Who do you use with Asuka? Do you use her first or second?

Stock meter for the second round, then. It’s kind of how my strategy has been with that team. Asuka’s only need for meter is her EX Sweep Throw and her EX AA Grab and if she’s already in, she doesn’t really need those either unless the opponent manages to run away.

Asuka should never, ever, ever go first.

It’s not that she’s bad at getting in, it’s that she can’t get in. However, once she is in, she is a terrific bully.

I completely agree. If she’s caught out of around sweep range, her tools are useless, but once she’s in she can start wrecking shop… hard.

Even on defense, she’s a beast up close. Nothing like being pushed into a corner and then landing a counter to completely turn the tables.

Actually, I think I like Jin’s capabilities with her for the simple fact that they can both easily frustrate a player. As soon as they start getting impatient, Asuka can go to town.

I’m running Julia/Asuka right now. Asuka has some great pressure with j.hp, reversal, and sweep throw. Oni can make unsafe normals relatively safe. Julia helps me get in even though she might not be the best at that. EX swift step and wind roll are much better than anything Asuka has though. That and the one frame start up super is absolutely amazing. Part of me wants to put Asuka point so i can get that extra meter for Julias super but playing defensive with Asuka feels a bit hard.

I played around with this team earlier today actually and didn’t think it was too bad to run her on point in this situation, at least, if the opponent didn’t lead off with a zoner. If that happened, it was easier just to tag in Julia and go for it. Waiting in the corner like a snake with counter and sweeps was kinda cool.

While I’m trying to find another character in the current roster to pair her with, I’m using Asuka simply because I like the character. I’m wanting to pair her with Dudley or Sakura when the DLC comes out, although I imagine the Sakura pair would be more effective.

It’s not really that Jin takes advantage of meter better, it’s that Jin’s midscreen damage is weak without meter. But if you cross rush to Asuka, you’ll get similar damage to Jin’s meter combos without spending any.

That way Jin literally never has to spend meter except maybe the occasional defensive EX power stance, and then you can use it all on tags and Asuka’s EX moves.

I disagree that Asuka can’t fit as a first character, but with Jin (my current team) I would put Asuka second.

I think Sakura would work really nicely with Asuka. For now, I’ve paired Asuka with Juri (yeah, I’m mainstream) and I’ll probably keep that team going for quite a long time. Chances are I’ll go back and forth between Juri and Sakura on point with Asuka on anchor when DLC releases.

ive been playing asuka jin and i was in the same predicament. I decided jin first to deal with people running point characters that asuka can’t handle. jin’s ex power stance > mental alertness > P combos are nice but i’d rather cut my dmg by 50 than have a no meter Asuka run at point.

i’m on the fence with jin/asuka though. i feel it’s important to have at least 1 charater with a DP or at least good AA normals in order to compete.

yeah I was thinking about this the other day. if sakura still has the same c.fierce and jab then she’d be amazing for asuka just off of those things alone. heck, maybe throw in some l.tatsu pressure…

as a matter of fact. which character do you think play the most similar to sakura in this sfxt incarnation. i might as well start practicing that synergy so i can jump right in when the DLC is eventually released

I dunno about you, I signed up for Sakura’s crouching Forward and standing Roundhouse. Her footsies are so good. Okay…I guess the crouching Fierce, too. I can’t go wrong with such a great anti-air.

I’m just gonna say Ryu because I can’t gauge anyone else I’ve played so far in SFxT to be anything like Sakura except for minor things. She has no replacement, hence why I went with something completely new to me (Juri) in the meantime.

Just got the game. Been using Guile/Asuka. Decent tag combos back and forth, and Guile can cover Asuka’s problems pretty well with his pokes and anti-airs… His annoying keepaway helps make people want to get close for Asuka. Glad his crouching HP is still stupid good in this game… haven’t played Tekken in years but man this little bitch is lethal!. Getting in can be a problem, and I’m relying on her jumping HP a little too much, but once I get the hang of her I can see myself doing much better with her.

I main Sakura in SFIV and I can probably say that she will be a fantastic partner for Asuka.

I have a feeling that Sakura is going to be really good in this game, cr.hp AA juggles, her st.hk has really nice range in SFIV, ex otoshi through fireballs which causes a ground bounce, cr.mk buffer shouken into a juggle combo, etc. etc. I hope she will retain her 3f cl.hp as well!

asuka + balrog (cause i used him allot in ssf4) but i’m looking for a new dude or et …

I think Sakura won’t be as “special” in this game in that everyone else is doing long combos now, so hers won’t mean as much.

However they can play up the poking and pressure aspect, and perhaps the system changes might make up for her loss of damage advantage.

How Does Nina on point with Asuka as an anchor sound? Any opinions?

been running Asuka on point and poison 2nd.
It’s tough getting in with Asuka, but it’s really easy to get knock down to start the mix up.

What makes it so easy? Like how do you start off your pressure.

The start is kinda hard because you have to know how the person reacts to things or if they like pressing buttons.
using the counter in footsies just inside their poke range is so good. it puts them in the state of stop mashing buttons after a block or to stop throwing out random pokes. After the knock down doing ambiguous jump ins or reading their roll sets you up for a quick win.
If you get them to be afraid of counter you can easily pressure with cadc strings or cadc into overhead combos.

When my friend and I do online together he does nina point and I run asuka as anchor. He can easily tag me in and set me up for ambiguous cross ups. As far as comboing together we haven;t explored that yet since we are just doing this for fun.

Damn. I was reading your message and was hoping it would lead to awesome detail with the two as a team.