top tiers
Blanka?! Blanka! top tier? good char. but top tier he is not, sorry guys but Blanka sucks limp dick to Rock and Nako. nako owns blanka in the air and she is faster.
top tiers
Blanka?! Blanka! top tier? good char. but top tier he is not, sorry guys but Blanka sucks limp dick to Rock and Nako. nako owns blanka in the air and she is faster.
top tiers
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
It seems to me that Blanka/Sagat/Cammy are the undisputed top tiers. I mean even Capcom toned DOWN their damage in CvS2 EO.
In terms of vitality, Capcom toned UP Kyosuke and Yun. That seems logical.
In terms of damage, Capcom toned UP Zangief, Vice, Kyosuke, Maki and EAGLE. All of them seem to belong there except Eagle.
Does Capcom think Eagle’s low tier??
What are your thoughts to this??
My thoughts? I think they should put out an arcade revision of CvS2 with those same adjustments so that it’ll be more varied/balanced and regain interest, just like they did with some of their older games. I sure as hell would like to see some Yuns and Kyosukes in serious play. :bluu:
I think C-groove Eagle is close to being one of the top tiers…he has many good links, good upclose and long range pokes, a decent anti air, counters, a fast roll, does good damage, and a super that is very easy to combo into.
although his special moves are crappy, his good pokes makes up for the specials. Eagle’s links are easy and can easily combo into the qcfx2=punch super. Eagle’s definetly close to being top tier.
I agree…I’ve been an Eagle player since the game first came out and still am. I still feel he don’t get the credit he deserves. As good as he is in A, he’s still very good in C.
Since RCs are NOT invincible in EO, and with the changes you mentioned, how would the tiers change from the arcade version?
top tiers
Dis guy must be smoking dope for him to say Blanka isnt top tier.
Even without RC’s, P-groove, or JD, Hibiki can still own up fireball characters really bad. Against Ryu, Hibiki doesn’t even need run at all (also a keep in mind a good Ryu will rush against Hibiki anyway). All Hibiki needs to do is slowly advance forward until she’s in the sweet spot range where FB’s for Ryu aren’t safe anymore. QCF+HP will go under hadokens, Hibiki can jump in easily if a FB does come, or Hibiki can just harrass with d.HP or d.MP a lot.
Although you said at least 25% of the characters in the game have FB, about 90% of them don’t have any answer to Hibiki’s jump-ins. If I’m Chun-li, I know better than to try to challenge Hibiki’s jump-in HK with my own d.HK etc… Ryu can’t DP Hibiki’s j.MP that well either. In fact, if anybody ever tries to throw a FB from full screen, Hibiki can actually, on reaction, do super jump MP, d.LP xx QCF+MP for a three hit combo more often than not. Obviously, everything I wrote is not 100% set in stone… there are exceptions (athena, morrigan etc…), but in general Hibiki should have no problems against FB’s whatsoever.
Ryu smokes Hibiki up close. d.MP patterns, jabs, sweeps, HP’s. Once Ryu gets a knockdown, and Hibiki doens’t have parry, jd, or rc… nevermind, it’s all over. Hibiki is either forced to block everything (especially when Ryu’s in a run groove) and gets guard broken, or get hits alot and becomes dizzy. It’s at that sweet spot range where Hibiki controls the match the most. Anything closer than that is when Ryu has the advantage.
Once Ryu gets in, he wins. It’s getting in that’s the hardest part in the first place :). Not easy at all. So Hibiki wins this match up for the most part imo.
If Ryu throws a jab FB from far away, just jump straight up. He’s trying to bait you to jump at him (so he can aa you), that’s why he throws it in the first place.
Anyway, my point is… Hibiki definately does not need RC’s in order to win this match. Just zone like a mofo (don’t ever let Ryu get close). FB’s shouldn’t be a problem at all if you play right.
Edit: Played Ryu in a local tourney yesterday. One of the Hibiki players was beating my far s.HK anti-air with j.MP actually. The sword would poke me in the eyes, while my foot just sort of whiffed underneath her. Pretty stupid… If anybody cares, one of my happy friends taught me that walk slightly forward while Hibiki is still in the air, then d.HP is actually more reliable for Ryu in this match-up. It neutralizes the cheap angle at which Hibiki’s j.MP comes in.
Re: top tiers
:lol: :lol: :lol:
ok ok fine putting a bullshit aside, a decent rock howard in any grov. that goes against a "better" blanka(ex. K or p) will have a very hard time winning and a good rock any grov. will have a greater advantage over blanka any grov. simply because rock has more options to punish... d.fierce is very predictable.
and i dont smoke dope
Well as for top tiers i dont wanna post mine cuz its never right :bluu: my top tier team is Akuma/Balrog/BisonR2
This team does everything and can beat everyone…
Akuma just owns everyone but sometimes hibiki gets in the way…akuma has wicked chain combos leading to bigger CC’s
Balrog stops players like hibiki with his long fierce…His roll is my fave move…roll, fierce gets most fireballers
Bison just has the ultimate CC so if you can pull that off youve won…now lets hear the abuse
2 quick things,
If “options” is all you need to be top tier then Dhalsim is god tier too. I’d take 2 great moves over 7 average ones any day. And classic, how you pitted Rocks entire offensive repitoire against Blanka’s cr. fierce and then said Rock would win.
Thats what I was fixing to say lol, that only leaves me with the anti air blanka ball, df fierce, back roundhouse, crouching strong, standing roundhouse, well you get the picture. Blanka has alot more in the arsenal to take Rock down.
I understand not very many have seen a rock howard played well but a jumping jab will stop an anti-air blan. ball any day and most of his moves for that matter, and the guy that said “ROCK’s entire arsenal…” buddy… you dont know the half of it… most people dont use him Because of depth… dhalsim? whatever…:rolleyes:
and standing roundhouse?? how far has that gotten you? are u just naming attacks or what? Rock has an anti-crossover and the most effective round house in the game so what do you do with your blanka when you cant even jump in? give me an attack with blanka and Ill tell why it wont work against rock. (all this is being stated on a N. Rock)
but i will admit that rock will have trouble with a good sagat player. by the way im not talking trash so just consider this… try it out.
What does Rock do against RC electricity? Does J.Jab beat that? What about Blanka C.Forward? How about OC.Fierce slide? How about Short jump Fierce?
You just said a Rock jumping jab will beat an anti-air Blanka ball. Either the Blanka you’ve played against are really really bad or you’ve never even played this match-up before (you’re just going by theory fighter). Either way, any Blanka with some common sense will just j.HP or regular RC ball instead. But since you brought it up, a deep upball does beats Rock’s jump jab clean last I checked.
Outside of K or P groove, Rock has a tough time against any decent Blanka IMO. He can’t even consistently punish the ball without having to use a level 1.
Thanks that basically what I was gonna say, I didnt take it offensively Rock- Sama, the first comment I was just joking around. I dont mind a character debate at all, but yes Blanka’s standing roundhouse can beat Rock’s jumping jab most of the time as can the upward Blanka ball. I used to play Rock to ya know.
hey who do u all think the hardest peaple 2 beat r???
C Groove Ryo - Nothing but pures nastiness, you want to see a turtle, play a good C Groove Ryo. Does nothing but turtle, cant jump in on him, his uppercut has the highest proirity in the game that I know of. He has decent fireballs and comboable supers.
K Groove Hibiki - Takes away any weakness she may have had because of K Groove, just sit back and anti air the shit out of everything and alot of ducking jabs, shorts and fowards into qcf + p.
P Zangief - Absolute nightmare to play against, the only thing I have found for me atleast to counteract a good P Gief is K Groove Nakoruru.