

Don’t forget that chick who plays Michonne on the Walking Dead. Also Forest Whitaker and Bill Duke.

He said substance. What else has she been in?

Zoe? Zaldana? She’s too busy playing the love interest to yet another white guy.