Who pairs well with Jin?

Awesome! add me davmen05, I’m rusty as hell just picked the game back up but I’m down to play :smiley:

I can’t deny that Jin/Kazuya connection man, some sweet music those 2 play together.

I’m looking forward for the ver.2013 changes! It’s very clear that i stay with Jin but i’m looking for a good second character!
My thoughts are Asuka, Yoshimitsu, Lars… or i stay with Chun Li!!

I’m a little sad that Jin’s getting Nerfed in his Throws, but everything else is essentially getting buffed. Which makes things all the tastier.

Yeah he looks really good in v2013! I’m just wondering what they’re meaning with: "no recoverable health when taking damage during Power Stance!

Im assuming its you just lose the health in trade for a counter chance.

If you take 0 damage, that would be Rediculous. I already love doing power stance, instant double back dash to get out of trouble.

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Yeah i used it not too often but it have saved my ass so many time xD.

New Conceptual 2013 team, Jin x Yoshimitsu…we will see how this works out :smiley: I needed a new challenge, and Yoshi provides that for me.

Yoshi is quite awesome! He got some good setups to bring Jin in!

Jin/Lars is a good team. Great synergy and great damage.

No point in going for super. 1 bar does more damage.

New to the game (tried it on release and didn’t like it initially, picked it up for 2013), been giving Jin/Asuka a go and they seem to be a relatively decent pair. Can get 520 damage with a simple combo switching from Jin to Asuka.

I’ve been thinking of running a Christie/Jin team. I’m not too sure how well they would go with each other though. 

Jin/Steve…love it <div><br></div><div><br></div>

Is Akuma/Jin is a good team??? Should I switch the order?

Anyone try Bison/Jin? Trying it now, curious if anyone has any tech for it already

share some tech?

Nothing too fancy jin can tag in Steve in almost every way he can tag others in, and Steve can start working his opponent into the corner with his magic or combo ducking TC into juggle raw launcher too bring jin back in if situation calls for it , vice versa Jin can tag in off of several of Steve’s specials like flicker stance juggle combos or even Steve’s SRK move Sonic Fang, not allot of CRAZY crazy damage but there’s a few 500+ combos, but off of Steve C Grab Jin can net 700 damage full bar (1 for tag, 2 for super). Blocked MLD by Jin can actually lead into a frame trap with Steve’s C grab if you time it right, It can possibly be blown up but hard to react to if you don’t expect it.

JinxHwoarang is the team Im running now the Use hwoarang to get open my them up and tag in jin as a ender and get them closer to jin
But not sure on the order what do you guys think