Who are the top tiers in CvS 2

How isnt Yama top tier, sandkick combos, Supers are really fucking good, Excellent priority with normals and does good damage, long range, etc etc etc. Oh and I like it when people think all Athena has is df makes my job easier :lol:

You put in Athena, but forget Hibiki, whom can get around RC’ed pokes and whatnot, can turtle better than any other character in the game (IMO), a bufferable overhead that only cancels if it hits. Hell, with throw xx Custom working, I wouldn’t be surprised if you could do throw xx super with her. Sure, Athena has all her tigerknee tricks to gain meter, and a bufferable sweep (which absolutely NO ONE uses except Athena experts), but most characters can get around the Psychoball game by just jumping back, really. (Yes, Jae, I know you can teleport on reaction too, but depending on the characters jump arc, you might get hit on recovery. :()

Yama is up there because of his high zoning abilites. Plus, when he gets a super (lvl2 or lvl 3), whenever he stands right in range for his grab super, it’s a 50/50 situation. Sure, there is a magic sweet spot to get rid of s.rh, but he has slashes and sand kicks and other nifty stuff.

You put in Iori, but take out Kyo, who has BETTER RC’s and a really more powerful ground game. Against Iori, people can do fast getups after his BnB. Against Kyo, you do that against any of his combos, you eat a grab, anywhere on the screen, which sets you up for all his throw or whatever mindgames. Just watch Makoto’s P-Groove Kyo. You’d be SURPRISED.

You take out Geese, and put in Joe. How the HELL is Joe going to get around RCs? Sure, RC Crazy hands is really good, but those are one of the most inconsistent types of RCs (with Scum Gale type moves being the highest). How can Joe constantly stop being rushed with RCs? Geese has his counters that grab SUPERS and RCs. =/ Plus, Geese is a dizzy machine. He nails you once to knock you down… If he gets a crossup, automatically dizzied.

And you LEAVE OUT SAKURA? What’s wrong with you people? She is quite easily the 3rd to 6th most dominating character in the game, RC’s taken into account.

Like, if i had a stable mindset for the top 7 characters, it would probably be something like:

  1. Blanka 2) Sagat 3) Cammy 4) Sakura 5) Bison 6) Chun-Li 7) Vega/Geese

Vega/Geese arguement is due to the fact that Vega is pretty much easier to use properly than Geese.

Geese! He’s the man.

Gandido, you need to stop worrying about who the japanese players think are good.

yeah gandido stop kissing up to bas :lol:
IMO vega should be in sakura’s place

You seem to have a pretty high opinion of Sakura. I would like to know what brings that about. Where I play, there is only one Sak player, so I really don’t get to see what’s good about her.

And as the Vega/Geese debate, I offer this opinion. Geese is a better character all around and has better match-ups the majority of the time.

Vega, IMO, is really good against A-groove. Most of the time, A-groove can’t get in on Vega without wasting meter. You can’t jump in on him and rolling more often than not leads to getting thrown. However, C groove can air block to help get in, P can parry, and K can JD. Also, if you look at the next bit of characters you list, they are all playable in A-groove (Sak and Bison more specifically, but Chun and Geese as well.) so natually Vega would seem a good choice.

However, IMO Geese is just as good a character, and the fact that he gets to rush down a lot makes him a better choice in a lot of match-ups. This could just be my opinion, but rushing down seems better than turtling in CVS2.

Servbotrolltrap: I made the switch from Iori to Kyo, and I’m having hella better results. I make the whole japanese comment because the game is based around RC, and I evolved into that manner over here. I forced the only other two guys that use roll grooves over here to RC. Guess it’s just the way it is =/ If you want to contrast my view of characters vs. what the japanese think, go right ahead. I’ll start by helping you with two things:

  1. Japanese don’t have Yamazaki in the top tiers
  2. Japanese don’t have Vega in the top tiers

So I’m not just speaking for the japanese, because hey, I’m not. But that IS my opinion, overall. And another thing: If the japanese players have been more consistent overall in getting in the wins, why WOULDN’T I focus more on their part than on the US part? It’s not like there is much influence from anything other than vids over here in Puerto Rico. The only random US connection we get is when Sage randomly drops down here to show us wtf is going on in the states. If I had a choice, I’d STILL focus more on the japanese players. That’s just the way I operate. Sorry if its to your dismay, but that’s me.

FluffyXXL: Extremely good RCs. Dive kick. s.rh. Crossup forward. RC fierce fireball is a monster in the corner, she recovers in time to throw you if you roll out on reaction. Only ways out are to roll on prediction or to jump out really early. Her dive kick has WAYYY too much priority, plus you can use it as a mixup game after a knockdown. Her RC RH hurricane kick is really powerful, and if they can crouch it, use the forwardone. And if you’re too far away, you can just randomly mash s.rh, lol. Also, she has a real good throw, distance and damage wise, plus the fact that they can’t quickrise after is really good. Combo into custom is REALLY easy. Hit a low short, low jab, and kiss out 9500 damage. Gets around P/K groove with her custom and the rest, maybe not C to its full extent, with her RCs.

Sage: I love you too :slight_smile: I don’t think Vega should be where Sakura is. Maybe where Bison is, but that’s iffy. The only Vega I always end up playing against is Mario’s. I need variety to be able to judge differently.

I guess I just took it out on you. Cuz all these people that play are such fuckin biters. If the Japanese started playing S-groove Maki, everyone over here in the US, and everyone on SRK would think Maki is the best and S-groove is her best groove. I mean look at the C-groove trend. Before the japanese started playing it, NO ONE in the world played C-groove, everyone was either A, N, or K. Now I see videos of John Choi playing C-groove, I thought this guy was hardcore N groove. So it just pisses me off, that we have so many damn followers. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.

Yes, I understand all the stuff that makes her good, but how does she deal with Sagat, Blanka, Bison, Cammy, etc. Especially Sagat, Blanka and Cammy, seeing as how those are probably the most commonly played characters.

bump j00

Hey what about Kim? Hes got to at least be upper tier. He can destory Sagat at times. Don’t know so much about Blanka though as I always have a tough time with him. Blanka is top tier though, though you do need to know how to play as him like any other charecters. Scrubs see Blanka dominating then pick him & get beat.

Kim top tier :confused:

Everyone has their opinions, but the tiering is changing a bit…

Blanka and Sagat will always be top tier… but in teh beginning, guys like vega who were top tier are now considered upper mid tier. A- Rolento went up the latter for a bit, but is now a mid tier char. Bison was always up there… but IMO, he should be #2 over sagat cause of his A groove and his multiple setups for it. Sakura went from very middle-lower tier right up to top 5 if tyou ask me simply cause of her A-groove and her decent RC’s… maybe not so much over here right now, but its fuckin scary in japan. Yama i think got pushed back a bit.


  1. Blanka
  2. A-Bison
  3. Sagat
  4. Sakura
  5. Chun
  6. Cammy
  7. Yama
  8. A-Iori
  9. Geese
  10. Vega maybe


It’s pretty obvious that Blanka and Sagat (in alphabetical order) are the top two characters in the game. If you want to try to rank beyond that, you’ll run into a lot of problems.

I read a post by JChensor a while back that made a lot of sense to me. To paraphrase, he said that it’s really hard to tier in CVS2 because you don’t need to beat every character down, you need to be able to “get the job done.” By that, he meant that if you can go in with a sub-tier character, and score 80%+ damage, it makes it that much easier for your next character to go in, finish the job and probably get most/all of you life back for the next fight, making it even. Now, because pretty much all characters can go in and get the job done, it becomes really hard to say which ones are good or not. It generally comes down to which anchor you pick and his match-ups against your opponents anchor. This isn’t always true however, because not everyone plays R1, R1, R2.

There are exceptions to the rule. Any character who can dish out an amazing amount of damage easily as an R1 is definitely better than normal. (IMO, this is why A-groove is good is because R1s can do more than normal damage with CCs) For example, A-Sakura, A-Bison, A-Geese, and A-Todo all have CCs that can be comboed easily and that end with a lot of quick hits, thus making their CCs more damaging for an R1 because the damage won’t scale down below 100 points. If you want to do the math, compare the proportion of damage that the characters do from R1 to R2, and then compare that with the amount of damage that the R1 can do with a CC, and you’ll find that proportion to be better.

It is also hard to rank some characters because of the different grooves. Some grooves work better against some characters than would others. Example: Cammy. She is really hard pressed to win fights against parry grooves. Parrying is really bad for her poking game, and she doesn’t have good low pokes that have the range or combo-ability of her other moves. She basically has to be really close to hit a C.Forward, and then I don’t think it will combo unless it’s a level 3 super (I could be wrong on this, so correct me if that’s so). Just defend gets to tap downback with no fear of anything against her. So what if you miss-time it. You’ll just block. These two grooves perform better against Cammy than do the other grooves.

As for the anchor battle, there are some characters that can beat Sagat and Blanka, but usually not both. Depending on the anchor of choice, you’ll do better or worse with your anchor. At this point, it all comes down to beating those two, as they’re the most common anchors.

To sum it up, CvS2 is all about your first two characters getting the job done, and then your anchor’s match-ups, with a few exceptions. Grooves also throw another variable into the situation. Sagat/Sagat/R2Blanka reigns supreme.

Here’s my list:


Prolly not in the best order but most of them are the top hitters of CvS2 imo…


so vega blank bison are top tier <-- thats my team :smiley:

Ok jump backwards I really dont care, I can either do another Psychoball until you dont jump backwards, or I can predict your going to jump backwards throw the Psychoball then imediately rush in. There are to many intangables for that to be a solid arguement. I do feel Hibiki is good but I just dont feel she is as good as Athena. It usually varies on the person, each person has an individual list on who they think is the best. I just feel Athena has to many mind games at her disposal not to mention the priority in her df, hell even sf is good to use. I still feel she is drastically underrated in K Groove as well, she still has everything she needs just no roll which really doesnt matter for most characters.

[qoute] Yama is up there because of his high zoning abilites. Plus, when he gets a super (lvl2 or lvl 3), whenever he stands right in range for his grab super, it’s a 50/50 situation. Sure, there is a magic sweet spot to get rid of s.rh, but he has slashes and sand kicks and other nifty stuff.

No arguement there, Yama is a damn machine.

[qoute] You put in Iori, but take out Kyo, who has BETTER RC’s and a really more powerful ground game. Against Iori, people can do fast getups after his BnB. Against Kyo, you do that against any of his combos, you eat a grab, anywhere on the screen, which sets you up for all his throw or whatever mindgames. Just watch Makoto’s P-Groove Kyo. You’d be SURPRISED. [/qoute]

True but Iori is still the better character, Kyo’s ground game is also harder to set up as opposed to Iori’s who are very easy to do. Iori has one of the few rolls in the game that is actually good to use and his combos are easier to pull off. Alot of Iori is just a fact that its an ease situation as to where you have to battle way to hard with Kyo. I know Kyo was the first character I used in CvS2, I still like him but Iori is better.

[qoute] You take out Geese, and put in Joe. How the HELL is Joe going to get around RCs? Sure, RC Crazy hands is really good, but those are one of the most inconsistent types of RCs (with Scum Gale type moves being the highest). How can Joe constantly stop being rushed with RCs? Geese has his counters that grab SUPERS and RCs. =/ Plus, Geese is a dizzy machine. He nails you once to knock you down… If he gets a crossup, automatically dizzied. [/qoute]

Like I said in my last post at about 10 to really 20 is pretty much a toss up, I mean you got Joe, Ken, Ryu, Geese, Rock, Sakura, Hibiki etc etc etc. So then its more of a matter of who best suits your style or what groove you play etc.

[qoute] And you LEAVE OUT SAKURA? What’s wrong with you people? She is quite easily the 3rd to 6th most dominating character in the game, RC’s taken into account. [/qoute]

True if you can RC, what you also have to remember is probably at least 75 percent of the people out there right now cant RC. Not to mention RC can be negated by either P or K groove so even thats not a sure bet. Ive said since the game came out Sakura was good but no one believed me until now. I just feel there is still better characters out there.

I also keep in mind both the Japanese and American ranked characters as well, hell if someone wanted to they could have throw Eagle into that arguement because of his abilities in A Groove.

what’s a top tier? what’s a low tier?

Your kidding right?:confused: