Who wants to help run a side tournament at evo?

Nice i get to lose to RAB first round! :wgrin:

That being said, i think everything you said is fine. I don’t think PS2s are a problem, just games. What is EVO’s position on copied games on BYOC? Also any recording stuff?

So… is there any further info about the side tourney? Results at least…

Check out my post here for side tourney info:


Check out my post here for side tourney info:


whos allen? I heard you was looking for me at evo!! :eek:

whats up people… Im down to help… Im a web developer and if a site is needed to promote cvs2 , Im your guy… I thinking of starting a blog for the norcal southtown arcade folks but please pm me if you have a thriving scene in your neighborhood. We should come together and keep this game as hype as possible.