Rachel still isn’t terribly hard to play. I think the games more about trying to get rid of bad habits most of the time until you get to higher level play. If you can learn 1 or 2 decent combos and have a decent idea of what normal you should be using, you are pretty much set for quite a while. =/
Jin, Jin, and Jin Hooray!
I’m maining Rachel. She’s… definately rather tough to get right. Getting corner trapped SUCKS against icecarwtfINFERNO DIVIDAAAA…
Yes, that was for lulz.
Now I have Jin and Ragna doing a fusion dance… RIDE THE DIVIDAAAAA
Erm, on topic
I’ve fought tons of Jin and Noels, a couple of Arakane, some GOOD Tagers (Or maybe I just suck), had a mirror match with bang (Got the achievement ftw), Two/three clap loop Carls (One almost got me…)
Had a mirror match with a bunch of Rachels. One I got with an astral finish from across the room.
I guess Lolis have some sort of magnetic attraction to red deathbeams.
What sucks is that I’m new to BB (but not fighters), and wanted to pick up a character to learn the game with. I didn’t know Jin would be the Ken of BB, since I really knew nothing about the game (and figured Ragna probably would be the character everyone picked). Plus, I thought Jin’s advanced gameplay looked cool, and early research showed that he had tools to handle a lot of different situations.
As it stands, I’m learning a character that everyone is already hating. I’m sure when I play online, the other guy rolls his eyes at “great, another Jin”, even though I’m trying to learn the game properly.
I didn’t want to be that guy. :sad:
I understand how you feel, but honestly, don’t worry about what others think, and just play whichever character you like the most.
i’ve only been playing on the PSN for a couple of days right now but if you’re worried about being “that guy” then dont pick jin. He’s definitely the ken of BB atm. People keep saying Ragna is getting played alot also but i’ve been playing with ragna most of the time and i’ve only had 2 mm’s today. Its mostly been a jin-fest
Omg, it’s that guy! Everyone point and laugh!
Bah, as soon and they match starts and they see that your not wearing black n’ red and aren’t spamming ice cars and mashing C on wake-up I think they’ll be pleased to be playing you. Decent Jin’s are a breathe of fresh air.
Heh, I’m not that great, I still have a lot to learn. But I’ve got some decent ground pressure and can BnB in the air.
Yeah, I figured everyone would be rocking that black and red Jin. Why is everyone so attracted to that color? I’m using color 3, solid white with green ice. :rock:
I think it’s because lots of new players just hit the X button to select their character, which just so happens to be the same button that selects the black color scheme.
yeah, its the a button on the 360, and it happens to select what appears to be every characters goth outfit, so I think its coincidence. Though I’m sure some people think it looks awesome.
Makes him badasserer.
i played like 2 really really good JINs online.
1 carl player that was fucking ridiculous with the clap shenanigans and throw infinites( GG BTW)
1 rachel player
3 V13’s they are a nightmare for BANG.
other than that its all scrubby jin, noel, ragnas all fucking day…( i hate noel especially just cause she can get away with certain things on bang)
I played a lot of Noel’s today, and they were all pretty damn good (BnB combos, oki games, etc). And it didn’t help that I was using my secondary character, Litchi.
So far i’ve ran into alot of Arakunes, and a few Noels
There’s definately an order for this.
Jin: First by a lot. There’s two breeds- those who ride their Ice Car all day and get swept into the Clap Loop, and those who try to throw Ice all day, which get shoved into the corner by Nirvana no-selling that shit. I’ve faced literally two good Jins since starting. Outside them, once I learned how to punish Scrub Jin’s shit I stopped losing to 'em.
Hakumen: Second by a lot. Jump C spam meets 6A into Clap Loop. Stand C gives me fits, but I’m learning to work around it and have gotten good about convincing Hakumen to throw it out when I’m JUST out of range with Nirvana close enough to force him open. Turtle Hakumen matches tend to have us spending at lot of time staring at each other across the screen. A Hakumen that knows how to IAD still scares me lot since I can’t just 6A them out of their jump C spam, but they’re rare. I wish I was successful against Scrubumen as I was against Scrub Jin. >_>
Noel: Third by a lot. Button mashers just die to the robot- Noel has a definate lack of attacks that stop Nirvana on her C and D buttons. Button mashers who wait until they get close to mash get grabbed out of their shit in the huge openings they tend to leave in their D strings and fed to the loop. Easier then Hakumens in general, but harder then Jins.
From there, it mostly goes;
Big Gap
Big Gap
Carl- so far the only one I faced was some guy who was dittoing everyone he came across. I handed him his first loss that session when he tried pulling that shit on me since Carl is hard and I just beat the shorts off him. So then he pulled out Scrubumen. :\
He was losing that match too, so he ragequit.
BlazBlue: Calamity Jin. I’ve played only about 70 or so matches (mostly losses, trying to get my Rachel down pat) and I’d say 40 to 45 of those matches were Jin, the rest were Noel. I played 1 Tager, 2 Taokaka and maybe 5 Ragnas.
Ok, after about two weeks of play this is who I see (from the most to least):
Jin :looney:
I always have to play Ragna Jin and Tager. I think i am the one one that plays Hakumen. Yeah anyways yeah i see at out of Jins and Tagers.And yes with the red and black for jin .
Jin and Ragna are the most common for me, Noel’s next, Tager’s seem too come in packs. Of course Carl is the least seen, fought a few but have yet to be put in the loop.