I was just on SRK and I saw that MK9 just announced its first batch of dlc characters. The first thing I thought was “omg here goes another slew of hateful comments about how these characters were already on disk just like with mvc3”. Imagine my surprise when I scrolled down the page and nothing but positive comments saying how excited they were about that the developers were giving them extra content after launch. There were a few naysayers (and by a few I mean 3 or 4 out of 109) who questioned whether they were on disk or not and these people were met swiftly with several excuses as to why the MK developers wouldn’t does such things. I’m just curious as to why people were so hell bent on calling capcom greedy liars but when they knew full well that Capcom said they were going do dlc back in the late summer yet when jill and shuma were announced started whining about every little detail. I consider myself a fan of this game and capcom in general so when they give me extra content I feel happy whether its free or cost a measly “five bucks” I see the value in having it. It seems like the MK fans feel the same way about their game despite some of these same people hating on capcom for it a couple to this day.
Basically all I’m asking is why there such a disparity between the two games and before anyone says mk cares aout there fans more, It took them four games to start “caring” about what their fans wanted and now they have a game that has less characters than its predecessors, 2.5d gameplay, x-fact… oh I mean X-ray moves, a tag system and dlc characters announced before launch. Hmm that sounds a lot like mv3. Oh wait I forgot they have a story mode so that makes that game better because everybody knows mk’s storyline is way more than just a pointless, gory, fighting tournament in which even when a character dies they still always come back in the next game and fight for the same reason. Six months from now does anyone think that the story or single player modes in Tekken, BlazBlue, SSIV: AE, MvC3 or MK9 will have any bearing about how good or how long a game last in the casual or the competitive scene? I think the answer is an obvious and resounding Hell No.
On disk dlc doesn’t matter to me. They could’ve simply removed it from the disc and forced you to download it but what’d the point be? You don’t have a right to it for free just cause it’s on the disk. I never understood people complaining about this. So they chose to withhold certain characters to get more money, it’s their decision and they can do what they want. I wish there were more dlc chars on the disc so we’d know which ones we’d be getting.
Either way they released a great game, dry your tears and play.
(this isn’t directed at any single person, just people that think they deserve what it already on the disk)
It’s not really a sense of entitlement that makes it annoying to people. It’s just the fact that it’s a pretty sleezy tactic to squeeze more money out of the fans. Obviously, as a fan you really want the content, but when developers essentially withold a portion of the game, which could have easily been finished by release or close, for more money, it’s really fucking irritating. Personally, I choose not to pay the money because I don’t care that much and I don’t want to incentivize sleezy tactics and that’s my choice. I mean this type of tactic is becoming quite common and if you don’t bitch about it then companies will see that and go oh well maybe we can take it a step further and try to fuck people out of their money even more.
capcom is purposely not releasing characters so they can make more money down the road. Since 99% of these games are sold to fan boys, its a very lucrative way to make more money because you guys will pay for anything. Look @ how much crap star wars sells, for god sakes they used to make star wars themed diapers…
Think about it, once you buy mvc3 they can’t make any more money off you for that game. Its like a 1 time buy. However if there is DLC for mvc3, they can continue to milk the same product for god knows how long.
Its not about the communities. Its about knowing when you’re being cheated out of your money. ** Fan boys don’t seem to care though. How about you guys hold out both your hands and I’ll take sloppy dump in them and ask for 5$. Its the same fucking thing.
these games are about skill level and that is acquired through practice. If DLC becomes increasingly more popular, I see the day where top tier characters cost 20$ to buy and we will eventually have reached the magic the gathering card game. Where you have to pay more money to use stronger characters. Where is the skill in that? skill is acquired through practice, not how deep your pockets go.
Every heard of the saying “the first person to call another person a fanboy is one themselves”?
Guess it’s today online era, it’s unheard of to like a company and not be a “fanboy”.
And it’s best to ignore most online hate comments. Regardless of the situation or what was actually stated, people will have their opinions and will speak them loudly. No need to try to look into it deeper.
Don’t worry. While we bitch about DLC characters and laggy online, they’ll bitch (yet again) about jab infinites and ed boon not caring about the competitive players.
I’m sure they’ll be extremely pleased just to get a MK title that isn’t broken.
How about both sides shut the hell up? Seriously, I’ve never seen so many damn paranoia for games. People who like a certain game always get paranoid that the next game will be better, or people that like an older game (and I don’t mean classics, I mean just like…maybe a year older if that) bash the new one as soon as it comes out and proclaims X game down the line will be twice as good.
Maybe if people stopped STRESSING if people take a different opinion on your game or not, they’d be a lot happier.
I like Super Turbo. I like Vampire Savior. I like MvC2. I like MvC3. I’m not a fan of Tekken or BB or GG, but I respect the games and what they do. After all the time away from SSF4, I don’t hate it, but I don’t know if I’d want to play it again. Those are my opinions, I don’t care what other people think about them. TC and others, you have your own opinions. You should not give a damn what other people think.
If you don’t care about the state of DLC and will buy it anyway, why care about those who hate it? Who cares how other fanbases think about their own game and DLC practices? Just worry about your own.
There’s 2 more characters for MvC3 DLC, they might be free since 2 were withheld because 1 character gave them an issue and they didn’t want one side to have 1 more character than the other.
It would be silly to sell them when they were suppose to be in the game by default before they ran into technical issues, right? Right?
from counter strike 1.1-1.6, they added new weapons, balance tweaks, removed glitches and for the entire life span of the game, it didn’t cost you a fucking penny. The way valve saw it, you bought the game already so all updates are free.
also, I need to point out that that counterstrike did 4.5 million units sold. Capcom takes notes. When you don’t try to fuck over every customer you have, you can actually sell more copies.
**lol its not optional, more like with held to make more money. ** Those characters are supposed to be free but they stand to make SOOO much more money by making them DLC. If jill\shuma are released with the game and capcom doesn’t announce DLC, they will sell the same amount of copies cause no one really cares about the extra characters.
However say mvc3 does 1 million in sales which it COULD do. 25% of those people would probably spend the 10$ on both characters. 25% of 1 million is 250,000. 250,000*10 = 2.5 million.
So if they release the game full packaged, they make 2.5 million less. By making the game and holding some characters back for DLC, they stand to make 2.5 million more. I must say its quite brilliant. What an extremely low tech way to make more money.
hmm, 25% is that not that much but what happens if we make people pay for the best characters in the game? more than 25% of the people would have to buy it to be competitive! thats what DLC will turn into aka magic the gathering.
An old CAD comic sums up the DLC debate pretty well even though the comic talks of a subscription fee, it can easily be applied to the DLC arguement too: