Who Plays KOF The Best?

Now this topic has been hovering around for awhile, but I figured it was time to isolate this topic on it’s own thread. Now IMO, I think asia and mexico have got some of the best players for SNK in the world. Between the 2, I would give the edge to Mexico but I will acknowledge that asia has got some very talented players on there side. Anyhow what’s everyone’s 2 cents on this?


To add something to this convo, recently Taiwan beat Japan very badly in a KOF98UM 7on7 at DNA4. http://asanoc.dee.cc/dna4/layout.php?lang=jp

You can go to their BBS for a picture of the result bracket thingy.

China is by far the best for KOF98.
As for KOF02, maybe Japan or Mexico.

Japan/China/Korea, depending on which kofs we’re talking about.

The problem with Mexico is that they are still “stuck” with certain strategies that asia has already surpassed. If you don’t know the counters yourself, you wouldn’t really notice this because Japan does not use certain things that Mexico uses very often, such as tick throw attempts.

To me, Mexico does not know how to create “turning points” in a match like Asia does. The reason is that most mexican players, with the except of maybe Abraham and Khannibal, do not know how to properly “hide” certain techniques until a time when they really need them. They seem to be more interested in landing the big combos but it results in a lack of patience and a lack of focus on other fundamentals. It’s really more of a brute-force style of play as opposed to Asia’s more concentrated style where they have truly learned how all the matchups need to be played and really know how to get into the mind of the opponent. And even with that obsession with combos, Asia’s comboability is still far better.

Mexico really needs to learn the concept of alternate guard to avoid tick throws. I see tick throws used in offline mexican matches and everyone I fight online also does not have a clue about alternate guard either. Metagames can be quite different when a group of players just don’t know how to do something - if they learned how to PROPERLY use alternate guard, their metagame would be different. It’s not really just alternate guard that Mexico is lacking, it’s the poking game, the yomi and the overall knowledge of asia.

Let’s see, I heard one mexican player (not sure how good he was) went over to Japan a couple years ago, and he couldn’t win a single game in the arcade. I need to ask some people about that…

The only time so far that I know mexico has played Japan in kof2k2 is online and Japan blew them out. Blowback doll and Hammer defeated osmani and winnie, among others, in very convincing fashion. That alone doesn’t prove Japan is better but it certainly supports the statement that they are better.

I’m not gonna bother with this thread…sorry, but I’m just not…I’d rather set up these actual matches than play Theory Fighter with what if…

If not then this thread will go nowhere…


Be warned, you have now thrown yourself into a debate that will span a couple of pages… Get out while you still can!:rofl: :sweat:

Besides what you just brought out, the only reliable proof in this thread thus far is what Dandy J posted up- COLD HARD FACTS. RIGHT NOW Taiwan is better than Japan in 98UM. But that could change in a year…so people forget, things can change from year to year.

Please disregard Emil in anything he ever posts on SRK. Only a retard could actually use “Yomi” as something a fighting game player is lacking :-/. Really now, they lack yomi?

For this one we’re gonna have to wait for Dark Geese to make a couple of million dollars so he can fly the top 10 of japan, china and every other country in south america to El Paso and have a tournament with the mexicans. Its already being planned and its going to be massive hype since nobody will be able to talk to each other except Dark Geese with his broken english/X language that he will pick up consisting solely of the character’s moves in their respective languages. Seriously, that shit will be extra hype!

The truth- We are talking to the people of Dueling the KOF (in Japan) and I’m promoting RS El Paso in February like mad…matter of fact I wanna send the Nouveau Defi Prologue 2009 DVD to them because they are interested in working with us, but that’s really all I can tell you about it because it is being worked on…

Also South America and Central America vs. Asia vs. North America would be GDL…:rock:
You gonna be there Feb 26-28th right Pertho?

This doesn’t invalid what I said honestly…did you look at the ggpo matches I’m referring to?

Does this word bother you that much? Their reading of the opponent is just not that great with exception of some players like Abraham. Their overall accuracy is not that good and their opponents are actually more predictable

I play kof the best


Japan vs Mexico would be laggy online. I think the ping would be about 200ms.

And if you look at both countries play style, the Japanese turtling style and the Mexican rushdown style, I think the Mexicans would be more affected by lag.

Just a theory, however I’m supporting Japan. :rolleyes:

I love it when people line up to blow the Japanese. It’s like OH JAPANESE MMMMMMMM SOOOOOOOOO DELICIOUS. If anything the Chinese SPANK the Japanese in KOF so badly that they scream out YAMATE! When fighting the Chinese. Not to say that the Japanese are bad, but in OG 98 the Chinese will give them good servings.

And Latin America is the true wild card since almost each area has it’s own fighting style which makes it hard to pinpoint exactly what they do. One area of Mexico is highly different from another area which can go from pure grapplers to pure combo rushdowns. There is some tales of a person’s fighting style but Latin American fighting tends to be quite different from region unlike Japan where they tend to fight a lot more standardized.

And the lag would affect it since Lag caters more towards turtling then rushdown. And I’d say it might go into 300 ms from the distance.

i want to see how Leo do Meier would if he traveled abroad

Japan does NOT have a turtle style…they just know when to defend and when to attack.


Ok, did you watch the entire chian vs. japan tournament? The first 15 or so matches was not “winner stays on” style and I believe Japan actually won(or tied?) that, the problem was when they went “winner stays on” and had Xiaohai on…he got an 11 streak. Him and Dakou may be better than the Japanese but the rest of the Chinese are about the same level or possibly lower than the Japanese.

You don’t use like 1-2 players to represent an entire country…otherwise, IF it was true that Tomo Ohira is better than the Japanese in SF (I don’t think it’s true but let’s just say assume so), then you shouldn’t be able to argue that therefore the US is better than Japan.

So yeah, Dakou, Xiaohai and maybe Ching Lung are on a slightly higher level but the rest of China I would consider to be roughly the same level as Japan. Also I think 777 would be able to stand up to Xiaohai and Dakou, they never actually played though.

I think Japan has more love for the game than China does honestly. Seems like almost all of China is not interested in learning any characters besides the top tiers, while the Japanese more often use whoever they want and maximize that character’s potential. Just look at players like Raian, Asano=C and 777.


Japan is monsterous in 98.

The problem with Mexico is that they are still “stuck” with certain strategies that asia has already surpassed. If you don’t know the counters yourself, you wouldn’t really notice this because Japan does not use certain things that Mexico uses very often, such as tick throw attempts.

I disagree, I just think the asians have a different style that suits them. It’s sort of like west coast and east coast in the states, they have different play styles but are overall equal to one another.

To me, Mexico does not know how to create “turning points” in a match like Asia does. The reason is that most mexican players, with the except of maybe Abraham and Khannibal, do not know how to properly “hide” certain techniques until a time when they really need them. They seem to be more interested in landing the big combos but it results in a lack of patience and a lack of focus on other fundamentals. It’s really more of a brute-force style of play as opposed to Asia’s more concentrated style where they have truly learned how all the matchups need to be played and really know how to get into the mind of the opponent. And even with that obsession with combos, Asia’s comboability is still far better.

I disagree, I find the latino’s to how more impressive and fancy looking combo’s then the asians. By that same token, just because the asians turtle more it doesn’t instantly assure them as being"better players"

Mexico really needs to learn the concept of alternate guard to avoid tick throws. I see tick throws used in offline mexican matches and everyone I fight online also does not have a clue about alternate guard either. Metagames can be quite different when a group of players just don’t know how to do something - if they learned how to PROPERLY use alternate guard, their metagame would be different. It’s not really just alternate guard that Mexico is lacking, it’s the poking game, the yomi and the overall knowledge of asia.

Again I just think it’s the style, but it is something I do think they need to improve on and that the asians are better at.

Let’s see, I heard one mexican player (not sure how good he was) went over to Japan a couple years ago, and he couldn’t win a single game in the arcade. I need to ask some people about that…

Find out more info first…

The only time so far that I know mexico has played Japan in kof2k2 is online and Japan blew them out. Blowback doll and Hammer defeated osmani and winnie, among others, in very convincing fashion. That alone doesn’t prove Japan is better but it certainly supports the statement that they are better

Online and offline differences play in once again…and perosnally I don’t think it was a convincing fashion.

97,98 is China’s game and 2k2 is Japan’s game.