Why did Melty take off and other dojin games didn't?

@Ben - ok so Tsukihime is not your thing. I respect that. For myself, I didn’t think the plot was generic or anything like that. What got me hooked were Shiki’s powers. I’ve never seen anything like it before and thought it was cool.

So, it’s just a matter of preference. Case closed.

It’s amazing what Melty has accomplished considering its roots. It’s a doujin game for crissakes and it was featured in SBO and now EVO. From some obscure (bad, LOL) VN to the mainstream fighting game scene. Amazing.

Wait people actually think fans of Tsukihime like Near-Side where all the vampire fights actually happen?
Heck the battles are the only good part. You either loathe Arcueid’s because she does minutes long explanations on one solitary subject, and she’s not done, or you hate Ciel because she was destined to be a joke character and acts that way until you hit the route split.

I played Melty Blood before I had ever gone near Tsukihime, and really I can’t be assed out to play the whole game when Hisui is the only character I give a damn about.

At best I watched the anime, and I hit up wikipedia a few times and that’s it. There’s a billion other characters I don’t know about, and don’t really care for either.

And personally, before I had touched Tsukihime, well I liked the character designs. Fully clothed and classy, especially the women. I’m a sucker for simplicity, so it works out great.


MB character designs I respect:

Nero. Undisputed S-tier of coolness in Melty Blood. Wears nothing but a flasher trenchcoat and shoots deer out of his crotch. Has an evil laugh, an awesome backdash/forward dash, and the best-looking j. C in the game, complete with awesome elephant noise when he rapes people with it. Anyone who’s playing MB and isn’t playing Nero is breaking my heart.

Kouma. He’s angry, grapples, and sets people on fire. Kinda like a grumpier, more Asian version of Ralf. But Ralf’s still better.

Reinbach Sauerkraut. Has a neat jacket and beats people to death with a cello. Has Tiger Uppercut. Neat pilebunker combos with F-Ries that even I can kinda do. Honorary man in Melty Blood, which is high praise in my book.

Warakia. Screams like a horny cat whenever he does anything, which is always a plus because he reminds me of Vega. Gets points for craziness, but loses points for kinda sucking.

Roa. Is drunk with an unbuttoned shirt, but fails to take advantage of this fact by standing on a skyscraper rooftop and singing bad R&B with a crane shot panning around him. Has lightning powers, but like Wara, kinda sucks. Maybe next time, Roa.

Nanaya. A detestable Shiki, but less offensive than Tohno on account of being psycho.

Mech-Hisui. Has eye lasers and is now top tier. New tacticool gimmicks are kind of lame, but as an emotionless top-tier machine a la Sentinel, she still has my grudging respect. I probably wouldn’t play as her, though, because Nero is better.

Arcueid. Actually, no. Not Arc herself, but her theme song, whose butt-rockiness is strangely inspirational. Arc the character can go fuck herself.

No respect:

  • Schoolgirl Akiha. For bitin’ off Jedah. Kill this bitch on sight.

lol I don’t really feel strongly about any of the characters either way. It’s just a really solid game.

Tsukihime had an anime?!? (rhetorical, please don’t reply to this)

imo every piece of literature out there can be dumbed down and made to look bad, and once you give them that mindset, just give them something to read from that text and they’ll “see the light”.

Then again there are some VNs that i found good. Cross Channel and Utawarerumono. I’m waiting for Tsukihime remake before I touch Tsukihime. Though i did play Kagetsu Tohya, which is alright.

Every random online source I’ve seen says that Riesbyfe is female.

Of course, the gender androgyny is a joke played in the story mode by Mech Hisui of all people apparenty.

lol… I find it amusing that the only characters you liked were all the males and a mech. I’m guessing ridiculously muscled guys are more up your alley, hence why you prefer older SF and KOF :tup:

i like melty blood cuz the origami chick has cool mixups.

but then again i only play it at the arcade between mvc2 and sf4 matches.

and then after i get bored with wind jammers or battle flip shot.

go figure.

Too bad Ries is a FUCKING CHICK.

I guess the jokes on you, Ben.

lol I love the impact of Melty for EVO is having. It is like Melty has become more relevant to the masses of fighting game fans in general.

Think of how this thread was made. IT is nice that the game is receiving good and maybe bad popularity.

you’re pretty dense for thinking Ries was a guy…

Yeah, should’ve made that addendum. I haven’t really played AA yet, so I didn’t recognize that name.

A bad showing at Evo would make it a running joke for years to come.

Ben Reed said she was an “honorary” man, which means…well, you should know =/

But yeah, she’s one of the manliest girls in an anime fighting game, much like Zenia.

<3 Zenia.

And don’t worry. Melty will bring the hype. There’s no way in hell they’re going to drop the ball now.

All this Ben Reed hate is as silly as it is laughable.

Dr. B loves escaping from interstellar jails BUT HE WILL NOT


Fuck near side. Far side mindfucks are where it’s at.

This can’t be emphasized enough.

MBAC was one of the first fighting games I got into, I didn’t know anything about what it was based off. I got into it because it was on the PC with netplay, and the combos were written with the number notation which is easier to understand. I don’t really think the characters are boring, they are pretty normal looking, but moves are a big part of who the character is too. Ultimately the characters are pretty irrelevant though, fighting games are always something I have to try before I can decide if I like it or not, and after I like the game play I start liking the characters.

Also trying to avoid playing a woman and being obsessed with manly characters is weird.