Who wants to help run a side tournament at evo?

Thanks HAV, glad to have MD aboard. If you have any ideas about how to do things, I’d appreciate it - other than last year I’m pretty much flying blind on how to set this up.

Why are you against single-elim, out of curiousity? It seems to me people prefer double-elim, but I don’t really get why. If the tournament is about finding out who the best player is, how does having a lot of players who have no realistic chance of winning play more games serve that purpose? Isn’t that what casuals are for? Any randomness in single-elim can be reduced by just having the sets go longer, and the tournaments run so much smoother if you don’t have to worry about spending 10-15 mins getting matches set up. PM me if you think it would derail the thread, but I’m trying to get a feel for what players want/like and what can be improved.

tournament is up guys!


Nobody wants to bite on why double elim is preferred?

So nobody feels like talking about double elimination. So here’s another topic: why aren’t people signing up for the tournament? So far, it seems like only the friends of the organizers have signed up. Anybody have ideas on what to do to get some more of the thousand people who voted cvs2 to sign up?

Oh, and also I think we should have it so people signing up for the door should have to pay a higher entry fee, like $12. Hopefully that’ll prevent a ton of people from signing up at the last minute, it’d really suck if we had to scrap a bracket entirely because we get double the entrants at the last minute. If we want to do this, we should post it in the evo thread ASAP.

Oh, and I created an event on tonamento for the side tournament. Does anybody with experience with Tonamento have any suggestions on how to best use it for the event?

So nobody feels like talking about double elimination. Well, here’s another topic: why aren’t people signing up for the tournament? So far, it seems like only the friends of the organizers have signed up. Anybody have ideas on what to do to get some more of the thousand people who voted cvs2 to sign up?

Oh, and also I think we should have it so people signing up for the door should have to pay a higher entry fee, like $12. Hopefully that’ll prevent a ton of people from signing up at the last minute, it’d really suck if we had to scrap a bracket entirely because we get double the entrants at the last minute. If we want to do this, we should post it in the evo thread ASAP.

Oh, and I created an event on tonamento for the side tournament. Does anybody with experience with Tonamento have any suggestions on how to best use it for the event?

Perhaps we need to post in more areas. Post in other reigonal forums and let them know about the side tournament and maybe even on other fighting game forums that might have a chance to go to EVO. If we just keep it in CvS2 forum(dead-ish) and the EVO forum, then it would have a limited audience. Probably other regional forums and the Tournament & Events area would be a good exposure as well?

I have no preference for the late sign ups. I don’t use Tournamento as well Dx

well i’ll tell you how this works:

we have alot of people who say, “i love cvs2” …the majority, BUT they don’t play it, and we have the hardcore cvs2 players, who are just “a few” who actually will sign up. I encourage you guys to promote this tournament on the different threads,forums, so we can get a few more players. honestly, we got 19 players, which isn’t bad at all. I do expect quite some more players who will sign up at the last minute. I will update the main post tomorrow, with the $15 entry fee if they don’t register on the evo forum. as you guys said, making a bracket takes a long time, it would be perfect if we have the bracket way before the tournament even starts.

I’d gladly sign up,
It’s premateur to commit to something though when I have a higher power that can send me places at a whim.

That’s understandable. I’d like to think your situation is unique though, and not everybody who plays cvs2 or voted in the evo poll is in the military.

I’ll post in the MD/VA thread, since I know those guys like cvs2 and only a handful of guys have signed up so far. Other than that area, where else are people playing cvs2? We can definitely advertise to people at NCR, since that should get a lot of players going to evo from norcal and socal.

It sucks that so many people are like that. I figure if we can just get these people to start playing again before evo, then a more people will sign up. Do you think the socal ranbats helped get some people off the sidelines and back into cvs2?

Looks like the ploy of higher reg fees still isn’t getting people to register. I checked the first page again, and I think we need to make things clearer for people. Something along the lines of: if 32 people have not registered by x date (say, monday before evo), then the bracket is going to be capped at 32. That way, we can pretty easily have the brackets set before the tournament, and not have to redo things, say, if we have 25 people preregged and another 30 people want to sign up on-site.

Finals on big screen?

Do we want to try to do this? I’d be down to try if people think it’ll convince people to keep playing cvs2. I just don’t know that it will - I remember last year they showed blazblue finals on the big screen, and not many people in the room were paying attention.

I will be able to let you know some for sure stuff towards the end of june. I’ll PM with questions later.

Heres the way i see it, we have to do this. At worse, no one pays attention, and at best, everyone does pay attention. Theres nothing to lose imo. Go for it!

The Stretch Run

I begrudgingly agree. I’m still mad at evo staff for the whole melty blood thing, but it’s probably best for our game that we try to do this. Anybody know people on the evo staff? I’ll pm Mr. Wizard to ask if not, but I figured it would be better for somebody who knows them to ask instead of some random.

Here’s a bullet-point list of thoughts as we get within a week of EVOOOOO!!!

-I think the next big number we should push for in the thread is 64. If we get over 64 people regged, that means we’ll have to use a 128-man bracket anyway, which will make it easy to fit in last-minute on-site regs. I am a big fan of saying that if we don’t get 64 by Monday or Tuesday, then we cap the tourney at 64. That way, we can print the bracket up, have it for Friday, and also start tentatively planning the schedule (like when to take breaks, etc). If less than 64 sign up, there still will be a handful of spots for the slackers to take.

-After messing with both, I found Challonge a lot easier to work with than Tonamento. Unless you have reason to do otherwise, I’m planning to use Challonge.

-After going to a lot of tournaments this spring, I’m open to double-elim, even though we have over 32 people. I still think single-elim is a better format for tournaments, but this one is for the players, and the players seem to want double-elim.

-We wanted to do pay-online, but now it’s going to be hard to enforce realistically. I think we’re stuck with paying onsite. How do you think we should go about getting peoples’ numbers? It’d be really good to have that before the tourney, so we can call them and make sure that they pay and remember the side tourney - crazy shit happens in vegas.

-People who offered to help: one of the biggest things you can do to help is to get a bloc of TVs in the BYOC area. If you can get there early and lock down 5-6 setups close together, that would be HUGE. Please post in here if you can help with that. People who offered to bring TVs, don’t forget to do that, it may come in handy if we can’t get a bunch of setups all together.

-Fervor:I’ll need your help in seeding the bracket. I’ve started to do that based on people that I know of in cvs2-land, but I’m sure you know more people than I do.

I don’t know anyone on the EVO Staff…its my first EVO! >_<

We currently have 40 people if i remember right. Honestly i doubt it would go too much higher in the time frame we have unless people come in droves for some odd reason. Capping it at 64 seems like a good idea. If there is actually ALOT of people signing up late and onsite that breaks 64, then maybe we can figure out then. Should prob also print out the brackets before we head to Vegas so we can be ready by that time

Either way, this is a huge side tournament that i believe no other thread stating their side tournie, even comes close to. HYPE!

If we do double elim i am almost certain that we are going to have to finish Saturday, and not just with top 8. I am not against it though, but just bringing it up since we are starting at 3PM(is that a good time? Maybe earlier?). As for people’s numbers, i thought Fervor has all of them from the pre-req? For those on-site we are going to have to ask them for their numbers individually.

I can’t bring a TV but i am going to bring my console and game. I am going to be there Thursday the day before EVO starts, and if you guys are there already at the time we should meet up and plan on a time to get there and sort things out. I personally plan on getting there soon after BYOC is first open and nab a spot. The problem is, that i would be anchored there since i don’t want any thefts -_-;; So is 3PM a good idea? I am pretty sure it will take much longer than that if theres double elim.

Is seeding a good idea…? I mean would it seem like we are just giving certain people an advantage due to popularity?

just wanted to come and wish you guys the best of luck. And I’m really looking forward to this.

I’m a local and plan on being at Caesars on thursday so I could meet up with you guys if need be.

hey guys, just wanted to thank you for all the help with this tourney!!! we got 42 people so far, and thats not counting any of the norcal people lol. you guys have done an amazing job!!!

I agree with warzard, we should cap it at 64, if for any reason we get alot more people than we expect, then we just go to the 128 men bracket, but i doubt it.

and yes warzard, we can use challengo instead of tonamento, reason i say this is because I am not familiar with tonamento, so working with your program should work just fine

I do not have many peoples numbers, since some of them preregistered as groups, or registered on srk, either way,warzard, I will email you all the information you have, and as far as seeding, I could only think of someone who entered who definitely needs to be seeded lol.

we do need at least 4 setups so the earlier we get at ceasars the better, lets hug those tvs lol. I know many of you want single elimination, but lets be honest guys, many people are not that good at the game, so why not enjoy some cvs2 for friday and saturday :slight_smile: I am so excited we got this many people this tourney is going to be siiick!!

Almost there guys! I accidentally deleted this damn post twice, so I may be forgetting a few things, but here goes:

  • We need to announce that online reg is going to be closed at midnight tonight, so nobody tries to sign up tomorrow online.

  • Here’s the draft bracket: EVO CVS2 Side Tournament - CHALLONGE!. Fervor, or anybody really, pm me to let me know if any matches/placings are wrong and let me know why (mainly, if somebody is playing their best friend in the first round. I only placed a handful of people strategically to avoid an early matchup). Also, Fervor let me know the final list of online registrations so I have everybody on the list.

-I say we try to finish the tourney on Friday, and post in the thread that we reserve a time Saturday (say, 3pm again?) to wrap things up.

-I may not be able to meet people tomorrow, but I’ll be there early friday for sure. I will coordinate with LionX, Fervor, and Nick T(could you pm me your number?) to lock down an area. I will bring a couple of ps2s, but need copies of cvs2 to go with them, so if you have an extra cvs2 please bring it! The final list of organizers I have are us four plus firearms (tournament expert tm). Am I forgetting anybody? After we get spots, I say let’s take turns on watching the area and everybody’s stuff (for casuals/what not) so nobody has to sit there for six hours. It’s going to be a long day, no need for people to get burnt out before the tourney.

-For on-site sign-ups, we should post saying it goes from 1:45-2:45. I’m also thinking of having people leave their numbers at that time so they can be called for their match times. I also really like the idea of planning those match times before the tourney starts, so we can tell players when they need to be around.