Alright my tier list… first off I agree with whoever (i can’t remember who said it) about I think tier’s depend a bit on the person and definately what groove makes a huge difference. Secondly my list is probably going to look a bit different because I don’t use any grooves with roll. Here’s my list and after I’ll try and explain all as much as possible
1. Nakoruru
2. E Honda
3. Sagat (only if extremely good user or ratio 2)
4. Athena
5. Todo
6. Zangief
7. King
8. Morrigan
9. Guile
10. Rugal
Additionals that should probably be included but I’ve yet to play any really good users (these are not in order):
Blanka, Sakura, Kyo, Yamazaki, Rolento, Balrog/Vega, Cammy, Vice
On to my explanations:
1. Nakoruru: Anyone like myself that uses P Groove or K Groove knows how much a pain this girl is. I’ve seen her tear up A groove users as well which put her over the top for me. Her low/high game is just to good against P and K groove and then to see her put up a fight against an A groove was just scary.
2. E. Honda (Blanka): Okay maybe I’m a little biased since he’s one of my favorite characters. I do think he’s top tier though. In this I’ll also explain why perhaps Blanka didn’t make my top tier list. It could be because I almost always have E. Honda on my team in P Groove and either the Blanka user just wasn’t good enough or E. Honda can tear Blanka up. E. Honda can tear almost anyone up in fact. The only people he has any trouble with is shotos and in P groove you can just sit it out and let them come to you eliminating that threat. Blanka I think could be next to E. Honda but I haven’t seen a good enough Blanka player. I would say if anything the two are very much equal.
3. Sagat: Okay probably the reason I’m going to get flamed… In P Groove I rarely loose to him as a ratio one unless the person is incredible with him… the reason he made the list besides to avoid getting entirely flamed is because he’s usually the ratio 2 if he’s on the squad. I only use P and K and the occasional S and it really makes Sagat less a threat. As the ratio 2 though unless I get lucky and its my Honda against him (who I use as a ratio 2) he can typically beat me with about half his life left.
4. Athena: For me at least Athena is definately top tier. She’s hard to parry and between her teleport, command throw, and dragon punch she’s very hard. It could be because I don’t use any really long range people nor do I use C,A, or N grooves to move in with roll but I think she’s top tier.
5. Todo: At first I thought my friend (who taught me how to play) was joking when he said Todo was great. I’m pretty sure at the time he was too. Now we know his power and in K-Groove Todo is a dominating force against anyone except perhaps Nakoruru (since she can hop on her bird to avoid his super). This was then confirmed when Todo appeared time and time again at the Showdown in the South Tournament.
6. Zangief: Okay I know I’m biased her because after E. Honda and Zangief is my favorite character but he really is good. In P and K groove like someone mentioned he’s a definite threat. Eliminating long range attacks means it is going to be a close range battle against one of the most powerful close range characters in the game with both supers doing devastating damage and the second one is an anti air… that’s big red for you.
7. King: She is weak yes but her combos easily make up for it. She can definately play with the top players.
8. Morrigan: I hate fighting Morrigan she scares me. She can just change a fight so quickly if you slip up. She’s kinda like the hybrid of Athena and Sakura (IMO)
9. Guile: With some of the strongest and most varied regular attacks in the game he’s powerful. He’s also got great air throws and ground throws to stop most rollers. Then he has his two specials which are wonderful for zoning people out. He can once zone people out do insane combos. Also his level 3 super does an insane amount of damage. Even when blocked it takes about 25% of most characters life.
10. Rugal: One reason… style. No really its his command throw… it does great damage and most don’t know how to stop it so you can do it two or three times. Then his supers are great. Granted his kick one is just decent but his punch one particularly at level 3 is incredible. It can change a fight instantly taking about 50% of a character’s life even if Ratio 2.
Characters I don’t know enough about to call top tier but probably should be:
Sakura: I’ve only played her once and it was an even fight but I’ve heard so much about her I’m guessing the person wasn’t trying (since I’m not that good)
Kyo: From what I hear his A-Groove is insane although I’ve never once seen anyone use it. I hear he has the most powerful CCs in the game.
Yamazaki: I’ve only used him like twice and have never fought against him. His moves are incredibly strong and if I had a chance to see some fights I’d probably put him in the list somewhere.
Rolento, Cammy, Balrog/Vega: Wish I have seen more of him so I can say he’s top tier but so far I’ve just heard about him and seen him in some casual play. He’s impressive much more so than the other speed demons like Cammy and Balrog/Vega in my opinion. Definately at least one of these speed demons should be in the top tier list - I just haven’t seen enough to say which.
Vice: I’ve never seen people really use her but that grab is scarry so if there was someone out there who can use her really well I could only imagine the possibilities that command grab has.
*These are all from what I’ve seen and I’m sure people will disagree and probably with good reason. All I ask is you explain or better yet show videos (particularly of some of those characters I haven’t seen much of like Yamazaki and Kyo)