Who do you use with Asuka? Do you use her first or second?

I’m running Rolento/Asuka. Got any ideas for team combos?

Yo. Asuka/Hugo is cheap. After his ex lariat combo you can go into high/low mixups and do some cheap resets.

Edit; OMG the damage this team can do for only one bar is crazy!

Definitely, still I think it’s kind of silly that Hugo does such ridiculous damage on his own, my tag cancels to Asuka end up being pretty much the same numbers as they would be if I just finished the Hugo combo.
For 2 bars> jdHP>cMP xx qcb+LP>cMP xx qcf+LK>sLK xx qcb+MP>qcf+3K = 630
Also 2 bars> jdHP>cMP xx qcb+LP>cMP xx qcf+KK xx Tag cancel>Asuka jHP>sHK xx dp+HK>jHK>sHK xx qcb+HK>cHK = 633 and a little meter.

If you’ve got some good stuff I’d love to hear it.

here’s some of the stuff I’ve been doing…

After Ex Lariat combo(resets)

Tag cancel, (delay)cross up>empty, c.LK, s.MK, cMP, BNB <-- over 750 damage and you build half a bar back.

TC, (Delay) Ambiguous j.H into BNB

TC, High/Low, Overhead into BNB

I can go on forever but I’m sure you got it.

You know what… What’s with Asuka/Lili? Has anyone even bothered to see how they work together? I mean… they are secret lovers after all. lol

They actually work pretty well together. Lili gets in somewhat easily and has good buttons walk-speed. Couple of solid ways to wall bounce for showy combos too.

Biggest issue is probably team that health is very low.

Well all the females characters have low health besides julia. Surprisingly she has 1000 HP. That’s the highest I’ve known any female fighter to have besides R. Mika, but Asuka does have a good 950 along with Poison. But with the health meter, I don’t think those should be considered viable cons because like I said before, 99% of the female cast has health under 1000, which is considered ‘not low health’.

yeah i think lili/asuka can work pretty well
but i think your asuka should be able to function without using meter because lili imo really needs it more
i didn’t really get into tag combos with them but i don’t see why you can’t go from asuka to lili pretty easily going the other way is a mystery to me

and makoto had 1000hp for a short period of time

Yeah, for a short period of time. They took it away for power and speed to make her a better character.

My Asuka isn’t godlike yet so I only use meter for her EX reversal or to end a BnB I learned that grabs the opponent in the air and slams them down. I don’t know if I can use the normal grab for that one yet, but I’ll try. Edit: Nope, can’t do it.

I’m using Xiaoyu/Asuka. I have a bit of trouble getting in, but the general idea is get in with Xiaoyu, tag into Asuka, and pressure. They work kinda well together, but i’ve been having problems with turtle characters.

Asuka needs that HP. I’ve been having alot of success just playing her like a bully.

Also, using a speed gem to try and help with footsies.

My basic plan is use a character that gets in easy like Juri ( :slight_smile: ) then do a tag combo for big damage and a knockdown, then abuse the fact that Asuka deals with tech rolls well. If they guess wrong on the oki mixup, you have won the round.

What do you use on tech rolls? Jump back HP?

Also, if you’re still interested in figuring Julia out, Combofiend is apparently playing her now. I’m sure he’ll come up with some good tech.

Well, last character Combofiend picked up, he got his tech from me. :slight_smile:

I have two main strategies I’m using right now. I’m still troubleshooting and working stuff out, so I’m not gong to say much more right now.

Oh, rad. Which character was that? Sorry, I don’t really know who you are.

Nova, and more specificaly the Nova/Spencer combo.

Ah, I would’ve thought that was all him since it’s similar to his She-Hulk/Spencer stuff. Or the Spencer assist into dizzy/crumple part, anyway.

Well, he credited me on stream and twitter.

That was one hell of an ego boost.

You Serious Ve he got that from you
and to think I met this guy while randomly playing SSF4

I must say, that is entirely awesome.

You were playing SF4, i was just getting wailed on by Sagat.