Who do you use with Asuka? Do you use her first or second?

I mix match teams a lot, but I like to run Julia, Poison and Sakura with Asuka, Julia can punish for 500+ with 1 bar to Asuka and compete vs a lot of the cast with her normals and Sakura provides all the tag opportunities for Asuka and Poison’s just a strong point with her normals and fireballs and she’s the most fun of the 3 IMO.

Am I the only Asuka/Lili player? ;_;

I ran that team for the first few months of the game, it’s a pretty bad team, especially when Asuka is on point, you really should never put Asuka on point, she has one of if not the worst neutral game in SFxT, I just don’t think it’s a good team, the only benefit I can see with this team is that Asuka can provide a vortex for Lili with her falling rain tag cancel, but that’s all the team really has going for it.

I know its a really crappy team, but I have too much character loyalty to drop this team. I don’t feel comfortable using Asuka with another character for some reason. I keep seeing people run the same Juri/Asuka team everyday.

Up to yourself, I’ve seen worst teams :P.

Juri is really really good with Asuka, definitely one of her better partners.

I’ll just stick with the difficult team. I do manage with them, but certain teams completely blow me up like bison/vega. characters like chun, ryu, and gief are difficult to fight.

Still running Juri x Asuka all day, every day and I figured I’d drop all the synergy I’ve found…

Safe tags

Asuka > Juri

  • Onikubigari

Juri > Asuka

  • None

Safe-ish tags (loses to Alpha Counters)

Asuka > Juri

  • Thunderfall Kick (First hit)
  • Cancan + ex-cancan (first hit)
  • ex-Onikubigari (first hit)

Juri > Asuka

  • hk.senpusha (mid-screen only)
  • ex.senpusha

Tag-cancel opportunities

Asuka > Juri

  • Thunderfall Kick (first hit, leads to full AA combo on hit, safe pressure on block)
  • cancan (kind of useless unless using as a safe tag)
  • onikubigari (leaves opponent standing unless used in a juggle, can lead to full AA combo as a juggle)
  • falling rain (super charge opportunity, extremely hard to time T.T)

Juri > Asuka
-mk/hk/ex senpusha (leads to jump-in combo on hit, overhead/throw/jump-in/crossup on block)
-hk.fuhajin (leads to f+lk xx f+lp on hit)
-close.hk (first hit, leaves opponent standing for ground combo followup)

Tag AA combos

Juri > Asuka
cr.hp xx jump cancel > j.hp > cl.hp xx hk.fuhajin [TAG] f+lk xx f+lp > st.hk xx onikubigari > cr.hk
503 dmg

  • can replace onikubigari for falling rain for slightly less damage and an oki setup

Asuka > Juri
f+lk xx f.lp > st.hk xx onikubigari [TAG] cr.hp xx jump cancel > j.hp (delayed) > j.mk > cl.hp xx lk.senpusha
454 dmg

Max Damage cross-rushes

Juri > Asuka
j.hk > cr.hp xx lk.fuhajin release > fs.mp xx cr.hp xx launcher > cr.mp xx onikubigari > st.mk xx falling rain > cr.hk
407 dmg
-final cr.hk can be left out for oki opportunities

Asuka > Juri
j.hp > st.mp xx st.lp xx launcher > cr.hp xx jump cancel > j.hp > cl.hp xx lk.senpusha
448 dmg

Relaunch combos

Juri > Asuka
Launcher > f+lk xx f+lp > Launcher
294 dmg

  • must run-cancel the f+lk for max height of the launcher whiffs

Asuka > Juri
Launcher > cr.hp xx jump cancel > j.hp > launcher
340 dmg

I’m using a mix of many teams now. Ryu/Asuka, Juri/Asuka, Heihachi/Asuka, and Guile/Asuka. I’m having problems with juri, but other than that I have no problems.

Heihachi/Asuka doesn’t really sound like a strong team, Heihachi is quite similar to Asuka (except million times better D: )

If you’re having problems using or fighting Juri feel free to hit me up, I think we may have played a few times.

Just always keep in mind, Juri’s a hooooooor

Fergus salty cause he can’t srk AA:o

Oh shit! :wow:

Alrighty… i will give this game another try… idk why but it seems for SF4 and SFxT it takes me 3 times to begin to truely like these games…

I usually keep her second.

on psn?

yep. Though it’s honestly easier to get ahold of me in the irc chat.

How do you guys feel about guy / asuka. Off the top off my head I can’t think of any damaging grounded chains > launcher. But he has strong decent tag combos off air tatsu. He also has good approaching and pressure game to complement asuka.

You could just call it team hard knockdown

Would probably work pretty well, guy has no issues getting in and I can see him being able to capitolize off asuka’s juggles with izuna

Hwoarang or Sakura/Asuka allday, using her second until I know how to fully get in with her

I can answer this one. You don’t get in with her. :smiley: