Ex deer!
Sincerely, i guess the only reason why MB is so popular now is because it was a “doujin soft revolution” at the time. Before MB they were just QOH and EFZ (who wasnt the great game that is now with Memorial) in that scene, so when MB was released it was like “woah, i never believe the Doujin scene can get this pro level”, it was a whole new level…
And i remember that, at that time, SNK was doomed and Capcom was killing his co-op division, so with MB a lot of people get the idea that Doujin soft will “save fighting games” or something like that (i remember that very well, even here in SRK), it was also the first Doujin Soft fighting game to be released on Arcade, so MB is pretty important for the independent gaming scene.
he’s got some moon runes in his user title obv he’s from glorious nippon
Quick question #2, you mentioned reasonable dexterity requirements- what game would you say is most comparable in difficulty execution-wise to MB? It seems from seeing it at local tournies that people are hitting buttons more then any other game played.
I do believe dojin soft will be the future of the genre- as profitability is tough to come back for fighters this gen (SF4 was mad profitable, Blazblue made a good amount, SC4 may have made profit, I don’t think anything else did)
If you’re wondering why I ask. The game is mad popular in North Carolina- and I was wondering if it was for reasons I’d enjoy, or if it was just NC folks, as usual, liking shit I hate and vice versa.
In terms of execution, I’d say Guilty Gear without the FRCs.
Some combos can be challenging, but if you say, pick H-Shiki, some may be easier.
To be honest I would say Melee. At the highest level of play it takes a lot of technical skill to use a character to it’s full potential.
And if you don’t believe me try it do that stuff for yourself. >:U
God this thread is retarded.
Here’s an idea; MB took off because the game is GOOD. Tons of options, great variety in playstyle, very well balanced, fast paced, and overall fucking fun to play.
Oh, and just to clarify, I’ve never actually seen, heard, nor been in any sort of proximity to anything Tsukihime outside of the actual game itself.
Although in this particular case it would be safe to say better late than never…
To be fair, other games are good and don’t take off. Melty had dedicated players and became solid at the right time.
Not really.
Vampire Savior/Hunter + VF say what’s up.
why can’t these be popular why
There are games I like too that other people barely play, but I don’t fool myself into thinking they’re hidden gems or something. They’re just not good enough to appeal to enough people. If they really were good, people would be playing them.
And those games have commercial releases so there really isn’t any excuse.
Why the fuck is Ben Reed ranting against a visual novel in FGD?
He apparently thinks he’s being “awesome”
I got into melty blood because it was on the PC of the Anime store I worked at. That and a bunch of Doujin fighters. Not the visual novel, just the fighter. Around the time of the PS2 port being released.
Someone close this thread please…it keeps babbling about a fucking storybook but we’re trying to talk about the game play…
Uh. VF5:R?
And even if it did. Are you really trying to say Tekken is a better game than VF? REALLY?
I’ll go cry in a corner now.
He didn’t specify a VF.
I’m not saying anything is better or worse than whatever. Just that if you think a game is good but it’s hardly getting any play then maybe your game isn’t as good as you think it is. At the end of the day, you have to accept that people would rather play something that is more entertaining.
KOF98UM, VF5, SamSho Special.
A game can be good and not for everyone, also a game can get shitty support, like all of those.
Yeah you guys fucking suck cuz you let every VF game drop. Fuckers.