Who will always be the face of SNK fighting games to you?

Terry Bogard for me because he was there first

Kyo, because he’s the posterboy of the big SNK crossover slugfest that is KOF.

Terry reps SNK in general. Kyo and Haohmaru are reps for their specific games.

I voted Terry by accident, but for me specifically, it’s Ryo because The Art of Fighting is the first SNK game that I ever played and that’s who I associate with SNK the most.

Mai Shiranui although I don’t actually recall what her face looks like

Fatal fury 2 was actually fairly popular as was Samurai Showdown.

the faces of SNK are HaohMaru and Terry Bogard, they are the guys mostly associated with SNK. Terry is SNK’s Ryu franchise character.

People know Terry/Andy/Joe from Fatal Fury, and they associate those guys, Mai, and HaohMaru with SNK more than any other characters.

Mai ,Terry and Geese Howard. They are the equivalent to Ryu,Chun Li and Akuma of SNK

Terry if you are straight and Kyo if you are gay

Terry/Ryo/Haohmaru=Run DMC.

Kyo/Iori=Biggie and Tupac

Ash/K=Lil Wayne and Drake

Yes, I know this sounds dumb but I needed an analogy for how things have progressed in SNK characters -______-


Dan Hibiki

Always bet on The Hungry Wolf…

Definitely Terry. Everybody loves him. He’s the Poster boy of SNK, no debates about it really…

Sounds pretty dumb…I’ll entertain this…Truth be told, I have no idea why I am even giving this any feedback, but…

Kyo and Iori are not Dead… :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, it’s more like:
K’/Ash = LiL Wayne/Drake, since K’ was introduced first…

Terry, Nakoruru, or Haohmaru.

What? No Andy Bogard.

Athena, since she has been in more games than any other snk char, real talk
bonus points to Mai, Yuri, nakoruru and specially Iroha who has been only on one game but spawned a wave of hentai without precedents

Mai has been in more games then Athena

Athena Specific games- Psycho Soldier, Athena, KOF12
Mai Specific games- FF2, FFSP, RB, RB1, RB2, RBSP, FF3

Terry probably has been in the most games though.

Meh, even though I prefer Andy as my main, it should be Kyo not that Ash guy as the face.

Not to mention his super was pretty bad ass, not the one where he throws something but the uppercut one.

Terry of course.

Terry Bogard i guess, although i’d say Mai Shiranui if she was on the list.