Rock’s High Counter does stuff RCs. If anyone got that predictable I wouldn’t hesitate to switch over and abuse the High Counter the moment I saw blanka take off.
Wow, you must be the best. Crack countering every single blanka ball I do on reaction! I’m scared now… I’m never going to do blanka balls again (or even bother mixing it up by just poking or going low with a slide instead).
Try high countering my RC ball at point blank to sweep range. Then tell me whether or not you can counter the moment everytime you see blanka take off then.
edit: I see you play Rock K-groove my friend. Why wouldn’t you just JD the ball then run up sweep instead? Probably does more damage and you get meter to boot too.
My apologies, I didn’t mean to imply that I use the counters Kcxj…
The High Counter is just an option (the Rising Tackle being another), and I only use it on slower RCs… I just meant that if it was predictable, I would use them.
It probably isn’t possible for a human being to do in the first place to high counter that close…
Let’s just say it was figurative.
Typically I do as you mentioned in your edit… But I prefer his jab to strong hardedges over a run up sweep, I find them safer and faster, and arguably better recovery.
Besides, Rock’s name shouldn’t have even been mentioned on this Thread in the first place. He’s good, but not Top Tier.
Hehe… I knew what you meant in the first place. I should be the one apologizing actually. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a sarcastic dick when I post in these forums that’s all. Yeah, the counter stops an RC. I just wouldn’t use it as a direct counter (Use move A to stop move B etc…). But… if the opponent you’re playing really is a total idiot (horribly predictable) then hell yeah, abuse this move like there’s no tomorrow then obviously :lol:.
Is it just me, or do these hypothetical matches get really lame? This isn’t necissarily directed at either of you (Hellion, or KCXJ). But Rock-Sama, coming in here and telling us how your Rock will master a Blanka being played some very seasoned veterans here on the board is deplorable. I see this happening everywhere, and though this certainly isn’t the worst case, it’s one that needs to be adressed none-the-less. Everyone has a counter for everything, there is no move in this game that will leave you 100% same all the time, the question is whether or not you are able to apply your characters strengths to your opponents weaknesses effectively and consistantly. To come in here and tell some of the strongest gamers around that 2 years of experience wasn’t enough to tell that Blanka, who is generally accepted as being one of the two strongest characters in the game (Sagat, being the other) shouldn’t be considered top-tier, and that Rock will cut him up, is ludacris, to say the least. Rock has some nice options, he can punish Blanka, but so can everyone (I think :p). All told, he just doesn’t belong among the power-houses of the game.
Just a thought that I’ve had after the fact (completely unrelated to my last post). What is it that keeps Rugal from being considered a top-tier? He seems to have all of what it takes to make a powerful character: High vitality (second highest group in the game, according to JChens’ GameFAQs guide :)), decent projectiles, good anti-air, damaging and varied supers, high-damaging normals… and yet nobody even considers him for top-tier lists. What is it that holds him back from being considered a true monster in this game? (I think I’m going to make a new thread on this in the general forum, but I want to get some input here, to see if there is some blatantly obvious reason for which he isn’t :p)
1 word- priority. he doesn’t have much. he’ll be outpoked by the rest of the top tiers anyday. that’s not to say he can’t be good, but it is a major problem.
any for whoever said dhalsim was top tier… go dload xerocrew’s cammy tactics vid (really old), it shows cammy stuffing his long range pokes with her crouching fierces and lp.
I believe k-rock can hang with many of the top characters, including blanka and sagat, im not saying he is as good or on their level, but I am saying it is a matchup to where your like “aw…im screwed, he isn’t as good and i can’t win.” His c.rh is a VERY good poke in my experience, and if you jd blanka’s/sagat’s poke, it will either hit, or they will block it and take them out of the poking range they probably prefer to be in.
k-morrigan is really working out for me as well. I know that she isn’t low tier for sure, I just want to know if she is in the top of the middle tier, because in k-groove…she seems to have everything but a great poke [im not naive, i know that in order to be top tier you have to have a good or godly poke]. she can use her dp or s.rh as an anti-air, her run/flight serves as a hellacious small jump, its quicker and comes at you from a better angle, and will lead to a knockdown due to easy combo capabilities. To me it seems that she has one of THE best rushdowns in the game…maybe that is just my stupid ass talking, but i want yall’s opinions.
other honorable mentions in k-groove: kyo, hibiki, sakura
K Morrigan is definetly a solid character. If you play someone who isn’t used to fighting her you can rape them very easily.
Oh and btw S.Strong is a GODLY poke, it’s got speed and range. Not much damage but it’s bufferable into her fireball, which was very effective before RC but still good.
C/S.Forward stuffs almost everything at the right range.
sorry i took so long to reply. ok lets get a few things straight. i didnt crawl out of the garbage a few minutes ago, ive been playing this game as much as most everyone else here so Ill go ahead and eat my "give me an attack with blanka and Ill tell why it wont work against rock. " there, see i know that blanka does very well against most character but i honestly believe that rock has the advantage over blanka in many ways, i know the masses will laugh at me or what not so let me just say that blanka is top tier BUT rock will kick his ass. ridicule! go ahead .since just about everyone that hasnt fought against a good rock howard player with their blanka will disagree and it will only end up as a childish “mine is better than yours” debate so let me just wish all of the blanka players that replied to me, i hope all of you go on and become world champions of cvs2 and maybe even meet voltron and befriend gregory( from southpark:D ) but when you go to your local arcade and some guy using rock beats your blanka, i hope you say, “hey. that ‘rock-sama’ lad was right, drat!” :evil:
I was pointing out that you came in here and said that Blanka was not a top-tier… and I didn’t say that Rock was a bad character, or that Blanka would always beat him… all I said was that Blanka is generally considered an overpowered character. I think that it can be agreed that in a match between Rock and Blanka, with both players being of equal skill, Blanka is likely to come out on top (not to say thar Rock couldn’t win, but I’d only give him 20%-30% total win rate).
How universal should a character be in order to be considered top tier? I mean, I’m damned scared of Sakura, but only if she’s in A-groove…does this qualify her for a top tier ranking? Character like Sagat and Blanka seem to dominate no matter the groove. Should groove play a role in tiers or not? Also, i find my list varries depening what groove i’m playing against. Versus K and P I’d prefer Sagat to Cammy, but Cammy rather than Sagat against C. How much should this factor weigh in?
Anyways, my tier list
(non-groove specific)
- Sagat, Blanka, Cammy (i can’t pick one)
- Yamazaki
- Vega, Chun Li, Iori
- Everyone else
- Kyosuke…poor kyosuke, at least you ruled in project justice.
i didnt take anything personal…
anyway who is considered the worst char. in the game? (maybe i should start a thread…) in my opinion, i dont consider maki practical or of any use? in any groove…
i’d say it matters to the person who plays the game to me top tier are terry joe kim ryu king maki and rugal everyonw else is secondary if nothing at all
shhhhhhhhhh…before u get flamed by a bunch of angry SRK members.
im going to try not and flame and just say that I don’t agre with…not one of your…umm…“canidates” for top tier.
suk or srk don’t care those are the characters who i think are top tier because those are the characters i am good with and characters i like to use
ultimately, the better player will win regardless of character choice in this game unless your a mvc2 player… you ll need sentinel to win because the character is that powerful, this is a good game (cvs2) because a sagat can still lose against a nakoruru if the player is better. any who…( <—doesnt want to type anymore… )
and i can still RC into my slumber attack
The purpose of top tier lists isn’t to establish the only characters that CAN win battles but the characters that have the easiest time doing so, disregarding skill of the user. For example, i love using Ken and i’m fairly good with him, but he’ll never be top tier. He will win me matches, and i’ll have fun playing with him, but, purely from a gameplay point of view, he isn’t as strong as Sagat. Will any Sagat beat any Ken every time? Of course not. It all comes down to skill. But when equally skilled players fight eachother, the characters they use make a huge differnece in the outcome of the match, thus creating tiers.
Sagat -
He has some of the strongest pokes in the game (c. fierce, s. forward, c. forward, s. short) along with great stamina. This makes him low risk character. His hugely prioritized j. rh gives him dizzy potential while trading with anti-airs because of his stamina and dizzy meter. He can connect his supers easily off c. fierce, c. forward, and has some of the most powerful super cancels in C-groove. He has safe supers (tiger raid and low tiger shot) which can come out of his roll (which is one of the best rolls in the game, 4 frame recovery). He has generally safe moves to get in on you (tiger knee if you wanna do it quick), and s. forward (if you wanna back em in the corner gradually). He has crazy mindgames off his low recovery moves, such as blocked tiger knee, super low tiger shot, tiger raid because of his invincible Tiger Uppercut. Speaking of which, he has on the best anti-airs in the game (if not the best) because of its invincibility, difficulty to parry or just defend, and damage. He can also chip safely is time or life is running down (c. fierce xx super low tiger shot). Finally, he has a great crossup short, which leads into a GREAT bread and butter combo he has, which is basically, s. jab x 2-3 xx super or tiger knee. Oh i forgot, he also has great kick throw which does HUGE damage, even to higher ratio characters. He is NO DOUBT one of the best in the game.
Blanka -
He is IMO not as good as Sagat. He still has great abusable pokes (c. forward, c. fierce, slide, s. rh, s. strong), but being a charge character, he can’t capitalize of them in the same way Sagat can. He is limited by his charge, both in supers and specials. He does have the bread and butter of c. short, s. jab xx super or fierce ball, but that happens more off a crossup (something planned) not some random poke (which Sagat and other characters can do. Speaking of which, he has one of the most abusable crossups in the game (j. forward) which can lead to many other crossups, which can lead to guard breaks and supers or just mere frustration which can make the opponent fuck up and lose his focus. This is a thing I would like to mention that IMO is very unique to Blanka. Blanka is a VERY frustrating character. He alone possesses this frustration factor to annoy even the most hardened players. He also makes annoying sounds when he hits you, just like Storm. He has one of the (if not THE) best anti-air supers in the game at LVL3, because it kills crossups, although the downside is that it’s so easily parried, JF’ed because it’s only 1 hit. Blanka’s jumping rh is VERY abusable since it has such high priority. Adding to this his very high and fast jump, he can quickly cover ground to punish fireballs and such. He also has good anti-air in the upward ball because instead of being like a traditional anti-air and doing it deep, it’s easy to perform and so it usually connects when the jumper is in midjump, and so many times they don’t expect it and get hit, even if they are using C-groove (air block) or P/K (parry). Blanka’s fierce throw is also very good for taking a lot of damage, even higher ratios (just like Sagat’s kick throw).
continued later…