My current team is Abel x Asuka, I’ve been considering swapping out Abel for Rolento, but I’m not sure yet. I have so much trouble against footsie heavy characters with Asuka (specifically Rolento) and I’ve been searching for a counter to these tactics.
what’s the rolento doing that’s so problematic?
i had trouble with a rolo i faced that was constantly in the air, dealing with that is tricky imo
but if he’s just playing footsies his you should be able to f+hk over that
the s.lp is not the easiest because of it’s speed but we have counter to help us if they get jab happy
but take what i say with a grain of salt because like i said they only rolo i faced was always in the air
I feel like I want to run her second with a more meter hungry footsie character on point. Asuka doesn’t really use meter well outside of EX Sweep Throw, so I figure the first character can blow it instead and do tag cancels. Been considering Ken for it, with EX Tatsu juggles
That’s my general strategy at the moment, but I use Ryu instead, mainly because of how much damage his SRK does and EX joudan related dickery. Still not sure on a solid tag combo for Asuka though. For the moment I just use s.MK Falling Rain.
My go to tag combo is f:lk: f:lp: cr:mp: xx Oni cr:hk:
Connects everywhere on screen, while the one with the :hk: instead of cr:mk: requries specific spacing
It’s not really spacing. I think it’s timing.
Like, you’ll notice if you do f+LK early when you’re tagging in, you can completely whiff it if you do it too early.
f+LK done early enough but not too early will give you a consistent roundhouse xx onikubigari, I believe.
Probably, but the timing for when to do it does rely on you spacing relative to the edge of the screen. Thus I’ll generally take 6 less damage or so in exchange for a guaranteed hit
Im using Xiao and Asuka.
I’m currently using Poison/Asuka. Poison builds meter really quickly, and she doesn’t have too many problems getting close to people. My basic strategy right now is build meter w/ Poison, get close then tag combo Asuka in and kill 'em. Sadly I haven’t found any good tag combos with my team yet, still working on that.
i messed around with this team today because xiao is one of my alt chars and it’s interesting but i felt like if i made a mistake i had a steep hill to climb
but definitely fun and dangerous
aww that’s my team too same order too
i actually try to only tag when in the corner so i can get the s.hp, h aeolus,,, h kissed by a goddess, change f+lk, f+lp, (2nd leg cutter oni/sweep)
I usually tag Asuka in with a basic abc launch when I have 1.5-2 bars of meter. It might be small damage but Asuka is pretty good at punishing tech rolls so if I guess right on their wake-up they are gonna be in trouble.
I’m becoming convinced that zoners are the ideal partners for Asuka.
Put a zoning character in front and the opponent comes to you without you having to work to get inside. Bring in Asuka when they get to your zoner (tag-cancelling an anti-air is best here) and then work Asuka’s dirty oki and close range game for all it is worth. When something like a sweep-throw resets everything to full screen, raw tag your zoner in again and repeat.
I agree with Reticently.
I think Asuka’s best on 2nd, cross rush, tag cancel, w/e her in and do a j.hp on their roll (if they do so) and if it hits, do her damaging combo and tag again or if it blocks, then work around getting a sweep throw and then raw tag.
I am doing the same thing. I am personally more comfortable with Vega getting in/out when I want to in comparison to Asuka, but when she is in and can stay in she those easy strings xx dp:k: to help keep her there. Considering most people I have played are in the Rolento/Hei type of mode, Asuka’s counter vs. Rolento’s st/cp :lp: is one way (with practice) to get him to back off of you. She also has her hcb + :hp: to counter/punish projectile zoning. So far it seems a matter of getting her there and keeping here there…
I actually like this idea, if only because it gives Asuka some sort of reason to use meter. I tend to have a lot of spare that I just save for Cross Arts, but this seems like a more efficient usage.
I’m finding Zangief is a pretty good character to pair up with her. He can take the hits he needs to power his way in and he’s pretty good in the neutral game.
I’d suggest Hugo too, but the runaway game isn’t too kind to him. I’m not sure how good he’ll be once the game develops a bit more.
I really like this thinking. You use all of her strengths, and compensate for her weaknesses. Asuka probably does work well with someone who can do some shooting.
Cammy first Asuka 2nd
I mainly use cammy to build meter using her normals and then switch to Asuka to do damage/pressure w/ Upkick/Oniki/Leg Cutter/etc combos. I use the meter for EX Falling Rain as an antiair, and if im close to killing i go for Cross Art.
I’d also like to recommend Jin or Kazuya as a partner for her. Kazuya has no problem getting in… ever… and Jin’s got some pretty annoying zoning capabilities on top of plenty of options to rush down.
With Jin/Asuka, I’m conflicted about the order. On one hand, Jin has a much easier time approaching and better footsies, and he can play a somewhat annoying zoning game, requiring the other character to come to you (and to Asuka). On the other hand, Jin takes advantage of meter way better; Asuka’s BNB requires no meter at all, I’d probably only spend it on EX Exorcisor to get through projectiles or EX upkicks on wakeup. Jin’s best combos require meter, namely the EX double fireballs after his special step uppercut, so Asuka seems better as a battery. Thoughts?